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Warriors: Outcasts [Casual, On-Site, RP has started!]

Warriors: Outcasts [Casual, On-Site, RP has started!]
Posted 2020-10-25 11:46:20 (edited)


Roleplay Page | Character Sheets | OOC Thread

30 years have passed since SkyClan was welcomed back into the lake territory alongside the other four clans. They fit in for so many moons, until at last a serious drought struck the five clans. Prey and herbs shriveled away, and soon thereafter, the streams that fed the clans began to dry up. RiverClan is hit the hardest, leading the water-based clan to squabble with and attack ShadowClan for more territory, so that their cats may survive and eat land prey. With ShadowClan losing their territory and thus their prey, they turn harshly towards SkyClan. The clan of darkness sides with ThunderClan and agree to split SkyClan's territory after driving the youngest clan out. 

Defeated, elderly Batstar of SkyClan follows the brightest star in the sky to lead them back home to the gorge. The journey is perilous, with many dying from wounds or attacks from hungry foxes. One of the fallen members includes Batstar, who is succeeded by his young deputy, Graystone. Uncertain, she leads her clan to what appeared to be the Gorge, the same place of exile that their ancestors once roamed. It is their only hope.

Yet, they aren't the only desperate creatures out there. Rogues frequently eye the Gorge as their own home, while hungry badgers and foxes will attempt to catch anything for dinner. SkyClan is uncertain and beaten. Are they destined to live once more in the Gorge, or had Batstar directed them to the wrong home?

...Or has StarClan completely given up on SkyClan, the outcasts of the clans?


- All Wolvden rules apply.

- This roleplay is casual. Users are expected to post at least biweekly. 

- This roleplay semi-lit. Posts should have a minimum of three sentences with at least four words each.

- Users may only have one self-ship at a time, to encourage interaction.

- Characters should be realistic. Cats do not have neon purple eyes.

- Characters should have their faults. This is a no-sue zone. c:

- Battles and fights should have a pre-determined winner, to prevent user conflict. 

- Hate the character, not the user. 

- Do NOT roleplay without approval of your character.

- Do not powerplay or control other characters that aren't owned by you.

- For character rules (info about hybrids and what have you, please see the character sheets, linked in the "directory" section at the top of this page.

- Do not make major plots without my explicit permission.

- Keep chatter in the OOC, this thread is only for roleplaying.

- This is on-site on Wolvden, not on Discord. I get enough discord pings. ;-;

- As always, rules are subject to change.



Graystar - gray and white tabby she-cat (20mia08)


open (see character sheets)

Medicine Cats:

Brightwhisper - golden tabby she-cat with light teal eyes (Tiger)

     Apprentice: Echopaw

Quailtooth - seal point and white tom (Kaido)


Lionchaser - big red tabby tom (20mia08)

Jadewhisper - tall black she-cat (Envy007)

Nectarheart - lean seal point she-cat (Echis Carinatus)

Beeclaw - seal point tom with long whiskers (Echis Carinatus)

Thrushfeather - lithe bicolor gray tabby she-cat (Emmit is Ghosting)

     Apprentice: Adderpaw

Pebbletail - stocky gray and white tom (werewolfCEO)

     Apprentice: Troutpaw

Redholly - ruddy and white tabby she-cat (rose)

Beetleclaw - hefty dark brown tabby tom (Venom Mom)

Shadowheart - tall jet-black tom (Tiger)

Pumafoot - gray and black tom with a bobbed tail (Kaido)

Nightstalker - lithe black tom (Talon)

Minkfoot - silky seal point she-cat (Arlo)

Hawkshade - mottled seal point tom (Arlo)

     Apprentice: Daisypaw

Larkpuddle - long-furred dark gray tom (Greek-boi)

Willowheart - cream and white she-cat with a long tail (KyaTessa)

Swallowfoot - thick-furred gray tabby she-cat (wren)

Deadgaze - black she-cat with long fangs (doctor)

     Apprentice: Lostpaw

Feathershine - one-eyed brown and white tabby tom (bekahboo)

Wrensong - brown she-cat with black spots (Mitsuki)

Blackfang - black she-cat (Darkliferaven)

Daylight Warriors: 

LOCKED until RP progresses!


Kestrelpaw - small sepia point she-cat (Envy007)

Troutpaw - small ginger tabby tom (Emmit is Ghosting)

Adderpaw - lithe dark brown tabby tom (werewolfCEO)

Daisypaw - small flame point she-cat (Tiger)

Dawnpaw - small gray and white she-cat (KyaTessa)

Tansypaw - white and ginger tabby she-cat (wren)

Lostpaw - white tom with a tortoiseshell tail (doctor)

Echopaw - small dilute calico she-cat (bekahboo)

Hollowpaw - brown and ginger she-cat (Mitsuki)

Shatterpaw - brown bengal tom (Darkliferaven)

Queens & Kits:

Fawnsight - lithe tortoiseshell she-cat, expecting Larkpuddle's kits (Greek-boi)


Dandelionstep - large white nonbinary cat (Mitsuki)


Posted 2020-10-25 11:46:42 (edited)

Roleplay Summary

Day 1:

Several cats have risen early. A handful of warriors go hunting to explore the territory's new boundaries, while Quailtooth the medicine cat takes an escort to find herbs. Hawkshade gathers moss for the medicine cats. The hunting party returns, while apprentices and their mentors consider locating training grounds in their new home. Brightwhisper urges Graystar to make a good choice in deputy before she and Quailtooth take Lionchaser to collect herbs. The medicine cats express their concern over the expecting queen, Fawnsight. Shadowheart, one of the hunters, suggests to Graystar that they gather warriors to set up the clan's first borders. 


Posted 2020-10-26 16:59:23

How do I create a sheet


Posted 2020-10-27 08:36:37 (edited)

Graystar | Leader | Female (she/her) | Location: Leader's den

Sleeping in a den of stones was as uncomfortable as it sounded. She longed for the comforts of the lake territories, but she understood know that those privileges were long since gone. SkyClan had gone into a mass exile. StarClan had given up on them. 

It had been their first night in the gorge. They had mourned for Batstar until dawn, up until he was buried on the cliffs that outlined the gorge, so that he could forever watch over and guide his clan. Yet, the pale tabby couldn't help but to wonder if Batstar would be denied access into StarClan. If they turned their backs on him as well, where would the old tom come to rest? I need his guidance.

Yet, she had bigger problems to concern herself with. How was she, the new leader of SkyClan as of yesterday, to gain her nine lives? If she were to find a pathway to the afterlife to commune with the ancestors, would they even listen to her? They were all very real, very reasonable concerns. He chose wrong. Graystar tucked her nose against the tip of her gray-and-white tail. Batstar picked the wrong cat.

Lionchaser | Warrior | Male (he/him) | Location: Warrior's den

Some were unhappy with the new cool and rocky sleeping quarters. 


He could sleep anywhere. 

He had little concern when it came to SkyClan's future, as he was confident that they could muscle their way through. To hell with StarClan- he would carry his clan on his back if he needed to. However, if they wanted him to hunt...well, they'd have to wait until sunhigh. He needed to catch up on his beauty sleep. SkyClan wouldn't perish overnight.

The massive ginger furball rolled onto his side with a sleepy sigh. Something had disturbed him from his sleep, likely another sharp stone digging into his side. He shifted to rediscover his comfortable sleeping position before he begged his dreams to return. It was too early for him. Lionchaser wasn't an early bird, yet at the same time, he wasn't exactly a night owl. He just...liked his sleep. 


Posted 2020-10-27 08:44:23 (edited)

Brightwhisper | Med. Cat #1 | Female (she/her) | Location: Med. Den

The gentle she-cat slipped into the medicine den, at the bottom of the gorge. Her maw carried a bundle of herbs. Brightwhisper began organizing the herbs with the ones she had brought on the journey back.

Her heart ached for poor Batstar, and the felines that died trying to protect the old camp. She'd tried to save as many as she could with the second medicine cat, but there was little they could do with Starclan fading into the background. 

She stood, looking down at her paws. Her tail tip twitched as she sighed. "Oh, Starclan. Where are you?" She asked aloud, padding back out of the den.
- - - - -
The small she-cat climbed her way up to the leader's den. She cleared her throat gently, alerting her new leader she was there as she stood in the entrance to the den.

"Graystar..? May I enter?"


Posted 2020-10-27 09:45:39

| Quailtooth | Medicine Cat | Male (He/Him) | Location: Medicine Cat Den |

Quailtooth watched as Brightwhisper(Goldenwhisper?) slipped into the den, a bundle of herbs in her mouth. He waited silently until she left, then stood up and shook his long fur. Try as he might, he couldn't seem to fall asleep. The medicine den, once a familiar home, was now a foreign place of no rest. 

He, out of habit, paced the den and checked the herb stores. Besides a few meager herbs that he had collected, and the new bundle his fellow medicine cat had brought, the stores were almost empty. With a sigh, he left the den. He purposely avoided the direction his fellow medicine cat had went, as he had to intention to chat about herbs and medicine and sick cats and how they were all doomed and Starclan help us all. 

Quailtooth instead went for a quiet walk around the camp, stopping outside the warrior's den. After some consideration, he sighed and continued his walk. He had no intention of waking anyone. He eventually nestled down a short distance away from the elders den. It wasn't comfortable, but the night air felt good to him. He curled up, resting his head on his fluffy tail.

His thoughts, of course, inevitably drifted to the past. He mourned the loss of their leader and fallen comrades. With no sleep coming for him, he instead made a mental catalogue of the herbs he would have to collect to replenish the herb stores. He had a small paranoia that if he didn't have a bundle of each herb separately, he was a failure of a medicine cat and therefore deserved to spend his days collecting the necessary herbs. 

He watched the stars with interest. Starclan seems to have abandoned us, He thought to himself, and yet the stars still shine. It was slightly soothing to watch the lights twinkle. He relaxed and laid under the stars. Though sleep would not come, he decided he could rest his mind.


Posted 2020-10-27 09:55:34

(oops thanks for catching my mistake i was originally going to name her Goldenwhisper ;3; again ty--)


Posted 2020-10-27 10:08:01 (edited)

Nectarheart | Warrior | Female (She/Her) | Location: Warrior's Den

Her dreams has been plagued by their long journey to the gorge, plagued with Bumblepaw's death and everything else that had been going on. The she-cat had long since gotten over her brother's passing, but with the stress of moving and having to figure out how to settle into the gorge, it the fore front of her nightmares. 

Nectarheart had always been a loner, but she did have a close connection with plenty of the cats that had been left behind. Batstar's death had shaken all of them, even her. This move was stressful and even though she may not want to admit it, she had to - for the sake of her sanity if nothing else. Moving, she recognized her brother's slightly longer and thinner form wrapped around hers and she sighed. 'At least he hasn't changed.' She thought, picking herself up from the cold ground they'd slept on.

Making her way out of the den, Nectarheart found a relatively sunny spot to sit. Her tail flicked and she scanned the camp. How could they be expected to settle down here? The lake territory was their home, it's where they'd grown up at and lived and made memories and now they were expected to settle down into a gorge that their ancestors had once called home and had left for a reason a well. Grooming the cold sleep from her fur, Nectarheart wondered if there was actually a place for SkyClan.

Beeclaw | Warrior | Male (He/Him) | Location: Warrior's Den

The first thing Beeclaw noticed when he woke was that his sister had left the den. Keeping his eyes closed, he pondered if anyone was ready to go out and try to bring back food. His stomach ached slightly and he knew that others would probably be just as hungry as he was.

Standing and stretching, Beeclaw made sure not to step on any of the other sleeping clan-mates and made his way out of the den. He noticed his sister - a near replica of him - but she hadn't waited for him to wake up to leave the den so she wanted to be alone. Or at least just not be around him. His fur was flattened on the side that he'd been lying on, but he only took a moment to shake his fur before he sat down and waited for the others to wake up. He wouldn't leave camp by himself and he certainly didn't want to ask Nectarheart to go with him.

Echis Carinatus

Posted 2020-10-27 10:47:48

Shadowheart | Warrior | Male (He/Him) | Location: Warrior's Den

The tall tom walked out of the warrior den, fluffing up his fur as the breeze hit him. It slowly lowered, but it didn't stop him from wishing his fur were a little thicker, especially during the chilly mornings.

He noticed the two siblings, Nectarheart and Beeclaw, sitting apart from one another. His eyebrow quirked. He said nothing of it but turned to the male sibling. "Are you waiting for someone in particular?" He asked, flicking his ears a few times before they finally rested, pinning in the seal-point's direction.

"I was going to go hunting by myself, but if you want to come along, that is fine as well. The clan needs food, especially since we started over with a bare stock." He closed his eyes and shook his head, sighing. Shadowheart's body still ached from the fighting and all the walking, but he was ready to do what it took to keep his clan healthy.


Posted 2020-10-27 11:27:39 (edited)

Graystar | Leader | Female (she/her) | Location: Leader's den

She had been hoping that it would be Lionchaser, arriving at her doorstep to offer her cheeky advice in order to lift her spirits. She did see a glimmer of gold fur when she squinted at the entrance of her den, but she noted that it was still early. No- Lionchaser would still be in "hibernation" at this hour. 

Also, the voice belonged to a female, a great a contrast to the rumbling, deep voice of her childhood best friend. "Yes, you may enter." Graystar wasn't seeking out any particular company at the moment, but considering that she was now the figurehead of SkyClan, she hadn't much of a choice. Everything just felt...different. She felt reclusive, so hopeless that StarClan had given up on her. How was she to lead her clan, when she barely knew how, especially without her ancestors to guide her? 


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