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1x1 Rp w/ Ai! (NVM THEY ALIVE)

Posted 2022-07-12 10:52:12
Hitashi could tell Grim didn't enjoy being here, so he tried to make this as quick as possible. When Grim said that he could attempt to revive the garden, he couldn't help but smile. Hitashi had always enjoyed gardening, but he was always far too busy in the shop to have time for such things. "Wait, really? Yesss-" He smiled, forgetting who he was talking to for a moment. "Uh- Sorry." He mumbled, catching his outward reaction. "I'll need to go into town to get a few things, and then I can get started tomorrow." He tried his best to remain neutral as he spoke. He knew it was getting darker, but he was excited to start work on this. His plan was to just ride out, get the items, and then ride back. It would be dark by then, but Hitashi had never really suffered from Nyctophobia(Fear of the dark). "Do you know where the nearest town is? Many vendors are still open through the night, so I'd like to go get the supplies now." He asked, keeping his gaze fixed on the ground.
Hitashi knew he needed to talk to Grim about lodgings, but he didn't want to suffer through any more awkward conversations. He'd probably just end up crashing in the stables for the night. Either that, or he wouldn't sleep. Hitashi was a bit of an insomniac, especially when he was far from home, but no one else really needed to know that. If he didn't sleep, then he didn't sleep. No one else got a say in that matter, so why bother them with it?

Ohhh- Alr! Love the 'anti-Grim club' XD ))

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-07-12 22:51:23
He quirked a dark eyebrow at the other's uneven mannerism, he couldn't force him to relax but he could at least let him know it was okay to be a little informal. "To the East there's a costal town, every civilisation is a far ways out. They don't build towards this way." He explained. The closer to Grim's estate, the more the land was 'cursed'. Maybe the people were paranoid or they were right to take precautions.
"I can request one or two people to accompany you undercover, my staff are less recognisable incognito than me." Grim offered. This matter had relevant importance to him somehow, he'd be upset if something were to happen to Hitashi right after visiting.

Prince of Amethyst

Posted 2022-07-13 14:42:47
Hitashi noticed Grim's expression, and stifled a small laugh. He wasn't too sure about taking some staff with him, and he especially didn't like the idea of being accompanied by total strangers. "I think I'll be alright, but thank you." He shook his head no and smiled softly. He could tell by the look on Grim's face that he wasn't pleased, but Hitashi had made up his mind. "I'll go get my horse, then." He dipped his head respectfully and then walked back inside, excited to begin working on this.
Should I get some hyacinth seeds? They're pretty, but they might not match very well with the estate's aesthetic. . Eh, pretty flowers are pretty flowers. He shrugged, smiling to himself. He didn't pass anyone on his way down to the stables, but he supposed that was probably a good thing. He untied his horse and mounted, trying to determine how long it might take for him to get to the alleged coastal town.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-07-14 22:15:53
Even though his offer had been rejected, his worry wasn't sated. He knew that some of his more daring and curious staff were likely close by, trying to hear or see what was going on. It was rare for an outsider to come here, even rarer for one that Grim wasn't opposed to. Grim spoke once he had some certainty that Hitashi was out of ear shoot. "One of, follow him." He ordered in a displeased tone, it seemed like he was talking to no one but there was movement in the shadows. A staff member would follow Hitashi.

Prince of Amethyst

Posted 2022-07-14 22:27:16
Hitashi mounted his horse and set off, heading straight through the front gates. He'd certainly been surprised to see Grim here, but it wasn't all bad. At least now, he wouldn't have to worry about having a grouchy old man for his employer. Then again, Grim seemed very different from the first time they'd met, and it was starting to get to Hitashi. He was having a  hard time figuring out if the man he'd known was just a part of 'Lord Messores' act.

Almost an hour later, the sun had nearly set. Hitashi had been admiring the glow of dusk through the trees, which were growing more and more abundant the further he got from the estate. He knew it was probably unwise to set off without a map, but he'd been eager to finally do something other than woodworking. He was guessing that the town could only be another few miles away, so he picked up the pace a little. Even as he rode through the vast, open woods, he could tell he wasn't alone. Not wanting to unintentionally freak himself out, Hitashi decided it must just be his paranoia getting to him.

Put in whatever you want to fill time here lol- Any sort of drama you feel we could add? :3 ))

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-07-15 08:59:09
Hmm, I have a few ideas but I don't want to keep centring all the drama onto Grim, you know ?
Another noble could try to steal Hitashi away, bribing him with more money. Rumours could start about Hitashi having a "death mark" since he's been in contact with Grim. People from a town could start getting upset that Grim's influence has been in their town at some point. I can come up with more ideas ))

Prince of Amethyst

Posted 2022-07-15 09:06:54
Oh don't worry about it- I honestly love how in-depth his character and background are! Also- I LOVE that! What if while Hitashi is in town, the people see the staff member following him, and Hitashi might even talk to the vendor about his employer, who people immediately recognize as grim. Hitashi heads back for a few days and begins work(We can put in a few fluff or funny scenes there if you want), and rumours begin to spread about Hitashi's 'Death Mark'. A different noble(Possibly a rival of Grim) could attempt to bribe him to come and work for him instead, in an attempt to vex or irritate Grim? ))
Feel free to reject or alter! ))

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-07-15 09:10:03
Thank you ! That's really reassuring. I made him a few years ago but this year is the first time I'm using him for roleplays, it's like extending a slinky(?) where I get to explore him more throughly than the information I already had for him. If that makes sense hehe.
I like all of that, it works for me ^^ ))

Prince of Amethyst

Posted 2022-07-15 09:11:44
Mmhm~! I don't normally pre-make characters, but I've had Hitashi in the books for almost a year now! And I totally understand the slinky thing lol- Hitashi has an . . unsettling amount of lore that I haven't shared yet XD
Alrighty then! Who wants to start? ^-^ ))

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-07-15 09:18:34
I think you mentioned that earlier, I'm looking forward to what else that guy has because Grim is the same with all the lore. How does all this information just sit in our brains lmao
I can pick up again since you replied last. ))

The coastal town was bigger than the one that the pair had attended for the festival. It was a good place for ships to dock, traders to offer their products and a lovely place to stay for a day or two. In conclusion, if was vastly different to the Messores estate.
One of Grim's attendants continued to trail Hitashi, despite their efforts to stay to the shades they were taller than both man and had a frightening presence.

Prince of Amethyst

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