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1x1 Rp w/ Ai! (NVM THEY ALIVE)

Posted 2022-05-30 09:18:26
He struggled to come up with a name, knowing it wasn't a good idea to give his real one since the stranger hadn't recognised him yet. "Arius, my name is Arius." Grim told Hitashi. He'd considered taking his guard's name, Aeshma, in that moment but thankfully decided against it.

Prince of Amethyst

Posted 2022-05-30 18:55:55
"Well then," He smiled, looking up at 'Arius'. "It's nice to officially meet you!" He grinned before turning back to his food. They sat there and talked for maybe an hour or so before nightfall. It was almost moonhigh, and Hitashi wanted to get Natsia home before their mother grew worried. "Hey, Arius-" He began as the man turned to face him. "It'd be best if I took my sister home now, but I do hope to meet you again!" He crumpled up his bag and put it in the nearest bin. "And by the way, your friend over there has been staring at us for the past half hour.." He muttered, smiling awkwardly before turning to leave.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-06-01 10:21:33
Chatting with the fellow had been rather pleasant, the boisterous sounds around them becoming more drowned out in his ears as he tried to listen to what he said. "Likewise, do you require an escort back?" Grim asked with a small smile, his offer genuine even though he was a dark and seemingly sinister looking man.

Prince of Amethyst

Posted 2022-06-01 10:36:45
He looked up, realising that it was much later than he'd intended on leaving. He paused to think for a moment, before looking up at Arius and smiling a bit. "That'd be helpful, if you don't mind." He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I'll go find my sister. Shall we meet you back at the stables?" He suggested, already turning to go find Natsia.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-06-02 09:33:35
He gave a simple nod to Hitashi, agreeing with the plan. Getting his guard to follow through would take a bit of convincing, or ordering. He didn't enjoy doing what royals or nobles seemingly did, telling people what to do instead of asking them. With his reputation, he also had to make sure that he wasn't seen as weak. Once others knew he was weak they'd turn on him drastically.
Once Hitashi left, Aeshma approached with an almost curious look. "Get the horses, our return back to the estate shall he delayed." He told the guard, who thankfully followed through without much of a fuss.

Prince of Amethyst

Posted 2022-06-02 11:43:52 (edited)
He smiled and went into the crowd to go find Natsia. She'd managed to end up in a small group of girls from her school.
Well, at least it's people we know. Could've been worse. He thought to himself as he waved her over. "So, have you gotten your fill of adventure for the day?" He joked, putting his arm around her shoulder. "That and then some!" She yawned, walking with him. "Sooo~ We're leaving much later than expected, and I received a kind offer of an escort home." He explained, hoping she wouldn't make a big deal out of it. "Oh- Who is it?" She probed, suddenly very awake. "He's just someone I met here. His name is Arius, and he's very kind for doing this; I expect you to behave, Nat." His voice grew serious near the end. She gave a small nod and they walked in silence back to the stables.
He saw Arius standing there, staring off into space. He took his arm off of Natsia's shoulder and crept up silently behind him. "Boo!" He shouted, putting his hands on Arius's shoulders.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-06-05 08:34:35
The grey dapple horse that he'd ridden into town on was rather affectionate mouth at his choppy black locks. Grim didn't notice Hitashi's approach but the horse did and backed off to turn towards the other horse.
Feeling contact to his shoulder, Grim swung around with such a force that he could've knocked the other clean off his feet and onto the ground. He didn't make a noise of fright or shock, it was written all over his face. He looked panicked and disheveled, as if he was trying to fight a losing battle.
"Watch yourself kid." Grim's guard warned but didn't make a move.

Prince of Amethyst

Posted 2022-06-05 12:12:45 (edited)
He fell backwards, but still ended up laughing. "S-Sorry! I couldn't resist!" He smiled, standing up and brushing himself off.
Hitashi brushed himself off and they loaded up onto the horses. However, he noticed that Arius still seemed distant. He checked to make sure Natsia was ready, and then he turned to Arius. "Hey, are you alright.?" He asked, seeming a bit nervous.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-06-09 08:45:04
Grim couldn't get his nerves to settle after that. He easily mounted his horse, feeling his hands shake as he gripped the reins. His guard Aeshma had noticed and it wasn't his job to comfort Grim. It was no one's job, he'd make himself deal with it along.
"I'm fine, let's head out before the night air gets to us." Grim replied to Hitashi, trying to move on.

Prince of Amethyst

Posted 2022-06-09 13:41:55
They rode in silence for a while, and Hitashi tried to ignore Arius' friend who was still following them. They were only about a mile out from Hitashi's town now, so he turned to Arius and said,
"We're only a half hour away from my home. I can get Natsia and I the rest of the way there if you'd like to head home. It's fairly late as is, so I'd imagine you're eager to get back." He smiled weakly.
He finally noticed that Arius' hands were shaking, though he wasn't sure if it was his place to say anything. Hitashi shot him a worried glance before muttering, "Are you sure you're alright.? I didn't mean to rattle you earlier. It was just meant to make you laugh." He frowned slightly.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

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