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Toggleable HTML

Posted 2021-07-27 10:39:48 (edited)
support 100%

while I understand HTML, I also have mild dyslexia and it makes editing my den completely impossible. If we were able to put noticeable spaces in the html to help with those daunting blocks of texts it might make it easier, but just putting a toggleable option would be the best option. It sucks having to focus on every.single.letter. in that entire block of text because I can't read it all together. Trying to find the part of the html that I am trying to edit is more work than it's worth. I do genuinely like using HTML, but this is only for when i'm making a NEW post. Editing previous posts has become so confusing.


Posted 2021-07-27 10:43:45
SUPPORT!!!! My stud thread on chatter as well as any notes in my wolves bios became uneditable for me since the update! I hate it! I'm really frustrated and I just want it to be simple as it was before D':


Posted 2021-07-27 12:09:48
Not to mention that when you try to make sense of things to edit the den profile description or not, if you just so happened to make a mistake the entire thing won't save. And you're left there wondering what the hell you did that makes it impossible to save. I had to delete my entire den's edit box so that I can start fresh and that is really flawed.


Posted 2021-07-27 12:16:22
Support! I know how to code & overall I like the new update, but sometimes I want to make simple changes to some text that includes a list, link, or image on the same page and I have to scroll past so many coding elements I don’t even want to touch or look at.

At minimum I’d like the den page to show previews as a pop up or something so I don’t have to scroll to the top of the page to check if the change worked.


Posted 2021-07-27 12:48:43
code savvy person here! support, but wanting the devs to take their time if they decide to do this.

i undersand why they removed WYSIWYG, it was extremely broken and id find it ruining my code at times (more than id like). i think it is useful and should be brought back in the future, but they need to work on how it functions. to my knowledge successfully does this, so at the very least its possible. but if they are to make something that works, it might be some time before we see that implemented.

for people who arent familiar with coding, i plan to make a guide that correlates with the new update. i have also suggested multiple tags to add to the devs and some of them have been added at my request. (yay!) for which i think will make coding more convenient and easy for the general playerbase. i plan to comb through more tags that may be more convenient, and suggesting they be added as well. (and identify any working tags)

☘️ [Slow] Kaziah (Kaz)

Posted 2021-07-27 13:46:43

Although I agree that the old way needs to be worked on, what I don’t agree on is them taking their time.  What I mean by that is, in my opinion, they need to fix this html update as fast as possible and implement a toggle.  People are literally refusing to edit or create any type of text because of this update.  HOWEVER, once it is brought back with the toggle option, is when I agree they should take their time and fix it up.  Let us at least have the slightly broken yet easy to use option at our disposal WHILE they work on making it better.

𐕣 Sigyn Dormer 𐕣

Posted 2021-07-27 13:51:15
I support the toggle due to being dyslexic.

Posted 2021-07-27 14:21:21
I would hit a like or heart button under Sygin's comment if I could.


Posted 2021-07-27 14:28:01
I agree with Kas on this. Probably easier for me to say since I can read HTML, but I'd highly prefer devs update a toggle that works CORRECTLY, as opposed to acting as a weak bandaid over the issue. I feel like rushing something half-baked that hardly works can be disastrous, so if they're gonna do it, it should be done right.


Posted 2021-07-27 14:28:07
Old editor maybe was buggy, but I never experienced any of this. But I'm a casual player, I'm not coding, I'm not going deep in the CSS. As the majority of the playerbase as far as I'm concerned. I don't think we need tutorials on html (there are plenty online already). We need a way to easy update one or two paragraphs without painstakingly digging through a lines and lines of code.

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