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🦊Trolljan #3269

About me

I was born in South Africa in May 1999, making me a Taurus and Rabbit. I may be South African but I have German-British heritage and traditions though don't ask me if I speak German because I'm not fluent in the language, I know no one in South Africa that speaks German enough for me to learn it properly. I plan to move to Germany one day.

I'm a psychology student that takes their studies very seriously which ends up making me too busy to play games sometimes. When I'm not studying, I'm drawing, writing or playing video games, or hanging out with friends (online and real life).

I have 3 cats but only one of them is mine, his name is Zap and he's a black Burmese-Siamese-tabby mix, I love him to death even though he drives me insane. Zap has a twin brother named Zip and he also drives me insane lmao, he belongs to my brother. The third cat is named Duster, he belongs to my mother.

Favourite cats: leopards and tigers. Favourite canids: foxes and jackals. Favourite birds: owls, blue macaws and corvids. Favourite marine animals: Seals, octopi and orcas

About My Pack

My pack is currently based on foxes, every lead is going to be a fox look-alike while also being in the same bloodline as the first lead of the pack. In the future, it may change when I run out of foxes to make my wolves look like.

If you're curious about how creative I am with my pack, you can look at the pack history (linked in the den description), and looking at the descriptions of the deceased wolves in the dynasty.

I mainly breed blue, pastel, light and dark wolves, but I do breed warm wolves too.

This is Zap

Member Information
Name 🦊Trolljan
Pack A Skulk of Foxes
King Corsac Fox
Joined 2020-09-25
Last Active 2024/03/23 13:10:10
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