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newbie need a little help please!

newbie need a little help please!
Posted 2024-04-22 12:50:12
Hey, so I've been playing this game for last then a month and I'm really trying to understand everything but omg there's so much to do and so much information to know. I want to know if someone can get me a "review" about my pack and wolves. I just really want to know if I'm getting a last the basics right at this moment.
(DMs are open!!)
(Sorry for the bad English! I hope is understandable)

Posted 2024-05-04 02:37:17
Hi! Not sure if you're still looking for help, but for what it's worth your wolves are really cute! Very fancy boyos, although I saw Asami and half of the guys in Principal don't have jobs?
Not fully sure how a review for packs would work so I'll just share some of the things I've learned playing!


  • If you want to work on leveling up, hunters should aim at the biggest prey possible regardless of the success % chance. Just be careful to make sure not to forget to actually get some food!

  • Seasons matter a lot! You'll find the biggest prey in spring, and the most critter trails in winter. Plan accordingly

  • Hunters don't level up as fast as scouts do so if you don't mind their pack role page being a little wonky, a cheeky scout or two won't hurt. Just remember they go into a day-long cool down when they change roles, so you'll have to wait until the next day to reassign them their hunting duties.

  • You get more hunting slots depending on how many wolves you have, which has its pros and cons. Consider what you'll prefer.


  • Scouts too, are best sent to harder places for grinding. Different biomes will need different stats, so once you reach the edges you might need to grind for levels in other areas! Manually inputting stats might help do the math easier. Here's a map of what stats you need for each biome and how hard they are. Iirc the hardest biomes need 100 of their stat to be scout-able

  • I don't follow what I preach here, but if you plan on getting all your female wolves pregnant always, be careful choosing a female scout. Once you nest them they can't scout, and if you forget to nest them they might lose some of their puppies. Always nest your wolves! Or don't get the scouts pregnant.

Lead Wolves and Pack

  • Your lead wolf doesn't have an assigned job, so your best bet to level them up (and find stuff like food and recipes and amusement items) is to explore. Explore always! Try stuff out! There's a random chance of failure in all explore encounters with choices available, so try the same thing a few times (or check a guide). The specific drop can also be random

  • Talents can be useful for battle and pack roles in general, so make sure to check your lead wolf's available talent points and to assign them! There's probably build guides out there depending on what kind of lead wolf/pack you want. Personally, faster herbalist and scouting are always good things.

  • If possible, finish exploring before feeding your pack. Your lead wolf might find food while exploring (or get hungry!) so waiting to feed them all can help you save up just that tiny bit of extra meat. At least that way you make sure your lead IS full before rollover

  • Play with and feed your wolves daily. This is especially important for pregnant wolves, since their play/food bar will directly affect their puppies' survival chances. If you don't have enough food for the whole pack, feed the mothers and weaned pups first.

  • Feeding is more important than playing. The penalty for not feeding your pups is bigger than the penalty for not playing with them. Not doing either gets you the biggest penalty on their survival chances

  • ...Uuuunless you don't care about the pups surviving. Leaving a puppy unprotected can help you get scar decors (if they survive the rollover), so. Y'know. You do you. Have fun :p

  • What kind of player do you want to be? Do you want to slap pretty decor on all your wolves? Do you want to find all the recipes in game? Do you want cool rare wolves to breed into long, impressive family trees? Do you want cool rare wolves with short family trees? Do you want to breed and sell, or sell your stud's services, or befriend wolves in the wild? Do you want to create an entire lore-heavy story for your pack, or focus on personalizing your page's layout? There's many ways to play, feel free to experiment!

  • Pregnancy slows down your wolves' energy recovery, so keep that in mind when sending a pregnant wolf hunting/scouting/exploring. They will take longer to be back to fighting form.

  • On that note, pupsitters are the easiest to nest when pregnant (you don't need to free them up) but they're also the slowest to level up. They also lose proficiency if not actively pupsitting, unlike all other roles.

  • Pair bonding your wolves will allow you to adopt one puppy per pair bond at the Enclave. If you want to adopt some (instead of just leaving your unwanted puppies at the Enclave), make some pair bonds. Pair bonds will also allow your paired wolves to mate with each other! But you can make gay pair bonds and adopt pups that way too (comes with an achievement, even). Adopted puppies cannot be left at the Enclave, but they can be sold or used on a puppy quest.

Here's some useful guides for more detailed stuff (generally recommend Grouse House guides since they're the unofficial wiki of wolvden. They moved to a website now but most of their stuff is still up on the guides section):
Grouse House's Wolvden FAQ
Stats, how they work, which are useful for which job
Lead Stat Grinding Guide
Battle Stats And Tactics
Everything on scouting
Explore encounters! All you might find, when you're looking for something in particular
A Guide to Formatting in HTML and CSS


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