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Feed All/Play All (& how it affects mentally/chronically ill and neurodivergent players)

Posted 2020-11-03 21:01:12

This suggestion makes sense to me!

Most games I have seen that have a ''do all'' option as a separate paid feature don't make you have  to look after all of your creatures when you log in. 

It's the biggest factor for me rarely logging into lioden anymore, some days I could only play the game for a very short time, so it wasn't worth logging in, sometimes I needed to reply to people or a forum but couldn't without having to handfeed and handplay with all of my lions, by which time I would need to have logged off again. Or I could reply to that person/forum but then have lions run away, it was causing me mild stress playing the game, instead of enjoyment and getting that short bit of socialising in. I don't even have a physical condition effecting my movement so I can imagine how much harder this would be for those players.
Logging in became a chore, essentially. (I did eventually pay for the auto-feature, but had gotten out of the rhythm of the game by then).

I must admit the feeding from the inventory helps a lot, however, if you do not have a carcass with many uses or an amusement item with many uses then you still have to find the item, click the item, use the item each time, for each wolf and it just isn't a fun task, there's no benefits from doing it manually, no visual stimulation etc.

I'm not quite sure how this could be handled as I imagine it's a large portion of the games income, but also a game-changing feature for many players.


Posted 2020-11-03 21:19:04

@Magpie- Not to be rude, but if you deal with pain and fatigue daily like I do, why can't you relate to with those who do have chronic pain in their hands/wrists?

Imagine something you can't do easily due to your chronic pain, something that's part of one of the few things you do for fun. I'm sure you have examples from your daily life. Now imagine that in most scenarios, getting something (I.e. a courtesy wheelchair) to help with the issue is free, but in one circumstance you're forced to pay a monthly subscription.

You now have 3 options:

- You rarely/never do the fun activity in the place you have to pay for assistance,

- You suck it up and pay for the subscription, or

- You ask if the people making you pay would consider offering complementary help (or at least making it easier to purchase) like they do in most other places. That's the option we've chosen.

There are plenty of other reasons to buy GC if you have the money. If the FA/PA is a huge amount of the sites income, then I'm sure with some imagination there can be other GC-only extras that aren't basic features that similar sites give to you free.

I spent my money on customisation rather than the FA/PA, which I think a lot of people have also done. I also really want to avoid buying it on principle, so I can't say how effective it is, but I don't exactly get a huge variety of different prey items anyway.

Because both WD and LD are so strict about account sharing, I can't ask for help. Trust me, if I could ask somebody else to click through for me when I'm hurting or on the verge of passing out, I would, so I can say for certain that if the FA/PA was a one time only purchase I would buy it.

I've done a lot of typing today, so please forgive me if I don't reply again for a while, but I will be reading any replies.


Posted 2020-11-03 21:35:33

@Vague shapes

I would happily support a suggestion in the suggestion board to change feed/all play all based on this reasoning (helping those with disabilities). But I think labeling it ableist isn't the correct way to go about it.

Unless it's different than lioden mechanics feed all/play all basically is just 10 clicks instead of 20 clicks. Beneficial but not game breaking. Which is why I asked that before responding. It isn't paying for the wheelchair it's paying for somebody to push you around in the wheelchair. The wheel chair (hoard feeding) is still an option. But having somebody push the wheelchair around or better yet deliver say groceries straight to your vehicle is an even more helpful option. Not necessary but very helpful.(feed all/play all)

And if you're using feed all/play all but don't want certain items used you have to scroll through items (annoying) or bury items, extremely annoying and more time consuming than taking care of wolves considering there is no select all feature. (I try to keep one of each item available in case I get an item quest, some items are better for nest creation than amusement etc.)

I have it on lioden and honestly I've found it more annoying than useful as compared to hoard feeding on here. I do agree with Druid on having to take care of animals if you rolllover and not being able to just browse the site can be stressful. Some sort of locking mechanism would kind of be nice.


Posted 2020-11-03 21:48:04

@Magpie I feel like you may be considering the word ableist as an insult. Ableist (and racist and such) are not necessarily insults, and I certainly wasn't using it as one. It just means that whatever is in question is either directly harmful to, or not taking into account a group of people, in a way that hurts them. That's not by default an insult.

I understand the devs very likely don't mean for it to be ableist! But not meaning for something to be hurtful doesn't instantly negate the hurtfulness. Just because it doesn't affect you, does not mean it doesn't affect us - and if it's a one time buy, it would still even be purely optional and you yourself wouldn't have to use it, so this wouldn't even affect you anyway.

If something does not bother you, that's good! But that doesn't mean that the people it does bother should just 'deal with it'.

[GreySky] CorpseCrowKing

Posted 2020-11-03 22:02:03 (edited)

I don't think people should just "deal with it" and I did say I'd support it as a suggestion to change how feed/all play all works because of this reasoning. I'm not viewing ableist as an insult but people are starting to use words in ways where honestly I do not think it applies. I'm happy to listen to conversation as to why it may be, but opinions can differ between people because they are just that, opinions. Just because some feel it's ableist doesn't make it ableist. Just because I think it's not ableist doesn't mean I couldn't be wrong.

I will say this is a feature beneficial to anybody regardless of disabled or not, and if it works the same as on lioden it isn't the magic button I feel like people are thinking it is. It isn't a special feature that only benefits those disabled (wheelchairs) that people who aren't disabled do not need. So I suppose it could be more similar to an elevator if we're going with medical equipment as an example. But in many cases elevators that are disability related (say at schools) are only available to those with disabilities because they legitimately need, not want or help, but legitimately need them. Although it is true that many medical devices are just extremely helpful and tasks are possible although generally far more difficult without them, but in many cases those tools are purchased (feed all play all?) or donated if the person disabled cannot afford them.

(I will also note I can be a bit too technical minded or however you want to phrase it at times.)


Posted 2020-11-04 02:31:26 (edited)


I will add to this that FA/PA is not 10 clicks instead of 20. It's one click for feed and one click for play, and you're done.

Only reason I bought it, is to find out how exactly it works, so I have a better opinion on it, and it's incredible. If I had it on Lioden I would've played so much more, it's honestly saddening, and I can 100% see how it would improve the experience of many, many players with and without disabilities.

If you want to save items (I want to save Acorns for example), you do have to bury them, which, if you wanna save many items, can be tedious, but since it would still be optional, people like you wouldn't have to buy/enable it, so it could still be done via hoard.

Rapirisu ✦ Mutie Breeder

Posted 2020-11-04 03:59:00 (edited)

This is taken directly from the Merriam-Webster dictionary website. Since the term 'ableist' is being debated to if it applies. I would have gotten into this earlier, but I have RA and that comes with occasional fevers that last in bursts for 1-3 days for me that completely wipe out my energy. Bolding is mine as these are the contexts of this conversation to the best of my knowledge.

Definition of ableism

discrimination or prejudice against individuals with disabilities.

Definition of prejudice: an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge

To clarify, again in a separate post so this use of the word and how it is obviously meant to me by those using it here: The people giving opinions here are doing so in the good faith that the staff and development team of Wolvden are simply unaware of how this pay feature/game mechanic are viewed by members of their users with challenges that are not part of the 'healthy' populace's experience. We do not want to take away money from a game we enjoy playing. Some of us enough to, as I see other EA people here, pay to play earlier in the first place and likely enjoy buying things that are optional to the experience. We simply want other options explored and talked about with this feature. I have a thread in suggestions bringing up a change that would help me with this issue, but since it's not related to FAPA I won't be linking it here.


Posted 2020-11-04 04:12:43 (edited)

I completely agree that feeding & playing mechanic desperately needs to be reworked in some way or the other. I hate that such a necessary QoL feature is locked behind not just premium currency, but a subscription!

I think WD should do either of these:
- One time premium currency purchase like the pup stages. I'm okay with it being more expensive than it is now.
- Make Feed All/Play All feature free for everyone. People who have purchased this service before must get some kind of compensation, however.
- Make Feed All/Play All a SC subscription either right off the bat, or after you reach a set number of wolves in your clan (maybe, after you unlock 20 adult slots).

- Rework the feeding/playing feature completely. For example, let us select multiple foods and click a "feed as many possible wolves in Den order as possible" button or whatever. All available uses that will be utilized. After that you can feed/play with the rest of the wolves. (I apologize if this is how FAPA works already, I've never purchased it before).

hydde 🥀 on hiatus

Posted 2020-11-04 16:54:46 (edited)

- snip snip -

🔥 phnx.

Posted 2020-11-04 17:21:47

Clicking 20-40 times (or more - for feed and then again for play) in a row in order to feed and entertain your wolves - so they don't leave you! -- is not an integral part of the game, actually!

Integral to the game is clicking around the websites to send hunting, breed, scouting, etc. which are all entirely optional, only a few clicks, and vary from play style to play style! If clicking a lot is an issue, you can adjust your paly style and still enjoy the game! That is... until your wolves run away from your pack because you're unable to feed them individually every 2-4 rollovers :')

It's not fair to say "Well, if your health is hindering you like that, maybe you should check out a different game!" because everyone deserves to enjoy this game!

Rapirisu ✦ Mutie Breeder

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