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Event: Cataclysms

Posted 2023-08-22 07:49:18
Got the stag, now just looking for the furry fish

🍂 Leonca 🐆

Posted 2023-08-24 05:00:54
A possible suggestion for the next event on my part would be to maybe add more animals with problems related to cataclysms perhaps? In my view, given the size and huge spread across the biomes, there should be more animals fleeing in large numbers or flocks or something like that. 

I think that would be interesting to see as well as some more shop decorations, but besides that I continue to enjoy the event so far. Too bad it seems to me that time has gone by so fast lol


Posted 2023-08-24 05:05:09
.... Oh and I almost forgot to mention! I loved the addition of fishing related quests.


Posted 2023-08-25 07:34:51
I'm curious of what affects that we encounter distressed animals more often. I don't get for several energy bars then in 40% I get all 3. I seem to encounter distressed animals in biomes not affected by cataclysms or disasters not less often than in biomes affected by either of these.


Posted 2023-08-25 09:17:02
Found the last one, just took 24 days

🍂 Leonca 🐆

Posted 2023-08-25 09:19:25
i will say, i'm so happy i bought all my crypid scales will the new base, markings, eyes, nose, etc. i had a GORGEOUS new litter of pups today and i'm so excited about it!

Posted 2023-08-25 19:58:12
This is the first time this whole event I've gotten a quest to defeat 3 Independent Cryptids - I've been varying which cryptids I've been taking quests from this whole time so I'm surprised that quest hadn't shown up sooner lol


Posted 2023-08-28 22:39:41
Guess I'm done now  ~
You have taken the maximum amount of quests available today.

Celtic Ravens

Posted 2023-08-31 14:53:01
The time of efficiently stat grinding is coming to an end, beginning issues of players who will forget to buy anything in Aurekai's Brokerage, relying on players offering the content in the TC.

This year, we got only new apps, decors and cryptids. As first cryptid encounters result in no battle or anything, with the new cryptids we have 36 more encounters that result in nothing than in the last year. This surely could've made the tier bar fill slower, assuming 1000 players get cryptids first encounters instead of battling, it means that we could've been 36000 cryptids aided/defeated less for the bar. And nothing else regarding new cryptids outside aesthetics, which are some nice art and speech.

I'm surprised that more decor won the poll to get more attention for Cataclysms 2024. I would say there could've been much to be desired about the event this year but new decors appear in every single event in this game. Meanwhile, we didn't have any new quests - why not using some of the recent updates to adjust the cryptid quests such as hunting in specific biome or for specific carcass since we can now hunt anywhere regardless of our home location? Scouting specific biome would also be decent to avoid abusing the mechanic of sending scouts and finishing only when we get a scouting quest. Or getting a fish of different rarity than uncommon that sits to be submitted just for this quest.

It's great that developers were active in the beginning of the event to quickly fix bugs that commonly happen when something new is released. After some time, the frequency of bug reports submitted was naturally decreased giving the developers some rest but it didn't mean that the severity of newly reported bugs was very low. We got a persistent bug that didn't allow some players to take cryptid quests for several days, therefore being unable to gain more CS until another developer made an temporary fix. I see that all bug reports are split into areas representing certain kind of the bug, each controlled by one developer and while a member of the development team is inactive, bug reports in their area are on hold. I understand that developers are people and need to take a longer rest. The bugs in their area are actively experienced by players though and need to be constantly checked. It'd be better practice if another developer watched over the inactive area and eventually took care of bugs that need immediate attention. I mention it because this is not the first time I see such issue in Wolvden, where a persistent bug bothers players for a long time until another developer, not responsible for this bug, makes an improvised fix that solves the problem.

I think it's popular opinion that players want this event to be 2 weeks long - this feedback I got from at least 2 players that brought this up without being asked and I agree. There's nothing new to do after 2 weeks of playing this event, all factions can be visited within this time of actively playing taking some extra apps and even if not actively, one quest daily for 10 days will max out one faction. I think you should forfeit this "monthly event" pattern because I don't see as many players enjoying this long duration.

I have played throughout this event to check if I can get rid of all large branches, rocks and leaves, healing salves or herbs - I still have them stocked in thousands in the end which means the event wasn't demanding enough.


Posted 2023-08-31 15:42:47
I honestly love that this is a month-long event; it gives everyone a chance to get more things, not just the people who can spend lots of money getting energy supplements for their lead wolf.  (It also helps those who may be sickly and can't play as often or folks who have jobs.)
My only complaint for this event is how often I got 'kills 3 X of this faction. ' it sprung up so many times, and my RGN luck is 0.
