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[Custom Decor] Custom Decor System Needs Reform

Posted 2024-05-14 18:45:22 (edited)
I can answer to the 5gc tax. When developing a game, you need to find a way to encourage people to spend real money, that means making "valuable" resources. They tried to input means to encourage you to buy real bundles in order to pay for pretty things here. [All of this is my alleged opinion, WD authorities don't come after me.]

All of this is brushed past honestly if people feel heard, and have a means to contact with the Artists/Devs. But we don't. We all have radio silence for art, activities, anything WD related. WD doesn't have to listen and to reply to every post. But not replying to any post will be the downfall of WD.
[Personal theory] But WD was built as a side project for an extra income, but they focus everything into Lioden. I was happy for the transparency Admins gave, but there's only so long you can run on how little they give. I have a load of things to say about game dynamics and the art section. I get they have alot of work, but I don't thing the higher ups understand what they have. Many hands willing to work for FREE. All you have to do is put some words.

I am in the same boat as you. Wolvden is going to die at this pace. I just wish it was handed to someone who truly cares. The worst part is that anyone who speaks that the uppers aren't doing a good job are going to get reprimanded for speaking the truth.

[Update to comment below: I see, yeah. But I think the gc back in the day was also high honestly. The only difference is that it has gotten more scarce because things like mods, high value nbw wolves, muties entered the market which affects the overall GC to go around. I might be wrong, but from what I have seen in Lioden, they also complained about CD/Grove prices for a solid 5+ years I think, and nothing got changed. And if something like that doesn't budge there, it won't even be looked at here.]

† ʀɪᴘ †

Posted 2024-05-14 18:53:55
I think people are generally in agreeance that a tax is needed -- the majority of replies have just been suggesting ways to perhaps lower or scale down the tax (because, as an example, people are paying 6 GC each for every single copy they buy of my eye enhancer right now -- not to mention, 5 GC is a LOT more money in today's WD economy than it was a few years ago). So I think it's time to at least revisit the tax rates, rather than get rid of the tax completely.

However, I coalesce. Wolvden is indeed slowly fading as the silence steadily grows. It makes me sad.


Posted 2024-05-23 12:55:53
Didn't happen to me personally but the fact that a CD artist's modbox was ignored for over a year and then just casually responded to all this time later with 'oh sorry.  its been a few months (MONTHS?  MONTHS? look at the time stamps, y'all its been over A YEAR), do you still need help?" is outrageous.
We're told to message a head artist that has been reported to straight up ignore the messages of certain players while responding regularly to others (again, this totally doesn't scream favoritism. not at all.  just a completely normal way to handle your job), we cannot reply to rejection notifications to ask for clarity, and so we're forced to go to modbox with our questions and then ignored for over a year lmao
This doesn't even effect me personally anymore because I've stopped providing art for a system that treats its unpaid artists like doormats, but watching it happen over and over again to other people will never cease to be enraging.

Posted 2 days ago
I don't have much to add but just the fact that we're providing free art for their website, some of us having gone to art schools, are certified artists or even work as artists in real life providing actually high quality decor for free. No, not even for free, we PAY to get to submit our art. I'm gonna admit my decor are not that intricate and not the absolute best quality but I do have a diploma in art and have gone to art school.

I honestly think that this would be completely fine out of context, because we do get paid if someone buys our decor. But there was a time when the wolvden community was very bored with the site and how stagnant it was, nothing happened, no new markings or bases or decor for months. I remember people complaining and the number of people online every day was getting lower and lower. I personally didn't have a problem cause I'm a lore player, so I was busy writing lore, but I remember it was a big deal to everyone else. That's when they announced the custom decor system! And since we wanted the community to stay, we all willingly performed unpaid labour to get decors out to the other players! We all checked the custom decor page every day to see if there was anything new!

During that time there was also some economics going on, 1gc was worth as low as 50sc! That was great for the players cause then the grove items were much cheaper! But it's ofc not good for the business, so they needed a gc sink to inflate the worth of gc. And bam, they let us do it.

And then after some months or maybe a year when wolvden had started actually giving the players some new stuff sort of regularly (most of it was blue though) they cane out with some new decor that wasn't based on the lunar event and oh what's that?? Some of it looked eerily similar to some of the most popular custom decor! That's their right, as when we upload our decor it is the property of the website and they can do whatever they want with it.

But idk, if they can depend on us to firstly hold the community together, and depend on us to create inflation for them, and then take our art without as much as a thanks. That just feels bad?


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