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Discussion: Feeding & Care Changes

Posted 2021-09-20 13:19:09
I agree with Websteak.

Fal - semi hiatus

Posted 2021-09-20 22:29:08
I'm all for these changes. I think processing/shredding up carcasses is a fun idea, and would greatly reduce the bog of handling items individually on a huge scale. Also the protection of important items, yes please.

I've paid for FAPA and I think this is a fair transition for it. I'd love to see these customization options and to have more control over the global/cave feeding settings - this is something I've wished for on the sister side, LD, as well, so I'd be very happy to see it happen.

Thank you for listening to community feedback and offering ideas <3

Posted 2021-09-21 16:05:57
I'm super excited by the changes suggested and also agree with those asking for the ability to send out more hunts. I used to RO every day but now when I have busy work days it's just not feasible to send out a decent amount of hunts (and a work day often suddenly turns busy so I may just not risk it). Even when I have free days, it's a chore constantly having to check in to send more hunts when I'm busy/want to concentrate on doing something else for a while. I especially feel the current system is alienating to people with offline responsibilities and full time jobs, and I too know of many who have quit as a result or who have started taking breats. Not being able to check in a lot is already a huge disadvantage when it comes to exploring and say the Lunar Event, it would be great if at least when it comes to such a basic activity as hunting - both keeping your pack fed and training up teams - we could avoid the potential stress. I'm not saying it has to be 5 hunts we can line up every time - any additional hunts would be a huge improvement to me.

The suggested changes to the feeding/playing mechanis however will already improve my experience by 100% I expect and I may finally be able to buy FAPA which before wouldn't have made anything more convenient for me. So yeah incredibly thrilled.


Posted 2021-09-21 23:22:12
YESS!! I love this idea!


Posted 2021-09-22 11:08:57
This is really interesting! I personally find feeding each individual wolf one at a time to be really boring. Particularly, the repetitive clicking is what makes it boring. I can't wait to see if we get a player-wide, free Feed All Play All!

Posted 2021-09-22 19:12:49
First off, I really appreciate that devs are attempting to address the tedium of wolf care, and that they're taking player input.

However... I do have reservations about the plans as laid out in the first post. I'll try to make this short.

Processing: The name leaves a lot to be desired, as do the implications— why would wolves do this? I wouldn't mind if this process (whatever it ends up being called) was an option for convenience, but I really hate the idea of carcasses becoming unusable on their own. If at all possible I'd love if we could still have both, if we have to have "processing."

Toys:  As other players have stated already, I whittle amusement items down to one use for crafting/nesting material making. I have no idea how this would fit in coding-wise but would like this to still be an option somehow. I'm also not wild about generic "toy", or each item being useless without "processing." Does this make me unreasonable?

Cave Feeding/Playing: I do like the sound of caring for wolves per cave. Maybe (again, not sure if this would work in coding) this could only be done with "processed" meat/toys, so that those who still want to feed individually from carcasses/play with amusement items would have to give up convenience to do so. Possibly, carcasses/amusement items could only be used from wolves' individual pages and/or the hoard?

(The availability of food and amusement is a separate but definitely related issue. However this is implemented, it won't be much good if you don't have the stuff!)


Posted 2021-09-23 08:30:22 (edited)
I appreciate that they are trying to do something about the tedious chore of feeding and playing with wolves. As your pack gets larger it takes longer and longer. I dont have a preference on how its done as long as (as someone mentioned) you can leave 1 use on the amusements items. I also use all but one use so I can craft with the  1 use items left. Feeding and playing with them every day is the one thing I dread on this game, so any improvement to speed that up I'm all for.

I also wanted to say I 100% agree with Websteak. I have made suggestions and supported many others that either increase hunting party size (to allow us to train more stalkers and finishers), or more hunts out at a time to bring in more food as pack size increases. When I was at about 50 wolves I could feed them through all the seasons, but I'm close to 90 now and there is no way. Really does it make sense that a pack of 100 has only 5 wolves out hunting to feed the entire pack while the rest of them stand around doing nothing? On top of that I too am a stat breeder. I have so many awesome potential finishers and stalker's that just sit there going to waste, or I just chase them off after I cant feed everyone every day. Realistically a person cant be online all day -I work 40-50 hours a week. Even logging on just to send out the hunters 20-25 hunts a day is all I can do. That's 2 finishers and stalkers. The replacements are just sitting there waiting until one dies. I do scout a few for a time, but that's limited too. As pack size increases somehow more hunters should be able to be sent out. Larger hunting teams or multiple ones -it needs to be increased. The number of scouts allowed should also go up with pack size.

The hunting team issue to me is the #1 thing I would like them to address. I really dont care about clans at all. I'd rather they spend their time and resources on that issue.
Snowcat13 🌞

Posted 2021-09-24 06:09:34
Honestly I'd rather the option of carcasses rather than processing everything, it doesn't feel natural in my aspect.

However, processing could be used for when a carcass is about to rot or if it's something small. Like if a food rots next rollover it can give a toy or if you process a muskrat carcass it gives you meat chunks!

As for the fun, I kinda wish we had stuff like the Play, Tussle and Groom like do in Lioden instead of having to use toys all the time, I find it very very difficult to get toys for 12 wolves every day.

Posted 2021-09-24 09:41:55
'Processing' things really doesn't feel natural, in the game and in real life. Wolves eat the carcasses of other animals, always have, and always will; they don't mush it all together into one big chunk like humans would. Plus, most of us users with small packs wouldn't get much use out of the feature. It seems to only benefit those with huge packs and those who are low on time.

And the same/similar reasons go for turning amusement items into 'toys', too - a lot of my enjoyment playing the game is accumulating and using all different kinds of items. Turning them all into a single, general item seems strange compared to how nature-y and realistically detailed Wolvden has been made. I'm a relatively new player, and each day I encounter all the little flavor in the game's mechanics - different lore text for every type of feather, the option to 'bury' items for no apparent reason, and actions in Explore that don't benefit you in any way, but to help show that exploring isn't one exciting event after another - much of the time, you won't even find anything.

Streamlining items into 'meat' and 'toys' just isn't right.

For the FAPA issues, I would suggest a way to let users choose which specific kinds of items will be automatically used - for example, if they really like gull feathers, but would want all their blue jay feathers used immediately. A simple checkbox for each stack of items, that preserves past the use of those items, for when you find or buy more of them - your preferences have been already saved.

And some simple changes can be made to the current feeding processes to make it much more efficient. For example, could we select multiple wolves or a whole cave to feed at a time, instead of just one? And instead of feeding with a single carcass, can we feed with a whole stack of them? Those two changes together could let users feed ten wolves or so with one click!
✨uwu i'm May✨

Posted 2021-09-24 13:59:07
I am in agreement with user #48695.  Especially with the suggestions put forth in the last paragraph: selecting multiple wolves or a whole cave to feed at a time, instead of just one.  And feeding a whole stack of carcasses, will help reduce clicks, time, and stress.  Even if you insist on hiding the former behind FAPA, it would make FAPA much more worth it to purchase, and this is coming from someone who does buy Gold Cones. :)
