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Discussion: Feeding & Care Changes

Posted 2021-09-18 01:02:22
Thats really interesting!!!!

Posted 2021-09-18 01:22:59
I love the idea of the new food processing system especially with the chance of getting the trophy items. Battling isn't my main focus but crafting is one of them so yeah definitely looking forward to that. But the toy processing I'm not for. I like to save my toy items with their last use for crafting. So as long as I can chose to use my toy items the old way by selecting individual items I'm good with all these changes.

Posted 2021-09-18 06:24:35
The original post sounds good to me. Got nothin' to add. xD


Posted 2021-09-18 06:31:29
Super cool!


Posted 2021-09-18 17:57:14
I really like the "chef" and "butcher" role.
everything  that OP has said is great to me.

except can we please get either more food in explore  and or an extra hunting team based on teritory unlocked.
and or a few more legendary fish for harder biomes.

I feel the great need to chase allot of my wolves once i reach a certain number of them because of the anxiety having to do with weather or not I can get enough food.
*please no comments about how i am in the glacier. I retired my lead wolf. forgot to move after seeking biome related backgrounds. and am now stuck in the glacier haha*


Posted 2021-09-19 20:07:36
I like this new system, but agree with the idea of introducing more food opportunities as well. The only reason I've really stopped playing is because feeding/playing is such a chore, especially when you hit more than 10-15 wolves. I don't personally have time to log on multiple times a day to hunt, and that's not even guaranteed food. Especially in winter. Throw in factors like only having a medium trail option, or your hunting team not being at 100% synergy, and it's even less likely you'll have enough food.
I spend most of my time and currency trying to get everyone fed and played with. I've recovered all of my wolves twice because they ran before I could get them up to health, which also dismantled my hunting teams, starting me back at square one.
I really love this game, I just wish I could still play despite having a relatively busy life!

apheliion 💫

Posted 2021-09-20 04:00:47 (edited)
I thought about this for quite a while and honestly, to Donna, Blue, Divineclaws, apheliion, CannedWhispers, and everyone else who wants an overhaul in changing how we can obtain food, in addition to making feeding and playing less tedious? I agree, and I say this as someone who benefits greatly from the scarcity of food. Here's my thought process:

I am lucky that I can bring my phone to work and am able to check in very often throughout the day to send out 3 hunting teams. I usually get all 30 hunts in. I have a small pack (well, had, before I recently amassed a whole bunch of R&C wolves but I know the risk and we're just gonna see how far I can go lol). So I generally have had a decent amount of extra food that I could sell. I know I am unique and lucky in this regard. Most people can't play as regularly and can't send out as many hunts or scouts or explore as often. So if they want a large pack, they are disproportionally punished for it.

Early on, people were buying my extra food like crazy when they were breeding for T3s. They could keep up their large packs with the revenue they made from selling the pups. But T3s aren't worth much anymore. They are so much more common thanks to the boosted chance from breeding matching color groups & shade. Now, rare wolves only have value if they are uncommon lines or low gens, because with enough guarana or RMAs there's nothing you can get on a G8 that you can't get with a G2. Four of the ten current leaderboard wolves are G2, and any available marking can be magicked on with enough GC and RMAs, or you can spend enough GC to get a chased with any base; you just might have to wait a little for someone to find it.

I know a lot of mass breeders who quit doing that (or just quit the game altogether) because their pups didn't sell for enough to keep all the wolves they liked, because they couldn't get enough food or amusement themselves, because they can't be out hunting or exploring 16 hours of the day. We can buy 200 adult slots, but how many of those adults can actually do something useful? At the very maximum, there's 1) lead 2) herbalist 3) two scouts 4) fifteen hunters 5) pupsitters, we'll say about 10 or 15 and 6) mentors, how about five so there's one for each stat, even though that's a high estimate too. That's not even 40 wolves. And most people don't have that many hunters (because they can't send that many hunts out) or that many pupsitters (because they don't have that many pups worth protecting). Sure, Wolvden is supposed to be hard. But what that translates to in reality is it demands so much time that most people don't have. The players who can't be on daily and constantly fall behind and get disheartened, and the people who do get burned out at the sheer amount of busywork and constant checking-in that it takes to maintain a pack.

I am a stat breeder. I see so many lovely wolves that I would like in my pack that I don't buy, because they can't do anything. I took a quick look at the statistics page of the leaderboards, and 57% of sitewide wolves are level ONE. It doesn't take much to get the 100 exp required to get a wolf to at least level two. While this might be skewed by inactive players, it still means that a vast majority of wolves are just festering in packs, not doing anything. And that's perfectly fine if your goal isn't to get high stat wolves! But at some point, you can't have too many of these "useless" wolves before they become a troublesome burden to keep.

It would be so helpful if you could queue up hunts like you can medicines, and send multiple hunts out at once, perhaps scaling with pack size? For example, if you have 50 or more adults you can send 2 hunting teams out at once, over 100 and you can send 3 teams, etc. Then you can check back later and claim all of your prey. Or perhaps you can send one team on a long hunt that takes multiple hours and can return with multiple carcasses. It would be great if scout slots scaled with pack size as well.

I know this would increase the amount of food in the game. I know this would crash food prices with increased supply and make it so I wouldn't be able to sell food. But this change would allow people to have more hunters, keep bigger packs, and hopefully revitalize the wolf market so it's worth it to breed more, and keep more pretty wolves. Then food might be in demand again, but the baseline of wolves people can keep would be higher, which benefits everyone. I know this is straying a bit away from the intent of the topic - to make food easier to distribute to your wolves - but it's been brought up a lot here and is a source of frustration for many players.


Posted 2021-09-20 10:18:33 (edited)
I returned to this thread to see if there was any discussion of letting you have multiple hunts going and see the queue'd hunt feature idea above - I really want to add my support for anything along these lines. I don't play much precisely because I know I don't often have the time to manually return and set up multiple hunts. Creating hunting parties is a blast and a unique game feature, but it's one that feels incredibly limited and at times a bit pointless - why have more than one hunting party? It means your teams all get less XP each. Having a reason to maintain multiple parties, via a queue system or just by being able to send out multiples (up to 3 would be A+ imho) would expand on the system greatly.


Posted 2021-09-20 11:25:56
I support all the new suggestions in the first post personally
Aukai Oceansoul “Rexy”

Posted 2021-09-20 13:13:17
Just dropping in to say I agree with Websteak's post above.
