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Discussion: Feeding & Care Changes

Posted 2021-09-10 09:46:36
Does the snake still sometimes ask for multiple carcasses? I think he does, and that would be the use of processing on meat.

Posted 2021-09-10 10:05:09 (edited)
I would love to see a processing/break-down option in this game like other games where you can break up things into components. Like breaking down a rabbit carcass and having a chance for it to drop a lucky foot would be a v welcome feature! Kinda like what we have for rotting carcasses right now.

Though maybe FAPA and Processing could be two separate features. Instead of all carcasses being processed to meat,  they could be added to a stack/stockpile/prey-pile (New Feed/Play System: Stockpiles) which just shows how many total uses you have. However, you are still able to see carcasses in the stockpile and perhaps remove them if necessary.

Then it would be super convenient to choose to automatically send prey from hunts to a stockpile and avoid sorting in the hoard later. Any rotting carcasses in the stockpile on RO go back to the hoard.

I also enjoy the lore factor of feeding specific carcasses to wolves so it would seem a shame to process them down especially legendary catches where I think it would be a great idea for those carcasses to have buffs


Posted 2021-09-10 10:09:27
Fully support this feature!


Posted 2021-09-10 10:11:17
Supporting this. It would also make getting different prey more exciting as you'll never know what you get.

Posted 2021-09-10 10:12:20
I like this idea. That would make it interesting for feeding and quest carcasses to be separated. You'd have to kinda strategize more.

Posted 2021-09-10 10:21:39
Oh wow! I honestly didn't believe we'd be getting a change like this anymore, but it sounds absolutely fantastic and reasonably close to what many players (including me) discussed during the beginning months of the game!

Thank you for listening, I'm looking forward to how this will be implemented and function in practice!

Rapirisu ✦ Mutie Breeder

Posted 2021-09-10 10:28:26 (edited)
My main thoughts/questions about this are:

How is the "processing" menu going to be sorted?
I usually start my day with selling any 1-day-to-rot items to the Raccoon (and Salvaging those the Raccoon won't take), and oh boy is that tedious. Having to do that essentially twice daily (once for selling rotting items, once for Processing 2-days-to-rot items) would be worse than it currently is imo. Currently, I go to each wolf to feed them because it ensures I'm using the oldest food without having to sort through it myself.

Rotting stuff - Raccoon Wares and Cave Feeding
Just mainly wondering if the Raccoon will take rotting Meat Chunks and give at least as good a price for them as for carcasses, or if we'll have to do math to feed our pack exactly enough and sell the rest.

And if the free Cave-wide feeding will feed wolves with 1-day rotting food and possibly get them sick, or if it'll skip that food like FAPA does. It's not a huge deal since you could sell/throw away/salvage first anyway, but it could be a nasty surprise to newer players (I say this as the person who had over half their pack get sick in beta due to rotting food and a bug with FAPA before that change was made).

Additional Math and Inventory Management?
Right now you pretty much just have to worry about rotting food and not using all of particular types of items in case the snake wants them. With the extra step of Processing, we'd have to make specific decisions about how much food to convert and what types. Toys isn't as much of an issue since we could Process a bunch and use them as needed, but food rots, and how much food the pack needs will vary day-to-day depending on pregnancies; pups weaning, selling, and becoming adolescents; and pups/old wolves dying.

That alone is a lot of math, and then you add in adding up the uses of each carcass to reach what your pack needs.

Suggestion for the last bit:
This extra math wouldn't be as much of an issue if, like how the Raccoon Wares interface shows how much SC your current selections sells for vs how much SC the Raccoon has to give, the Processing interface shows how many uses you'll have vs how many uses your pack currently needs to be fully-fed/played with. (or fed/played with to whatever percentage you have it set to each cave)


Posted 2021-09-10 10:38:34 (edited)
I want to second Before #8638's concerns. I wasn't able to read the post earlier since I was heading out but now that I have time I can't help but wonder if this won't just be more work and more frustration. This doesn't really sound like an upgrade, it* seems like a "here's more things you can spend clicking to prolong this tedious chore" thing. I may be wrong here and I would love to be proven so, thus I really hope someone will answer their question.

I don't think I have much to add otherwise because everything I intended to say, they've done much more coherently than I possibly could. It just worries me that one of the main complaints behind all this was that the game should, among other things, be made less tedious so that players with disabilities could enjoy the experience more (and thus participate more in the game and stay around longer as well). I'm kind of worried that this might just add to everyone's collective workload without actually solving the crux of the issue. I really, really hope I'm wrong.

*Corrected spelling: ti->it


Posted 2021-09-10 10:44:06
I'm no big fan of the suggested method to be honest. While I can see the practicability in the idea to mash up all items you wanna use, it still feels... idk, SPAM FOR WOLVES? Pardon the silly comparison. It just seems like a very ill fit to the rest of the lore the game has been using.

I support the suggestions that a way of keeping 1 use behind for toy/food items would be a great awesome! Others already said why, using 4 uses out of a 5 uses item and then using the remaining use for crafting is just the most practical.

About the item drop idea when processing meat -  it feels a bit redundant the way it's presented for now. It's definitely a good incentive to use the processing feature, especially if there were a chance to get some of the harder to come by crafting materials. However, the salvage option already covers a lot of that mechanic. We'd definitely need some special drops or other goodie tweaks with processing compared to salvaging because otherwise salvaging would be just more profitable in the long run.

What I mean is that with the current suggestion things'd be something like this:

Processing = rng chance at 1 use toy drop

Salvaging = guaranteed at least 1 use toy drop, can be adjusted by manually feeding to give you up 2-3 full use bones (5 uses) for sure

Besides having to wait for an item's last day of use it seems obvious which of those options would be more profitable, right? Tl;dr I agree with Before  #8638 ‚s concerns.

Ending with a suggestion:
One thing that'd come in really handy when feeding / playing with our wolves would be if they could be sorted by the most hungry / unhappy first in the feeding/playing menu. Playing the game often leaves some of my wolves more hungry or unhappy than others so an option to toggle those for feeding/playing priority would be really great!


Posted 2021-09-10 10:46:29
My biggest problem would be finding food, if your in one of the harder lands hunting is hard and the only food you really get is when exploring. I do like the idea of being able to store food.