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Vampire Romance BatDoesStuff&WolfClaw (Rp sheet)

Posted 2021-06-03 16:31:47

Aster gently pushed Alissa away with her leg " My mother. She taught me when I was real young.  Its actually part of the second book. so hopefully you will  get to it. its half Vampirian. So you will need all the help from me as you can get, Laz"  

Once the other animals were fed, they headed back inside the house and Aster sat on the couch beside Laz. He surprisingly had the book with him. She didn't even have to tell him to finish it. He would do it at his own pace. She eyed the chicks as her head layed on his shoulder, quietly singing a tune her mother also taught her. 

"  what if my father comes here, Laz... and takes me back tot he palace?" she asked after a long silence " I dont want to leave here.. I love it here with you. " her mind went crazy of all the possible things that could happen. but she slid them away and looked at him once she took the book away from him and layed her head on his lap, looking into his eyes. " I d-dont want to leave you" she admitted grazing a hand against his jawline.

𝕨𝕠𝕝𝕗𝕞𝕠𝕞 || Chatmom

Posted 2021-06-03 18:14:44

Alissa seemed huffy at that, bleating at Aster again before she moved to, somewhat rudely, shove the youngest goat aside so she could begin eating, which got a laugh out of Lazarus. "Alright then, I guess I'll have to try and finish the first book to get that second one." He chuckled lightly before heading after Aster so they could finish up the rest of their job. He had wanted to possibly read a bit more just to maybe show her that he was reading it at times, but he perked up when she started to speak up.

"... I don't know, Aster. He might." He murmured quietly, moving a hand to lightly go through her hair and let her take the book from him so she could rest her head down. He sighed softly and took her hand away from his face, lightly holding it as he did hate to see her upset. "I mean it's not really leaving me, just taking as break, in a sense. It isn't like you can't visit at later times." He tried to help her feel better, as he knew she eventually might have to leave, but he was hoping it wouldn't be too soon.

However, he did perk up at the sound of hoofbeats outside, which made him a bit more uncertain as he figured that it might be her father, though he also wasn't actually all that sure with it being one set of hoofbeats. He would of figured that a king would come with guards at the very least.

(Not me, remembering this was the technically morning where Laz's mom shows up and deciding to toss her in-)


Posted 2021-06-03 18:22:25 (edited)

Aster  held his hand in hers when she too heard hoofbeats outside " Laz... that m-might  b-be him" she stammered as she slowly sat up. Eying the door, then back at him " You might as well come with me and see what h-he wants"

She then stood up, made sure her hair was straight and her dress not ruffled before walking before Lazarus, her hand on his waist. " if its him im in trouble...but anyways... go on..." she urged him with a peck on his jawline. But when he opened the door, it wasnt her father, Alarick.. it was a woman. 

Aster stepped back a little but Lazarus's hand grabbed her before she would walk back even farther away


𝕨𝕠𝕝𝕗𝕞𝕠𝕞 || Chatmom

Posted 2021-06-03 19:03:21

Lazarus frowned at how worried she seemed that it might be her father, moving to lightly kiss her forehead to soothe her, "It'll be alright." He murmured, even though he wasn't actually sure about that fact as for all he knew Alarick might be pissed or think he was forcing her to stay.

When the door was opened, he was clearly surprised to see none other than his mother. It was pretty obvious they were related, as he was basically a color copy of Rosalyn and did have a few similar features. Carefully he did grip Aster's hand, as he knew they had to meet at some point and now might as well work.

"Ma, I wasn't expecting to see you. I'm sorry, come in." He assured, lightly making room so that the older woman could get into the house.

"Did I arrive at a bad time...?" She started to question, but Lazarus shook his head no.

"Never, Ma. Aster, this is my mother Rosalyn, Ma this is Aster, the girl I was taking about." He introduced the two, watching the rather tense and unsure smile his mother gave in getting besides the usual 'nice to meet you'.


Posted 2021-06-03 19:12:06 (edited)

Aster said a somewhat brave 'Hello' to her before holding his waist again. She  watched as Rosalyn walk in. Lazarus was the only thing standing in her way to wanting to bust out the door to her room. But he held onto her like glue. 

" L-Laz... you know I dont l-like meeting people." She said after puling him to the side to talk to him privately. " I dont have anything against working with you to get my fear gone. I just wasnt e-expecting your moth-" but she was cut short as a kiss was placed on her lips. And her fears began to melt away.

She wrapped her arms around him and chuckled " That works too." she said before going back in for the kiss.

𝕨𝕠𝕝𝕗𝕞𝕠𝕞 || Chatmom

Posted 2021-06-04 06:52:02

Lazarus was honestly so happy she was there, as even if he was extremely nervous, he dearly missed his family and having them around. Rosalyn was seeming to be looking at the chicks when she noticed them, which made sense, but he didn't get a chance to comment anyways as he was pulled away by Aster.

He gave her a confused look, but it softened as he listened to her say she doesn't like meeting people and in all fairness she had the right to be worried. Still, he didn't want her to be too scared so instead of speaking up, he hoped maybe giving her a quick kiss would help considering she'd of done the same thing if they switched places.

"It'll be alright, and plus my mother was going to have to meet you eventually. She just is... protective of me, sorta like your father is of you." He tried to explain once the second kiss was broken, shifting his hands to lightly squeeze hers, his gaze then look back at his mother, who was watching with a raised brow.


Posted 2021-06-04 07:44:23 (edited)

Aster bit her lip nervously  "Laz a-and I met at the festival a while back" she began as she eyed his mother. " B-but its not the festival he might have thought it was. "

She noticed the confused look on her face and  took a breath ready to explain. " The festival was for me. To find a s-suitor." She wanted to stop but the squeeze of the hand told her to continue. " And I have gone through hundreds of suitors... none worked for me of course... until- until I met your son Lazarus at the book section." she eyes Laz with a  smile " And  I chose him." 

She then eyed  her once more and hoped that what she said wouldnt make Lazarus's mother angry.

𝕨𝕠𝕝𝕗𝕞𝕠𝕞 || Chatmom

Posted 2021-06-04 19:30:48

Rosalyn kept her gaze on Aster, chuckling a bit sarcastically at the mention of the festival as she always felt those were idiotic. "I would certainly hope my son had some say in this unless you royals think just things magically come true at those damn festiv-" She was cut off by a glare from Lazarus, her gaze softening immediately, "I apologize." She stated, tongue clicking as she at least didn't want to upset her son.

"I assure you, Mom, I'm not being forced into anything. I would of stopped it if I didn't." He assured lightly, moving away from Aster after lightly squeezing her hand so that he could give his mom a hug in a soothing manner to get her to maybe not be as rude. Lazarus did look back over towards Aster, just trying to offer a smile even if it now was reasonably awkward.

"So uh... food, m-maybe?" He tried to suggest in high hopes that it would maybe be a good idea to get them to talk a little more and maybe be a bit more friendly then it currently was. Plus, food should be a welcomed sight, or well, he could only hope since he did want the two to like each other.


Posted 2021-06-04 19:44:52

Aster glared at her before walking off  away from the two of them. " im.. not really hungry Laz. But thank you." this was the first time she ever felt really hurt. " Excuse me a moment." she wiped a tear that fell as she ran back outside to where the mare was at. 

She stayed with her for hours trying to calm down. " Hey there  girl. " Aster cooed as she stroked her  head and neck.  "she was speaking Vampirian in case  the mother heard her. "  I should be brave and not  act all stuborn. abut I just... cant. what Laz's mother said really upset me. I cant go back there. " Aster layed her head on the mares neck and stood there when she heard laz's footsteps approaching. 

" I cant do this" She said in Vampirian " sorry Laz. I warned you it was going to be hard for me." Once they were close enough to each other, Aster  dug her head into his chest and hugged him. But after awhile she looked up at him " I need your help, Laz. I cant do this alone. Help me take this fear of meeting people from me. " she pleaded.

(damn you made me tear up XD)

𝕨𝕠𝕝𝕗𝕞𝕠𝕞 || Chatmom

Posted 2021-06-05 10:51:27

Lazarus looked after her with a short curse under his breath, watching after Aster before his gaze shifted to look back at his mother, narrowing his eyes a little as well. "Ma, you can't do that. I get you are worried, but she has barely done anything wrong and the things she did mess up she fixed it when told about it. Trust me I didn't exactly believe in the instant spark, but I have feelings for her anyways." He explained sternly, it getting her to sigh.

"And how long till that gets shoved aside? Sure it's fun and games until her work is put over you because you are just some commoner that got lucky. That's the sort of attitude they manage-" She didn't get to finish her rant with how she saw the sharp glare she got in response to it.

"Just don't. Toss it to the side and shut up about it. If there is a problem, I promise you and Lora will be the first to know, okay? Now I got to go and fix what you did." He huffed, turning before heading out to try and figure out where Aster had gone to.

Lacey meanwhile had just let Aster rant to her and generally enjoyed the attention given to her before perking up more as she heard Lazarus coming over. A soft nicker left her, but she quieted down when Lazarus moved to pet her shortly until his attention was placed on Aster.

He murmured a soft 'shhhhh' to try and soothe her, moving a hand to rub over her back and allow her to press her face into his chest and hopefully get some comfort that way. "I don't know exactly what I could do to help. There is only so much I can really do about this." He explained in a soft tone, head moving to rest on top of her's while he tried to think of anything else that might make this easier on Aster.


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