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Gene Check is WAY too Expensive

Posted 2021-02-10 14:31:16 (edited)

100% support (TLDR at the end, I'm kinda wordy sorry).

The bat is cute, don't get me wrong. It's a nice feature to be able to have absolute certainty about a wolf being a carrier with a handy little label on their page confirming so for any that are suspicious about a false advertisement, so I do not want to discredit the feature or the work the devs have put into it but from what I can see it is definitely flawed if only just a little (and that's okay, just means more room for improvement and that is what games tend to thrive on).

If you think this price is in place to help the mutie market, think again. People are going to be sinking their SC into just figuring out of their wolf is a carrier or not, and then capitalism is going to take control due to people raising their prices on their mutie sales to make up for what they spent on Gene + what they think their wolf is valued at, but nobody is going to be able to afford to buy any of it because everyone is too broke from scrying with the bat. In other words it's either people sell their wolves at undervalue prices without the certainty that their wolves are carriers, or people sell way overpriced wolves that nobody else can buy (but at least the former way was more affordable than the new way). Nobody wins and the mutie market is tanked either way.

For those of you who do think 150 SC is fair, consider this: we're being charged 150 SC to scry for three mutations at once because that's all that is currently present in the game. What's going to happen when more mutations get added and the 50 SC per mutation that is this 150 SC remains a steady rate of cost? When we get a fourth mutation added, will it increase to 200 SC? When there are six mutations in-game, will it go up to 300 SC? Ten mutations (likely not probable but for the sake of my point), 1500 SC? If that doesn't end up being the case, 150 SC still won't be a good deal to check for all ten mutations at once if nothing is done to fix the SC gain in this game, because people still won't be able to afford it. If people can't buy, there is no economy.

Not to mention, do the devs realize just how many breeding projects they nerfed from people with this update? I don't mean to sound crude or blunt but let's just think about this for a moment. Everyone breeding for muties relied on the regular ole scrying stone for determining potential carriers until now. It was easy for those people to manage their projects when spending anywhere from 30 to 50 SC on regular scries per wolf or pair, and then make that amount back in a daily quest or a sale. Now, they can't even do that, and instead have to sink triple that regular scry amount into one bat scry for just one wolf at a time, which is more of a waste than anything else and especially if it yields no carriers for the player. I've alread seen (off-site mind you) that some people are dropping their mutie projects because of this, they can't coordinate who to breed with who and how much it's going to cost them, all because they can't or don't want to afford a bat scry and have no other means to move forward with anything except just blindly breeding, which we all know is hard to manage on its own with pup survival being as tedious as it already is.

Even in testing, SC was hard to get a hold of until the devs granted us large abundances for testing purchases and the currency systems, so sad to say the current rate of gaining is as it's always been from day 1 with only a few minor but still not significant tweaks. Increasing SC gain as a solution to this problem would at the very least make the price of scrying with the bat more reasonable, as well as solve many other problems throughout the game in general. Sure, with the rise in gain comes the rise in prices in the market because that's just how inflation works in an economy, you pay more when you get paid more because it keeps things in balance; if you're given more then you have to pay more in order to keep things in steady circulation. But think of it this way, with a higher rate of gaining SC, people will be able to save up easier to eventually afford the rise in prices. It will take a little longer to work for it, but that's how life is, that's just how economy works.

I do agree that 50 SC for the whole scry with Gene or at least the option to choose what mutation you scry for is a good idea, it'd be the same as using the scrying stone but with better and more certain results so it would still weed out the scams, at a price people would be more willing to pay. At 50 SC per bat scry, people could scry three wolves for a total of 150 SC as opposed to 150 SC for just one wolf, players would benefit from that far better than the way it is now, and then people might actually be more inclined to use the feature instead of giving up and quitting. These mutie breeding projects for some are a source of income their pack can live on, and if you take that away or make it harder to manage then you're going to see a lot less people playing the game or at least breeding less than before, which may help the pup market in the long-run but then packs may eventually die out and it defeats the purpose of breeding for better wolves as a whole.

TLDR: You have my full support. 150 SC is too high and won't do much if anything at all to fix the market/economy of the game, 50 SC or less for whole or targeted mutation scry would be a lot better, but overall a change in SC gain would solve this issue + more.


Posted 2021-02-10 14:44:50

50 is literally perfect for checking for Muties! Not overly expensive like it is right now, and not cheap enough to be a regular scry, perfect! <3


Posted 2021-02-10 15:05:14 (edited)

I'd be fine with 80-100sc, but I agree that 150 is a lot. Even as someone not actively breeding muties only, I was like,,, wait,,, 150SC?
I feel the bat function is better for those who want to 100% reassure someone is buying a mutie, but as far as I've seen scying has been working just fine up until now.


Posted 2021-02-12 02:37:11

I support. I love the idea of Gene, but it just way too expensive.


Posted 2021-02-12 02:40:05

30 SC per mutation would be great, as 3 scries was usually the average amount it took to scry NBWs. Absolutely love Gene, but we don't have a lot of SC! Please stop adding SC sinks when he have no way to actually make money lol


Posted 2022-02-22 17:57:17 (edited)
The problem in the OP has already been solved by allowing individual gene checking (for instance, if you've got a litter of potential melanism carriers, you only have to spend 50 sc on each of them to check for the mel gene). There aren't many sc sinks in the game, so I think this is a reasonable price.


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