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Remove or change the word "enemy" in battle encounters

Posted 2021-08-29 01:36:56
Oh. Yeah, I guess it depends on how you perceive the game. I hadn't thought of it as an RPG.

Fal - semi hiatus

Posted 2021-10-28 19:33:58
Support infinity

I play WD to relax, re-connect with myself and practice better management while exercising certain parts of my mental self most don't think of doing.
I hate seeing the word 'enemy' while exploring and it's a trigger word for me unless an animal has done something to me in the game lore wise [coyote's sneaking into my camp and killing one of my pups for example] to which then i deem them rivals and a threat to attack and kill if i can on sight.

However, when i'm playing. I'm fully immersed esp due to my mental disabilities so i feel like i'm playing as my main wolf. Seeing 'Enemy' on like deer, horse, bear, etc. just sets me off and rips me out of my gameplay and triggers a bit of a mental episode if i'm not careful sadly.

Of course, there's no karma system yet so i can't just go 'evil' and kill everything i can like on LD XD
WD is a more innocent side of myself i have left though since Lemme be blunt, i had a shit life and am both physically and mentally scarred that took and is Still taking years to undo, fix and heal from.
Enemy is a trigger word for a reason and i luckily can still play if i see the artwork only which sucks cuz i love to see what the explore words are.


Posted 2022-03-28 23:41:21
I think that it makes sense to keep enemy and here is why:

There are clearly animals in the world that we are friends (or at least friendly) with; I.E. the herbalist, the enclave bear, the fertility snake, etc. These same types of animals appear in explore as opponents. I would assume this is not because the type of animal itself is a threat, but because canonically we are friends with some of that species and enemies with others. Of course, I suppose we could be neutral, but especially if a karma system is introduced, it just feels weird to snap and attack some bears and not others, or some snakes and not others, according to what we want to get out of it. In that sense, the lore makes more sense to me that we have both friends and enemies, maybe due to hostilities that aren't so apparent in gameplay but are due to pack history or something.

I would also support the idea of saying "you've entered into X's territory," but when you're exploring your own home biome it seems like the opposite is true, so they would have to specify the flavor text accordingly.


Posted 2022-03-29 01:02:33
I'm mostly convinced by this post even though it's another thread but generally saying about any word changes - no matter how you wanna change the word, it won't satisfy everywolf. It might please some group of players while displeasing another one. There's no point in changing the wording.


Posted 2023-10-28 12:42:29
old thread but i support! i'm all for removing human connotations for a game about animals ^^ ofc there are people who want to perceive certain animals/groups as enemies and bring human emotions and elements into their play style, but this suggestion would make it more flexible, not less. This way, it doesn't force the player to perceive the encounter in any particular light, and it's entirely up to the player's interpretation


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