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Feed All/Play All (& how it affects mentally/chronically ill and neurodivergent players)

Posted 2021-04-10 22:42:59

Just wanted to voice my support for this! I have Tourette's Syndrome which makes lots of repetitive hand movements and clicking difficult as well as affecting my energy in general. These sorts of things definitely drive me away from a game over time even if I otherwise really enjoy playing them as it just makes it too difficult to keep up with other players. Some sort of change would really help prevent this from happening here


Posted 2021-05-04 13:36:18

Support support support

š“„š“²š“»š“°š“²š“µ (he/him)

Posted 2021-05-04 13:43:51

Voicing my support as someone with early rheumatoid arthritis and carpal tunnel - clicking is already a huge part of browser games. I wouldn't even mind a feature like this to be paid with SC in some way if it really needs to have a paywall


Posted 2021-05-04 13:55:20

Absolutely support.Ā 

Even just lowering the price would be incredibly helpful.Ā 

As someone who is mentally ill and neurodivergent, I ended up leaving for...about three? Maybe four? Months. Because I couldn't handle logging on every single day and not feeding/playing to 100% stressed me out to the point that I found myself actively avoiding the game altogether. I use the Feed All/Play All tool when I do play Lioden and it was absolutely a game changer....I didn't feel nearly as miserable and stressed out. But here, the cost is just not something I can justify...especially if I end up leaving for months at a time again.Ā 


Posted 2021-05-04 13:58:49

I also support this.


Posted 2021-05-05 21:12:30

Big support! I deal with a lot of wrist pain when I work and while I've been lucky enough to not have to work much in the time I've been playing WD, I'm going to be picking up more work soon and that's going to come with bad pain days. I can mitigate some of the problems by using a combination of touch screens and feeding from the hoard but it's not going to be enough on the worst days.

Personally I'd prefer one time payment but even a lower price for the subscriptions would make it more accessible, as things are right now I'd have to click just as much to earn the currency for it.Ā 


Posted 2021-05-05 21:13:18

Fully support this. There are many ways to get players to buy GC, especially with customisation. This seems like a basic game function that quite frankly should be a part of the base game. I understand why it isn't but I think there are alternative ways for this website to continue getting profit, ones that don't isolate so many players.


Posted 2021-05-23 09:04:50

Full support!

As other have said, there are already ways to make players invert in GC, and the FAPA on wolvden, a game where the purpose is to be difficult, is honestly a blessing for every folk who may not have the energy/can't keep up. Plus, in Lioden one could play with the lions without wasting amusement items while here in Wolvden is completely neccessary.

Extending FAPA is a good idea, but I can see how it would clash with people who already bought it. Maybe there could be two options? The normal one and other that last a bit longer for like, 1 GC more or less? FAPA being behind a paywall does annoy me, but options are a bit limited to be honest.


Posted 2021-05-23 15:25:10 (edited)

Support. While I personally don't struggle with feeding and playing with my wolves on a daily basis, I understand how inconvenient that can be for other players, especially because I don't see any real justification as of why the system works the way it does right now, except for the additional "difficulty" and the extra GC revenue for the Feed All Play All.

I agree a one time payment could be a fair exchange, both for the devs and so that players who already bought the feature keep it permanently instead of being refunded.

Nei šŸ¦€āœØ

Posted 2021-05-24 07:31:45

While Iā€™m not personally affected by the lack of FAPA, I know this is a large issue for many, many people, which is why Iā€™m voicing my support for this. A crucial accessibility setting should never be locked behind a paywall.


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