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[Custom Decor] Custom Decor System Needs Reform

Posted 2024-02-21 09:20:24
Here with a potential fix for our concerns about favoritism or animosity effecting the likelihood of certain decors being rejected or approved - the CD artist and submitter's information should be hidden from whoever is conducting approvals/rejections. Certain companies do this with resumes, for example my friend who does coding for a living has to submit a piece of code as a part of her job application, but when the code is being reviewed all of her personal information is hidden from the person who is reviewing it - therefore there can be no bias regarding age, gender, other demographics.
If Wolvden devs want CD artists to know, with confidence, that favoritism is not at play when it comes to approving or rejecting art, then they should put a system in place where that information is only revealed after the decision to approve or reject a piece of art has already been made and established.
If favoritism IS the problem, then upon implementing this we would see an immediate shift in what is and what isn't being approved.
If the problems are simply because of inconsistent standards, then implementing this feature would at least make it abundantly clear that someone needs to go through with a fine tooth comb and explicitly outline what is or isn't acceptable as well as create better guides.

Posted 2024-02-21 09:44:02
100% agree with what shunkana has stated above. I am not a custom decor artist, but I am an artist, and I've been selling my art for a few years now. I've sold art on other platforms and they too have a system where the artists information isn't disclosed until after the art is accepted or rejected. Having this system implement here on wolvden would give peace of mind and make it more fair and just to the amazing custom decor artists we have on wolvden.

κ§πš…πš’πš›πš’πšπš’πšŠπš— πš‚πšŠπšπšŠκ§‚

Posted 2024-02-21 12:10:02
I think that would be a fantastic solution! I've added it to the main post with credit to you for the idea


Posted 2024-02-21 12:15:12
Thank you so much for your support on my thread! The nastiness resulting from these conflicts has been very difficult for me to manage lately. It's completely fine if people disagree with me here, or even hate me for it and think I'm a horrible person because of what I've said in this thread. But I'd really prefer if people could voice their concerns and disagreements respectfully and constructively within this thread. Saying cruel & threatening things to/about people on anonymous platforms because you disagree with their opinion on custom decors is not particularly fun for me to deal with, and is taking it way too far imo.


Posted 2024-05-08 23:13:02
Yeah... Revisiting this topic just to say nothing has changed. I mean, there's no point in me even posting this since clearly there is no intention by the devs to resolve any of these issues. It's been made abundantly clear that the community of custom decor artists have very little support or consideration from the people running the game. We were banned from ModBoxing any CD-related questions last July (even just to ask if something would adhere to the rules, since there is extreme inconsistency with adherence to the current CD rules & guidelines, so how would one even know?), and I personally have never gotten a reply to a question sent to Xylax or his assistant, so there is literally no support for our community. We get super vague and confusing feedback with zero way to clarify. Or we get told something is against the rules, just for someone else to get basically the exact same thing approved. Or we get told something is within the rules, just for it to then be rejected for not adhering to the rules. I mean honestly, what is happening? I am extremely passionate about my 'career' as a CD artist, therefore all of this is so disheartening and disappointing for me in so many ways.

We pay to submit our artwork. We pay to buy a copy of our artwork. There's a 5 GC tax on every copy anyone buys. We provide the game with thousands of incredible, creative and diverse items. We spend years honing our ability to match Wolvden's art style. We spend hundreds of dollars on iPads, Apple Pencils, and digital art programs to do CD with. We spend countless hours trying to interpret the totally vague and confusing rules & rejection feedback. And this is how we are repaid.

I know people are gonna be running back to the anonymous blogs to call me fun and colorful names because of this post. Have fun. Frankly I'm tired of our community being exploited.


Posted 2024-05-10 00:48:53 (edited)
Lmao I took a huge hiatus and came back and well nothing has changed.

Like why even expect the devs support or acknowledgement at this point ? They've already shown they don't care about CD artists or the community in general due to lack of communication on things.

Sorry, but you couldn't pay me in real life money to be a CD artist on WD. I feel for every CD artist on here, no matter how experienced.

8 Point Buck

Posted 2024-05-13 10:25:25
I know I'm not particularly all that welcome here, but I just wanted to add something real quick.
It's already enough that the system is really screwy and there's little consistency in what's accepted vs. rejected and for what reasons. But also consider a majority of custom decor artists aren't even paid real money for their hard work. Now if you do commissions then ofc you do get paid for taking time away to make a creation for this game, but even then most of the time it is paid with game currency. And for the people not doing commissions, just making decors for fun or for personal things/reasons, it takes a lot of interest in that decor for them to get paid back for the time they spent on it as well as the 10GC fee to submit said decor.
I don't know all the fancy numbers to calculate how much it would take, but if you work hours on a really nice decor just to get paid 3-5 measly GC each copy bought, that's going to take a lot of people buying a copy for that decor to become profitable and 'worth it'. And not very many decors make it to that point.
Long explanation short- people who make CD not only pull their hair out trying to get a decor accepted, but also rarely get paid enough for their efforts in the end.

And again, I know I'm not all that welcome here, but I figured it was a fair point to bring up that basically anyone who makes a CD or several CDs are shorted for their work, and when you add that to the already screwy process of trying to get the decor accepted in the first place, it really becomes unfair. This system is real messy, and as much as I doubt that there will be changes (esp without anything being done since the making of this topic), I do still hope that something changes for the better, because it needs it.

β™°Vampire Mamaβ™°

Posted 2024-05-13 10:35:31
The fact that Wolvden makes more off of unpaid CD artists' hard work (bc of the 5 gc tax) and also makes said artists pay for extra copies of their OWN work is so insane

Posted 2024-05-13 11:10:33
I am honestly not too sure of the purpose of the 5GC tax, if it actually goes anywhere or not, so I wasn't going to touch on it, but I do think that it's unnecessary. I understand the need of a payment for another copy of their own though, because people could pester for free copies from that person instead of paying and the artist could take advantage of forever free copies. However I don't think it needs to cost that much.
The tax for buying a CD is just weird, and while it does make somewhat sense to make custom decors harder to get or make the prices for all decors more balanced or whatever purpose it has, I think at the very least the price should be lowered. And for our own copy too. 1-3GC sounds a lot better than 5GC in my own opinion, and is a lot more affordable for casual or new players who can't spend as much time grinding the game for money and don't want or can't spend money on the game either.

β™°Vampire Mamaβ™°

Posted 2024-05-13 15:37:08
Thanks to everyone who has continued to voice support for this topic. I'd like to think we can all put any personal differences aside and come together for the sake of this cause. At the end of the day: We're all clearly passionate about this game. We all want to see it flourish and see the community being actually supported, heard, validated & considered. (Well, I will give them props for being on top of culturally sensitive matters by hiring a cultural consultant -- but virtually all other aspects of the community's voice have fallen on deaf ears, or been momentarily mentioned and then subsequently forgotten about.) We just want to see a very broken system repaired.


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