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The Stat Ceiling Is Still There, Still Kinda Low, And Still A Problem

Posted 2023-08-13 13:58:25
my 703 & 544 wolves making 387 stat babies seems totally expected & reasonable to me.

i think the way stats are just makes it less exploitable. when i see those super high level/statted lions on lioden i kinda just get discouraged, i'll never be at that level or even breed with that level, so why even try? here, it feels like everyone has a fighting chance.

"While possible at lower stat ranges, this isn't feasible with very high stats as it'd lead to infinite stat growth and broken stat economy in the long-term." from Deader in the trouble ticket posted above

I, and most other players, can't spend that much money on a pet sim. And I think the stat ceiling makes it more fair for the rest of us. No one asked anyone to spend that much money on this game, it was completely up to the person to do so. I'm glad they're not letting money sway their decision to make the game unbalanced for everyone else.

Posted 2023-08-13 14:28:15
I, and most other players, can't spend that much money on a pet sim. And I think the stat ceiling makes it more fair for the rest of us.

As someone who is f2p and doesn't spend money on guarana, the stat ceiling is more frustrating for me, not less. I can only gain as many stats as my lead's natural energy recovery allows. I would still like that effort to pay off in the next generation, so that each successive leader of my pack can be stronger than the one before. From a game design perspective, it makes sense to allow players (including f2p ones) a sense of progression, instead of merely running in place.


Posted 2023-08-13 14:42:07
Wolves with lower stats do not feel the pain of the stat ceiling because they are not high enough up there to feel the pain of it
703 and 544(Totaling up to 1247) having babies that are 31% their parents stats IS GOOD! yes!
That is the game working as intended

Do you think it is more fair to have dogs that are lower stat have a more than double success rate than the wolves specifically raised to try to gain monster stats, the HIGHEST EVER puppy was just born to Dza of 1028 birth stats, while yes, that is (much less than) three times the stat of your puppy the parents stats were a total of 5663 4-5 times better than your wolf parents stat combos
The BEST puppy in the litter had a stat inheritance of 18% compared to your pups 31%
This is even worse for ANYONE trying to breed long lines
Because oh how the current stat ceiling is there is no point of raising a line of dogs, the only way to make big dogs is make 1-2 dogs big and breed them
Unless the stat ceiling is fixed PAY TO PLAY WILL DOMINATE THE STAT GAME
We are calling to have this fixed so that stats can grow over time and not just have 1 RavenWalker or 1 Stahlhast


Posted 2023-08-13 15:07:08
Its a very difficult climb whether people p2p or f2p because even with Guarana you aren't guaranteed to gain any stats with that 100% energy. I have found no point to get on wolvden except during events like Lunar and Cataclysm (Lunar because you get double the chance to get 15+ enemy with the world and lunar world | Cataclysm because every cryptid you have a chance to fight is already over 15+) Its still a struggle to get to 2k but I have made progress (progress I consider is getting over the starting stats of the previous leader)

Mountain Ash started from 826 and got to 1.5k at 2 years and 8 months (418 from leveling alone 256 from stats from battle)
1.7k at 4 years
1.8k at 4 years and 6 months
1.9k at 4 years and 11 1/2 months
2k at 5 years and 8 months

I'm not the biggest nerd when it comes to doing a lot of research into the stat gains. But I did generally keep track of somethings I felt were important to see progress. Such as parents stats and pups stats.

1631 - Mountain Ash when bred
1940 - Felix's stats when bred
Pups: 760, 766
3571 stats total = about 750+ stat pups

1773 - Mountain Ash when bred
2246 - Stahlhast's stats when bred
Pups: 801, 807, 806
4019 stats total = barely above 800+ stat pups

1925 - Mountain Ash when bred
2288 - Felix when bred
Pups: 846, 851, 853, 860, 873
4213 stats total = around 850+ stat pups

2048 - Mountain Ash when bred
3073 - Stahlhast's when bred
Pups: 976, 957, 947, 957
5121 stats total = 950+ stat pups

just shy of what I believe was the total stats for the highest pup born from ravenwalker with a total of 5152 stats to = a 992 stat pup (guesswork idk exactly the stats of the mother and father when bred)

Judging by this you'd need 5200+ total stats of the parents to possibly have a 1k pup. Pretty much every 500 stats has the chance to have your pups increase by 50 is the pattern I saw. 1k stats to increase by 100


Posted 2023-08-13 23:31:56
Whew boy do I have something I'd like to add to what I and many others have already stated.

I recently bred one of my Finisher females who had around 900 Strength (at the time of breeding) to Stahlhast. On the same day, someone else bred their female who had around 750 Strength (going back in time, assuming this wolf was earning 3 Strength per day since the day she was bred) to Stahlhast. I didn't record Stahlhast's Strength stat at the time of breeding, but the other female was bred about 6 hours before my female was. The resulting Strength stats of the puppies is shockingly similar. Without taking personality into account, the average Strength stat of my litter was 330.25 Strength. The other litter's average Strength stat was 325.75. So, a less than 5 stat average difference between the 2 litters for a 150 Strength parent difference.

I realize that, at this moment in time, Stahlhast has 1500 Strength, and so a 150 stat difference isn't much in comparison. But there is a big difference between a 750 Strength and a 900 Strength wolf, and it is a bit of a slap in the face to see the two litters having essentially the same Strength stats.

I would strongly appreciate if the devs could spend some time really considering how stats currently work and are passed on. It is very disheartening to see the literal months I spent getting a wolf to 900 Strength, not to mention the months I spent getting her mother's Strength as high as possible before breeding her, essentially not matter.


Posted 2023-09-20 21:26:07
I deeply support this and feel that by not making the requested changes, Wolvden could be missing out on a key player/market segment.

I've seen two main arguments regarding this proposal to remove the stat ceiling, and as someone who has played both Lioden after a long hiatus and then left Wolvden for a long hiatus, I just want to share my experience and perspective on those two arguments:

1. Removing or raising the stat ceiling would intimidate new players. The line of logic here is usually that new players will look at the stats on other people's wolves and feel like it's impossible to catch up, and Lioden is often held up as an example of this. Personally, when I returned to Lioden after a year or two, I was far more intimidated by all the new bases and markings that I then had to learn about/figure out which ones were rare and valuable, how to get them, etc. Plus, new players can always be gifted or buy higher stat wolves. Truly, most wolves are dirt cheap in the TC. Sure, the incredibly high stat wolves would still be expensive, but there are enough casual stat breeders that would keep the prices manageable.

Not to mention, many other players, myself included, might feel more incentivized to pursue the stat breeding route if it was viable at all. I was mapping out my plan for focusing on stat breeding in my next few pack generations, but ran into the ceiling problem immediately by gen 3, and that made me feel less attached to my pack and to this game. I understand needing to account for new players, but I feel like Wolvden is missing out on the opportunity to cultivate and tap into the loyalties of the long-term player segment.

2. Removing or raising the stat ceiling would significantly materially disadvantage new players. In other words, removing or raising the stat ceiling would significantly widen the gap between new players and existing players in terms of resource accumulation/winning enemy fights, etc. This might be true, if Wolvden were a PvP game. But mechanically, it isn't, which means there are solutions to mitigate this—making each additional stat count less in terms of hunting successfully or winning fights, for instance, would make the disparity much less severe while still allowing players to build upon their hard-earned stat gains. I feel like some might disagree with this point, but at least personally, stat breeding is far more about pride and lineage for me than it is about making the game easier for myself.

Posted 2023-11-07 12:41:02 (edited)
I have not rolled in ages but noticed that no ones mentioned this and felt it was important

1- The stats you can gain per lifetime on a wolf is soft capped(not hard cus u can obviously spam guarana)
2- The % of stats a pup inherits from its parents decreases seemingly logarythmically

if either of these are present alone it already will cause the stats u gain per generation to get less and less eventually tapering off at some point
however we have both present at the same time so their effects stack and cause the stat ceiling to be hit incredibly fast.

Most wont like to hear this but there will always be a stat ceiling its literally not possible to remove however we can make it harder to hit and less horrendous to grind against.
simply make the % of stats inherited a generation a flat number regardless of the parents stats , lets say 45% of the average of the parents stats(45% is me spit balling, obviously could be changed to nearly any number which will affect the generations it would take to reach the ceiling and how bad it is to try grind to it)

stat ceiling will be there, it will still be rather ridiculous to pass at a certain point, however we get way better rewards for our efforts instead of whatever the hecks goin on rn


Posted 2023-11-17 20:47:45
I support! And to add to the many reasons already listed here that this change would be good, I also think it would go towards solving the problem of the low-gen craze. Part of the reason so many wolves are selling for so cheap (or not selling at all) is because with each generation, the value of a wolf drops EXPONENTIALLY because everyone wants super low gen wolves. Nice (as in nice markings, nice base, etc) G1 wolves are crazy valuable, nice G2 wolves are somewhat desirable, nice G3 wolves are decent, nice G4s are tolerable, and after that, unless they have a mutation or a crazy rare combination, it's REALLY hard to sell them because EVERYONE wants low gen (because everyone wants to breed G2s & G3s).

If, as suggested above, a flat % of stats was inherited rather than having that % decrease with every generation, there would be more incentive to keep lines going. This would raise the value of higher-gen wolves directly, as they would have higher starting stats than low-gen wolves, and it would also raise their value indirectly— if more people are keeping their high-gen wolves, more people are willing to buy and breed with high-gen wolves. This might help to bring clean/low-gen breeding back it's roots, as something you choose to do for fun/challenge/lore, rather than something you have to participate in if you want to make enough currency to enjoy the game


Posted 2023-12-14 13:40:27
Support this! Not a huge stat breeder myself but it's disheartening to see people who work so hard and spend so much on raising a high stat wolf just to have the next generation not match up. And this would definitely help against the whole low-gen craze (where ONLY low gens are valuable) that ruins the game for a lot of players if stats could improve across generations, giving an incentive to breed more generations.

Fort ⛄️🎄

Posted 2023-12-25 11:04:12
I'm side-eyeing Ultra-Skilled Puppy and Puppy Xtreme achievements real hard right now.

Like... I don't even think the two highest stat beasts on the site have pulled those kinds of numbers. My 2000 stat lead quite literally has no chance. Are they meant to be impossible? I'm kinda baffled here.


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