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The Stat Ceiling Is Still There, Still Kinda Low, And Still A Problem

Posted 2023-12-25 11:38:02
Same here, I'm not even entirely sure that the 1000+ stat pups being born have those kind of stats? I'm really hoping that there's an implication that we may be getting a stat rework, but it could also just be an oversight

Shiba [pie shark nbw]

Posted 2023-12-30 17:56:23
Fully support. Stat breeding is an important part of the game and the stud market. Its disheartening to see it so bad here; i really love the way wolvden plays and stat breeding is a primary draw for me. Stats are so hard to gain here, though, and breeding for stats is even worse.

In addition, with the stat ceiling as bad as it is, those two achievements others in the thread have mentioned are damn near impossible to achieve. I really hope a stat rework is in the queue, honestly.

Posted 2024-01-01 16:04:28 (edited)
As someone who doesn't focus too much on stats and intends to keep my bloodlines going for generations to come, I 100% support. What we are seeing is the typical consequence of nerfing long-term players for the sake of the new player that just joined, but isn't that the point of the game? To start out with nothing and work up to the top if you so desire to play in that way? Why do games, not just Wolvden, insist on making long-term players that spend the most time and money on the game suffer in the name of "fairness" for the new player that just joined today and may never come back? Nothing will be 100% fair or equal, and everyone suffers when you try to force it to work.

I understand there needs to be a ceiling of some sort, but why is the solution to punish players by LOWERING the stats gained? I think the fix would be as simple as once players hit that ceiling, the stats steady out, meaning no progress is actively lost, but progress won't be made either, and the only way for pups to get better would be to pump in more money/resources. This way, once the ceiling is reached, no progress is lost, just stalled. Maybe pups might get slightly better than their parents with the normal bit of work, but to really get to the next level you'd have to put in more resources to reach the next soft cap, so on and so forth.


Posted 2024-01-15 21:31:39 (edited)
I bred a 1200+ stat wolf to Frostwalker that has 4567 stats to produce pups barely at 1000 stats. Now im about to breed a 1800 stat wolf again to Frostwalker. If my pups are barely 1000 stats ima quit WD. What will be the point in playing. I will not spend another dime on WD or LD currency. I will warn player about this so they won't waste money on stats. I 100% support that this needs to be changed. It took me a year to get a wolf with 1800 stats its not fair to keep older players unable to raise great wolves without spending money.

Posted 2024-01-24 15:19:49
Big support. I think the gen obsession is lame, and I wish grinding for stats was worth it, because I'd be much more interested in that. It feels a bit disheartening that racking up 4 figures on my own would cost so much money. As it stands it seems like I'll eventually hit a wall unless I seek out a stud from someone who is willing to spend that money. So why grind? It'd be fun if you could achieve more given enough generations.

Posted 2024-01-27 13:18:07
I supported a long time ago but never posted. I used to be really interested in making cool, powerful wolves across the generations but seeing how fast stats capped out really dimmed my motivation before I got anywhere. After a break I was hoping to see an update on the matter. I would really appreciate having something to work towards and making higher gen wolves more valuable. Last time I played it felt like even gen 2s weren't worth much anymore. The players that want to spend to make a hyper powered g1 could still do so while allowing other players to build up powerful lines over several generations instead.

Posted 2024-04-28 08:50:49
I fully support. I play for fun and don't spend money on the game, so I really struggle with stats in my litters. Max stats for my pups are maybe 370 stats? And if you pick a random puppy they typically have that stat range: from 200 to 400. By changing the stat ceiling, high gens could actually have worth if they had high stats. I can't even imagine the frustration of spending so much time and money on the game on stat grinding just for garbage litters.

🦊Skulk, Leash & Earth🦊

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