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[Grouse House Guide] Cataclysms | August Event

Posted 2023-08-07 01:54:42
I've noticed the guide list Nagual as Independent, but for me, it's Kinfolk Making Onza the missing Independent, not Kinfolk, in my case

Anyone else has Nagual as Kinfolk?


Posted 2023-08-07 05:13:39
Kinfolk for me too^


Posted 2023-08-07 06:35:44
Both the Rainforest: Independent & Glacier: Kinfolk were indeed missing! Here's the bug report I made on it two days ago

Also, Nagual is Kinfolk


Posted 2023-08-07 07:53:23 (edited)
Found the elusive Fur-Bearing Trout thanks to Heru's report.
A ball of fur just under the surface of the water looks like a dead rodent and catches your attention. To your surprise, not only is it alive, but it's also no's a fish!

While the shape of this creature is indeed fish-like, your mind refuses to acknowledge the presence of fur. You can't imagine a furry fish even in your wildest dreams. When it looks back at you, you can't help but take a step back.

"Do you need some more time to process what you see? I can wait but time is running out and I need some help. Don't, you won't have to dive."
(Quest Info)

As you become accustomed to the peculiar appearance of this creature, it starts to look normal in your eyes. The thing that still shocks you is the creature's ability to speak! This world has indeed gone mad.

Give 2 Healing Salves

North Shore Monster stat drop: Speed

Nagual Quest: 1 scouting mission completed


Posted 2023-08-07 11:05:29 (edited)
Moreee fun info, but this time, from the new Indeps :D Ofc, more to be added later today via edits.

Bloody Mary Quests:
Defeat 3x the Merged Cryptids

Joint Snake Quests:
Complete 2x Hunts

Manipogo Quests:
Give 5x Large Branches

Milton Lizard Quests:
Defeat 1x Plains Coyote

Onza Quests:
Give 2x Nesting Material

Snipe Quests:
Give 5x Large Rocks


Cryptid Stat Drops:

Beast of Bray Road: Speed


Onza First Day Text:
A large feline observes you carefully as you step into its territory. Its eyes, sharp and focused, lock onto yours and make you anxious...

The slender, muscular body of the feline moves so gracefully that you don't need proof of the creature's hunting skills. It seems irritated by your presence but it doesn't show any hostility, which is a good sign.

"You there! Come closer! You have been chosen to help me. Come on, you'll appreciate it when you finish. It's much better than fighting me."

Onza Mid-Quest Text:
The creature rests atop a moss-covered rock looking at you just like a ruler looks at their subject. Even when it's relaxed, you can see that it's always focused and alert, which is something to admire though you don't dare to speak it aloud.

Manipogo Mid-Quest Text:
The slender and now familiar shape can be seen among the rocks. The creature is relaxing with its eyes closed and its head turned up to the sky. The faint scent of fish tells you that it has probably just finished its meal.

Milton Lizard Mid-Quest Text:
No rock is large enough to fit it, but that doesn't stop the Milton Lizard from trying to sun. It's found three rocks spaced out enough so that it can rest its head, part of its body, and part of its tail across all three. It doesn't look at all comfortable, but who are you to judge?

Snipe Mid-Quest Text:
The Snipe isn't here. At least, it doesn't seem to be...but you feel watched. You look all around for the creature, only to turn and find it sitting right where you first stood. How had you missed it? Amusement dances in its eyes as it watches you.

🌈[Kim] Frying Pan🏳️‍🌈

Posted 2023-08-08 10:17:01
Can confirm, Onza is an Independent, not Kinfolk.

Also, here is an Onza quest I acquired:

"I don't really care about other animals living here, but I have an issue with other felines. They pose a potential danger to my chosen territory and prey. Long story short, I don't want any unwanted guests that might steal my food. Defeat 1 x Cougar."

Currently: 0/1 defeated

Posted 2023-08-08 10:19:33
Has it always been the case that you can take a limited amount of cryptid quests? I recall last year being able to do all the independents, but this year it cut me off and said I'd taken the maximum amount of quests for the day.


Posted 2023-08-08 11:38:54
@Silver It's always been that way. However, this year their are more of each so you won't be able to complete them all
Lily (GH!)

Posted 2023-08-08 11:44:27
Ah I see, thanks!


Posted 2023-08-08 14:53:59
Hoop Snake:

The snake, using its special way of moving again, rolls towards you, and there is no doubt that it's an efficient and fast way not only to move but also to hunt—assuming it doesn't suffer from a headache, of course.

"I need some supplies, but not only for my own use. Believe it or not, but I sometimes share my stock with animals in need. This is the least I can do. Bring me 2 x healing salves, so I can be ready for tough times."

Currently: 0/2 salves given

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