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[Grouse House Guide] Cataclysms | August Event

Posted 2023-08-03 23:23:53
Thanks friends for all of the info and the patience! Excited to work on the guide again :)

All of the new cryptids have been added. There's just a few missing parts and some additional information that I'd like to include for every cryptid, so I put a list below of everything that will be needed for anyone who would like to help! I created a separate forum topic exclusively for the cryptid list just in case I ran out of space on this one, which you can find here! I'm still doing okay on space on this one luckily, but we'll see if it stays that way. Feel free to share info on either topic!

I'll add the new shop items once tier 1 opens since i"m not sure where they'll be placed or how much they'll cost yet. I'll also be expanding the general info on the guide a bit more throughout the month.

Let me know if there's anything missing or that you think should be added!

Info Needed for Cryptid Charts

2nd+ day dialogue
When visiting a cryptid's page the day after completing a quest, new dialogue will be shown acknowledging the quest you did for them the day before. I'll be including this text in the quest section of each cryptid chart.
Quest intro text
When taking a quest, a brief descriptive text will be shown above where the quest is explained, which I'll also be including in the quest section of each cryptid chart.

You can search "Flavor text needed" on the guide to see all of the text that's still missing.

Filling in any missing quests, stat drops, and battle modifiers
Most cryptids are likely still missing some possible quests!
Currently-missing information
I'm still missing the main flavor text for a few cryptids, listed below:
- Joint Snake (Desert)
- Onza (Rainforest)
- Fur-Bearing Trout (Glacier)
- I believe I'm also missing the first day dialogue for the Teakettler (the one I have seems like the 2nd day dialogue)

Thanks again for all of the help, it's always appreciated! :D
Mel 🏜️

Posted 2023-08-04 07:21:10 (edited)
Heheh, back at it again with some ~new info~ because I technically do have some, and will probably edit throughout the day when I get more :

Altamaha-ha Quests:
Catch 1x Uncommon Fish

Beaman Quests:
Give 5x Large Leaves

Beast of Bray Road Quests:
Give 3x Full-Use Carcasses

Gallinipper Quests:
Complete 1x Scouting Mission

Hidebehind Quests:
Give 5x Large Rocks
Complete 1x Scouting Mission

North Shore Monster Quests:
Complete 4x Hunts

Old Scratch Quests:
Give 2x Nesting Materials

Rawhead Quests:
Defeat 3x Kinfolk Cryptids

Thetis Lake Monster Quests:
Give 2x Healing Salves


Cryptid Stat Drops:

Evil Cadejo: Strength

Golden Bear: Smarts

Southern Chupacabras: Wisdom


Teakettler First Day Text:
You hear a high-pitched whining before a strange looking dog approaches you. Steam is coming from its mouth, and it's walking...backwards?

The creature walks in a strange shimmy pattern as it navigates the world backwards. You notice its cat-like ears swivel back and forth as it moves, as if using them to listen as it moves. It seems to manage well, despite its odd movement.

"Oh, you there. You're capable aren't you? I have need of your forward-thinking ways."

🌈[Kim] Frying Pan🏳️‍🌈

Posted 2023-08-04 07:30:51 (edited)
I will edit this throughout the day. I will do my best not to repeat information.

Warning: Text walls incoming.

Joint Snake (Desert)

A snake lays in pieces in front of you. Before your very eyes it twitches and snaps itself back together. Whoa!

When whole, the Joint Snake moves just as any other snake. Its movement is familiar, and you're not as bothered by its presence. It flicks the tip of its tail at you and you jump back as the piece hits your paws. A slithery laugh escapes from the snake as the tail snaps back into place.

"Yeah, yeah, I've heard it before. How am I not dead? It's a perk of being me. Now then, since you're here, I need your help."
Agropelter: "You sure show up a lot for someone who claims not to need anything. Ready to do something else for me?"
Akhlut: "I hope you're ready to work. With your help, we can complete these tasks a lot earlier than I estimated. Let's get going."
Alaskan Tiger: "The more we talk, the less time we have. There's more to do."
Altamaha-ha: "You're a smart one to come back before I can hunt you down; it would be a waste of my precious time, otherwise. Let's get on with it."
Ball-Tailed Cat: "Well, let's get on with it, then. Are you here to help or not?"
Beast of Bladenboro: "Back again? You aren't afraid to get your paws dirty it seems. I have another task for you."
Beast of Bray Road: "Are you small? You seem smaller than other wolves, but perhaps I'm just superior with my height. No matter; you're still useful. Let's get on with it."
Beast of Busco: "I didn't scare you off I see. You're made of strong stuff. Ready for your next task?"
Belled Buzzard: "You're back. Ready for your next task? I'll make it worth your while again."
Bessie: "You came back! Thank goodness. I have more for you to do. Are you up for it?"
Bogeyman: "Back for more I see. Either you're daft or you're very daft. Doesn't matter which to me, just do as I ask."
Cadborosaurus: "Not had your fill yet, hmm? Very well, I have more for you to do."
Cajun Sasquatch: "Still falling for that, I see. Back so soon?"
Champ: "You're a good soul to come back. I knew asking you was the right thing to do. Ready for the next task?"
Creepy Black Hound: "So, you're back for another job?"
Enfield Monster: "The busy-body is back! I guess you like my gifts in return for your service, hmm? I have more to offer. Ready for today's task?"
Gumberoo: "I bet you're wondering if your teeth could pierce my hide, eh? It can't, so don't even try. Ready for your next task?"
Jackalope: "You're back! You haven't eaten me yet, either. I guess I'm in luck for now. Fancy another task?"
Jersey Devil: "It's a pleasant sight when a lesser creature is working for me. Continue, there's a lot to do."
Manipogo: "Look who's back! I'm almost happy to see you. Almost. It's nothing personal; I don't really like anyone, but you're not that bad. You're still eager to help, right?"
Michigan Dogman: "We have more in common than you think. Will you keep helping me?"
Milton Lizard: "Returned, have you? Good, good. I'll make use of those swift paws."
Pope Lick Monster: "Doing this stuff is addicting, isn't it? I suppose there's worse things than working for me. I hope you came prepared."
Sewer Alligator: "Did you bathe? Bah! Now you smell even worse! Good thing you won't be here long. Hurry up and say yes to this task so I don't have to smell you anymore, hmm?"
Swamp Stalker: "Back already? It seems that I underestimated you, and you have some skills. I will keep that in mind when thinking about the next task for you."
Tailypo: "You came back! I wasn't sure you would. Ready to keep going?"
Walgren Lake Monster: "Good to see you again! You were so helpful last time. Are you ready to help some more?"
Panama Creature

You see the creature hanging from a branch, visibly more comfortable and relaxed. It reveals a toothless smile, and you wish that it hadn't. Looking at you with a tilted head, it doesn't need to say anything to make you feel the weight of the troubles of the world. It's odd when such a feeling is caused by one look from something so sloth-like.
Beast of Bray Road

The creature doesn't seem to have a care in the world. It stretches out on the ground to its full length of several feet and throws its head back in a long howl. Shivers roll down your spine and as the creature turns and locks eyes with you, you know who the true apex predator is here.
Enfield Monster

You're not sure how it's managing it, but the Enfield Monster is sitting in the long grass, different weeds and flowers clutched in its claws. It sniffs each in turn before stuffing it in its mouth and chewing, only to spit it right back out. Did it think they were food?

In the murky waters of the swamp, the dark, scaly body of the creature is hard to notice, even when you know where to look. It sees itself as the king of this area, so you have to wait for it to come to you, not the other way around.

Requirements: Defeat 1 Frenzied Razorback
Manipogo: Strength
White River Monster: Speed + Agility


Posted 2023-08-04 10:45:55
So I've noticed that, with the Rainforest: Independent & Glacier: Kinfolk, I am missing 5 Cryptids, but when looking at my Cryptid Den page, it shows I am missing 3, and I know which 3; Flatwoods Monster from Deciduous Forest, Manipogo from Tundra, and Snipe from Taiga

Has anyone found the Glacier Kinfolk or Rainforest Independent yet? It almost looks like they haven't been added yet, and I've been exploring in those two biomes since the start of the event


Posted 2023-08-04 11:30:29
I can't seem to run across them either, though I've been bouncing around biomes a lot. Mel managed to get their images/text, so they might just be uncommon, especially with other cryptids showing up alongside them.


Posted 2023-08-04 17:00:50
For Wampus Cat quest, does your hunting party have to catch prey? I completed 2 hunts but it's showing 0 hunts were completed.

★ Atmospheric • she/her

Posted 2023-08-04 19:57:24

Last year it was adjusted to overall completed hunts, but seems to reverted back to its old status of successful hunts. Take how you will with those quests since now they do slightly mislead

🌈[Kim] Frying Pan🏳️‍🌈

Posted 2023-08-05 04:57:58 (edited)
New day, new (day)ta~

Beaman Quests:
Succeed 2x Hunts

Beast of Bray Road Quests:
Defeat 3x Kinfolk Cryptids

Dungavenhooter Quests:
Defeat 3x Kinfolk Cryptids

Gallinipper Quests:
Give 5x Large Leaves

North Shore Monster Quests:
Catch 1x Uncommon Fish

Rawhead Quests:
Defeat 1x Wolverine
Defeat 1x Arctic Fox

Rougarou Quests:
Defeat 1x Tuttle Bottoms Monster

Sewer Alligator Quests:
Give 3x Full-Use Carcasses

Thetis Lake Monster Quests:
Catch 1x Uncommon Fish


Cryptid Stat Drops:

Altamaha-ha: Agility

White Lady: Smarts


Flavor Text:

Dungavenhooter (Mid-Quest):
In the murky waters of the swamp, the dark, scaly body of the creature is hard to notice, even when you know where to look. It sees itself as the king of this area, so you have to wait for it to come to you, not the other way around.

🌈[Kim] Frying Pan🏳️‍🌈

Posted 2023-08-05 11:06:22 (edited)
(lots of text, with newest edits added to the bottom) new Cryptid texts & questsGoofus Bird quest flavour text: "I don't have to see any of the Merged creatures to feel their vile influence. They are a disease of this world, and I mean that literally. Defeat 3 x the Merged cryptids for me. It's not much compared to their overall numbers, but we have to start somewhere."

Mothman 2nd day flavour text: "You would be faster with wings like mine but no matter. Results are what matters most. Ready for more?"

quest flavour text: "I want to expand my territory a little. While I can fly and see everything from above, I'm too busy with other stuff right now. You wolves run in packs so it should be easy for you. Complete 1 scouts and tell me about everything you discover."

Hugag 2nd day flavour text: "Ready to do something else? The sooner we finish, the better. I like my own company over you nosy wolves."

quest flavour text: "I think you can see that for yourself that I'm not shaped to travel around as freely as you. Knowing the area would help a lot so complete 1 scouts and come back to share the details."

a new Quest they can give: complete 1 scouting mission

Teakettler 2nd day flavour text: "I don't look odd enough to scare you away, huh? Well that's a first. Ready to help again?"

quest flavour text: "These disasters are wreaking havoc on everyone around here! I can't stand their cries. Go and help 3 x distressed animals in explore."

a new Quest they can give: Help 3x distressed animals in explore

Beaman quest flavour text: "I'm in need of leaves. Don't question it, just bring me 5 x large leaves and be quick about it."

a new Quest they can give: Give 5x Large leaves

Sewer Alligator quest flavour text: "Since you're such a good hunter, I'm sure you can spare some food, hmm? I need 3 x full use carcasses and they'd better be perfect."

a new Quest they can give: Give 3x full-use carcasses

Thetis Lake Monster 2nd day flavour text:

"My presence must be irresistible for you to return so soon. Get started on your worshiping tasks, would you?"

quest flavour text: "Care to help me teach those stupid Kinfolk a lesson? Good. Go and defeat 3 x Kinfolk cryptids."

a new Quest they can give: Defeat 3x Kinfolks

Goat Sucker quest flavor text: "Sadly I'm not invincible. I know, I know, shocking! Time to take your lazy mongrel arse and get me 2 x healing salves. Make sure they actually work, too. I don't have time for useless medicine!"

Glawackus 2nd day flavour text: "Back again, eh? Fine then, let's get on with it."

quest flavour text: "You're certainly not as skilled as a feline when it comes to hunting, but I suppose you get the job done. I want to see how you manage to take down prey. Don't worry, I'll make it easy: succeeding in 3 hunts will give me plenty of time to assess your abilities."

Horned Beast quest flavour text: "I need to keep my claws sharp. Go find me 5 x large rocks. Make sure they're rough and have lots of sharp edges; I can't use smooth ones."

Pope Lick Monster quest flavour text: "Do you know what infuriates me the most? The Kinfolk. Actually, everyone gets on my nerves, but especially them. Defeat 3 x Kinfolk cryptids for me."

Jersey Devil 2nd day flavour text: "It's a pleasant sight when a lesser creature is working for me. Continue, there's a lot to do."

quest flavour text: "I need a lot of meat every day. If you don't want to be my next meal, bring me something to eat. 3 x full use carcasses would be perfect. Don't you dare bring anything less than that."

Dover Demon quest favour text: "I keep smelling traces of 1 x American Badger getting closer and closer as time goes on, like they're stalking me. I can't have that, so you need to be a good little wolf and go and kill them. Don't worry, I'm sure it won't hurt you too badly. Go on, then."

Splinter Cat quest flavour text: "The sooner I know this area better, the better prey I can catch before other creatures do it first. Complete 1 scouts while I patrol the other side of my territory. Thanks to you, I will gather far more information much sooner than other hunters here."

Squonk 2nd day flavour text: "It's nice to see your friendly face again! Come to help me again?"

quest flavour text: "Oh my friend, I have good news! While I was sitting by that tree over there having a good cry, the most beautiful smell passed my nose. There's another like me nearby, I'm sure of it. She smells so lovely…see if you can convince her to come and visit me? I would love to meet her."

Sliver Cat quest flavour text: "I won't be a burden to anyone unless someone tries to mess with me. There are some unfortunate folks who tried and now they need to be taught a lesson before they try to invade my space again. Defeat 1 x Whitetail Buck and I'll see if it changes anything."

Gumberoo quest flavour text: "You're a skilled hunter, so put those skills to use. Bring me 3 x full use carcasses. I'm not picky about the type."

White River Monster quest flavour text: "I don't move much on land; I'm restricted to the water. I need you to be my eyes and complete 1 scouts. Be on the lookout for juicy prey, too,"

a new Quest they can give: complete 1 scouting mission

Wampus Cat 2nd day flavour text: "Your work saves my time and effort for the more important stuff. That's something I can appreciate. Will you assist me again?"

Wisconsin Werewolf quest flavour text: "I thought that this would be a calm place to settle for a while but they're always after me. Who? Humans, of course. I've seen one intruder lately. You'll recognize him easily. Find the outback old man before he finds me. I don't care how you will deal with him, just get rid of this pest."

Beast of Busco 2nd day flavour text: "I didn't scare you off I see. You're made of strong stuff. Ready for your next task?"

quest flavour text: "There's a creature that looks like me that keeps skulking around. It poses a threat to me and my territory. Go chase it off, will you? I don't care how you do it, so long as it leaves for good."

Bloody Mary 2nd day flavour text: "Welcome back, future wolf. I still have need of you."

quest flavour text: "You know what I like? Violence. Go defeat 3 x Kinfolk cryptids so that I can enjoy their misery."

Augerino quest flavour text: "I need the energy to dig underground and expand my territory. Bring me juicy, soft meat. 3 x full use carcasses will be fine."

Joint Snake introduction, just in case you're still missing it: A snake lays in pieces in front of you. Before your very eyes it twitches and snaps itself back together. Whoa!

When whole, the Joint Snake moves just as any other snake. Its movement is familiar, and you're not as bothered by its presence. It flicks the tip of its tail at you and you jump back as the piece hits your paws. A slithery laugh escapes from the snake as the tail snaps back into place.

"Yeah, yeah, I've heard it before. How am I not dead? It's a perk of being me. Now then, since you're here, I need your help."

quest flavour text: "Show me how you hunt so I can determine what way is more efficient: yours or mine. Complete 2 hunts."

Loveland Frog 2nd day flavour text: "You came back! Not that I can blame you, I am rather good company. But enough of that–ready for your next task?"

quest text flavour: "I need leaves. The ones around here suck and aren't worth a damn thing for doing anything with. Bring me 5 x large leaves."


Posted 2023-08-06 23:13:52

Merged T1 Shop (for Reference)

🌈[Kim] Frying Pan🏳️‍🌈

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