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1x1 Rp w/ Wolf_Runner12 (Round 6!) (FINISHED)

Posted 2022-06-27 12:00:55
Omgod I didn't even know that 😂))

James huffed as he walked down the hallway. He couldn't even dance in peace. He moved outside of the school building and he lit a cigarette. He knew smoking wasn't really something you were supposed to do here, but frankly he didn't care. People all the time tried to convince him to stop smoking but he never did, in fact he loved smoking and for one reason only....if he was lucking he might get sick from it, maybe even die. God, wouldn't that be a prayer finally answered.. In spite of himself a tiny little smile made its way onto his face but it quickly vanished. He tossed the cigarette on the ground and turned to too back into the school building. He put his hands into his pockets as he walked to the dorm area.
In fact, he wanted nothing more than to be only in a dark room, in the silence. He had managed to get a dorm room to himself, which was a bad idea.


Posted 2022-06-27 12:05:43
Ikr? XD ))

Karlie sped through the book in around an hour, and quickly realised he needed to head back to the dorms. He wasn't sure if he had a roommate, but he wanted to find out. He stood up and put the book back, grabbing a copy of 'A Night Divided' while he ran to the front desk. He checked it out and then headed back to the dorms.
He knocked lightly on his way in, just in case someone was in there. His dorm had two bedrooms, which told him he had a roommate, but he wasn't sure. It didn't look like anyone was home yet, so he went to his room and laid down in bed.
"Alone at last-" He groaned, flopping face first. He rolled over and checked the time, seeing that it was already almost time for dinner.
"Shitty chinese takeout, here I come." He laughed a bit, opening the doordash app.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-06-27 12:10:43
James plopped down onto the bed with a sigh. He didn't even bother turning the lights on at all. Cause, who need lights? He ran a hand over his face as he turned off his music, listening to the dead silence of the room. For some it might had bothered them to stay in a dark room with complete silence...but for James, it honestly kinda felt like heaven. Since he didn't have a roommate, he could do whatever he wanted to. He didn't really have any food in the cabinets or fridge, because I mean he really only at the same meal size of a 8 year old boy. It would explain why he walked around  looking like a 10 year old with how skinny and tiny he was. However he made up for it with baggy clothes. He knew no one st this college knew how skinny he really was cause if he did, he probably would be forced to have someone stay with him in his room.


Posted 2022-06-27 12:16:43
Karlie stood up when he heard the doorbell ring, excited for food. He picked it up from the ground and headed back inside, finally noticing that all the lights were off. He flicked them on and settled down on the sofa in the living room, leaving his book on the coffee table.
He began humming softly, though he couldn't quite remember the song. Wait, isn't that the same song that guy was dancing to earlier? He thought to himself, still unable to put a name to it. Oh well! Not my circus, not my monkeys. He shrugged, opening the carton of noodles and pulling out some chopsticks. He ate in silence for a bit, reading his book with one hand and picking up food with the other. He'd just gotten to the part where the protagonist finds a secret letter when he set his book down, not really in the mood to read.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-06-27 12:19:24
Wait, I just realized they are all in the same dorm 😂))


Posted 2022-06-27 12:21:26
UHhHhhH- Yes? I dont understand the queston. My dyslexia is freakin out on my rite nwo ;-; ))

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-06-27 12:21:36
Shit, sorry- typed to fast ))

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-06-27 12:24:27
((I'm an idiot. I had no clue they were in the same dorm area. I'm that oblivious))

James was in the room when he saw the lights flicker on. He frowned, " Oh hell no." He muttered as he slowly stood up. He slowly opened the door to the main part of the dorm room and frowned when he smelled takeout, nearly gagging just by the smell of it. He picked out of the room and saw someone sitting on the table. He had a roommate.... He wasn't supposed to have a roommate. This is bs! I shouldn't have a roommate! I hate people and now I have to stay in close courtiers with someone I don't  even know! he thought bitterly.
He narrowed his eyes as he looked at the male at the table. He quickly came to the realization that the guy he was supposed to share a dorm with....was the same person who came in during his routine. This is gonna be a great semester. he thought bitterly once more


Posted 2022-06-27 12:31:49
Oooooo- Oki .^. ))
Fun fact: Karlie is Korean, so that is the tipe of food he grew up onn ))
Also, sorry if I take longer to type. I forgot to take my meds this morning. Just spell chekcing things ))

Karlie thought he heard footsteps, so he turned around to see the same guy from earlier standing in the hallway. He looked like he was going to be sick, and Karlie immediately realised he'd ordered kimchi(VERY smelly food.)
"OH! Shoot, sorry!" He apologized, turning on the fan and opening the window. He walked back to the table and put the lid on the airtight container, feeling bad about the smell. He looked back to the other and stood there awkwardly for a moment. He could tell they wouldn't like him very much, but he was determined to at least get them to not hate him.
"Hello! My name is Karlie, and I'm your roomate." He sighed, already hating that he had to tell the other his name. He waited for the other to tell him their name as well, but Karlie wasn't sure he would even get an answer.

Spell check saves my life. ))

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-06-27 12:37:44
Np! I understand, no need to say sorry.))

James felt a little more relieved when he closed the lid to his food. Though however, when Karlie introduced himself, James ended up kinda just standing there for a moment. He cleared his throat before he spoke quietly, " James." When he spoke, his voice sounded a little rough sounding. After another moment of silence he spoke, " I won't get in your way.." The man was extremely awkward when he spoke, seeming almost uncomfortable being around someone else. He said nothing as he walked away from this area. He moved back to his dark room, with a sigh of relief.


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