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[Grouse House Guide] Coigreach | November Event

Posted 2022-11-01 01:55:19 (edited)
Got this encounter! It had 2 options. I clicked the left one "Hunt" and got +1 Horse Carcass.

Also seems you are missing 3 backgrounds from last year: Cave Entrance, Cave Passage, Cave Tunnel


Just got this horse. Remembered to copy the text this time.

A dainty, small brown horse is foraging in a patch of herbs nearby. It doesn't seem to notice you, and continues attempting to paw up the herbs and yank them up by the roots. You watch, fascinated. What would a horse need with herbs? It moves on after a short time, and you just know there's something left to find!

It had 2 options. I clicked the left option "forage" which gave me 2 different coigreach herbs (1 each)


Posted 2022-11-01 05:02:52 (edited)
Found a few, and yet mobile refuses to snag explore PNGs Moved to desktop for time being to collect PNGs, rip.

A shiny black stallion struts in front of you, its thick neck flexed and tail swinging agitatedly. Is it angry? Or simply showing off? You back up a few paces, unsure of its intent. Does it have a harem somewhere that it's looking to protect? It paws at the ground, and you brace yourself.

Lunge or Back Away

With its size and the threat of those hooves, you decide the best thing to do is back down. It's better not to antagonize it further. You lower yourself to the ground and slink backwards, attempting to show the horse that you pose no threat. It continues to stare you down, and you decide it's best to just leave. You quickly turn away and leave it in peace, tripping over a small gem laying on the path as you do so.

You got +1 SQ !

Lunge or Back Away

You take action before you have the chance to get trampled. You lunge, baring your teeth and snarling. The stallion charges, but only briefly; a last-ditch attempt to make you leave. When you don't back down, it spins around and is out of your sight faster than you've ever seen any horse move. It hadn't been some illusion, had it? You sniff around, coming across a pile of poop, and determine that the black horse had in fact been real. Something shiny peeks out from the stinky pile, and with a grimace you pluck it out.

You got +1 SQ !


A big, graceful feline inspects the area carefully, looking reserved and a bit lost. Its tail is swaying in an elegant manner but it also reveals the creature's emotions. It was either new in the area or in some kind of trouble.

Help Find Shelter or Banish

The creature takes a step back upon noticing your presence but it quickly realizes that you didn't come to fight. You know this place much better and you're the right one to show at least a few spots that would make great hideouts. Eventually, the cat decides to settle at one remote and well-hidden shelter, where you both relax for a while.

You got +1 SQ ! You got +8 HP!

Help Find Shelter or Banish
The creature is clearly looking for a place to stay, which is unacceptable. You bare your teeth and approach it slowly, raising your tail in a stark warning. The feline is large enough to steal some of your prey in the area, after all -- it's better to chase it now before it becomes too confident! After your job is done, you mark the spot with your scent and relax nearby. It's a well-deserved break.

You got +1 SQ ! You got +6% energy!


The shortest, fattest little horse you've ever seen is finding different patches of dirt to roll in. Is it some sort of juvenile? It looks much different than the young you've seen alongside adult horses before. Completely ignorant of your presence, you watch as its little legs flail in the air wildly while it rolls. It finally gets to its feet and shakes out its excessively shaggy coat, fixing you with a hard stare.

Chase or Scare Away

This little thing doesn't look so tough! You leap forward and begin to chase it, certain you can take it down without issue. With a squeal, it spins away and gains ground fast. It's not very big, and you can't fathom how it can be so fast. It soon disappears, leaving you eating its dust. As you turn away, you come across some gems covered with dust, as if the commotion had caused them to surface.

You got +2 SQ !

Chase or Scare Away

You notice the familiar smell of crushed herbs, and you realize the little horse hasn't just been rolling in dirt; it's crushing the herb patches, too! You wonder if the smell is enticing. It would be good to gather some before this little terror ruins them all. You snarl, stalking toward it threateningly. At first the horse doesn't move, but when you snap at its leg and nearly land a blow, it decides that its rolling game isn't worth an injury. It takes off, and leaves you to gather what herbs remain.

You got +1 Meadowsweet, +1 Evening Primrose!

(Wanna assume this is just two random Coigreach herbs)

A playful hooded crow landed nearby, holding something in its beak. It apparently tries to tease you or at least catch your attention with its little treasure,

Attack or Play

You were in the mood for a small break. The crow was jumping here and there on the branch, allowing you to take a glance at the shiny object but not for too long. You were growing curious and impatient like a pup, poking the crow gently and letting out an excited whine. The next thing you can feel is something being placed on top of your head, just before the crow flies away. It apparently considered you cute and left you a gift!

You got +1 SQ !

Attack or Play (Same choice, different outcome)

You have some free time to spare. Bird watching can be really relaxing when you're not in the mood to eat them. The crow was playing with its shiny trinkets, showing and hiding them as you were trying to take a closer look. Finally, it revealed all three objects, throwing two of them in your direction. Was it a gift?

You got +2 SQ !

Attack or Play (Third time's the charm)

Both the crow and its little trinkets are equally interesting to you. In a playful mood, you want to take a closer look - but you are too fast and too clumsy, which scares the bird away immediately! Now you can see what the crow was playing with - it's yours now anyway.

You got +3 SQ !


You see an odd-colored horse in the distance. As you approach, it stops grazing and watches you warily. It's covered in spots and sticks out starkly against the landcape, unlike its dull-coated cousins you usually see. Where did it come from?

Approach or Observe

The horse doesn't look pleased to see you, but it doesn't run, either. It stares at you for a while and when you don't move closer, it goes back to eating. You decide to sit and watch it for a while. You want to go closer, but it probably wouldn't like that. It would make a nice meal...but without your pack, you'd never have a chance. You feel refreshed after a bit, and decide to move on.

You got +1 SQ ! You got +2 HP!

Approach or Observe

You approach cautiously, knowing full well that you are no match for such a large animal. It's piqued your curiosity, though, and you want to see if it's anything like the horses you're used to. When you get close enough, the animal pins its ears and raises up onto its hind end, striking out at you menacingly. You leap back, heart pounding, and it continues to paw visciously at the ground in a clear warning. Your curiosity isn't worth getting hurt! You hurry away, picking up a small gem that glints in your path.

You got +1 SQ !


A curious young horse crosses your path, snorting in surprise at your appearance but they don't run in fear. It seems stockier than the horses you've seen and it doesn't seem to know it needs to be afraid of you. An opportunity, perhaps.

Sniff or Attack

The thought of the meal this horse would make is tempting...but as it stands there looking at you with no fear, you find yourself wondering if it would be fair. It stretches its neck out and sniffs at you, its breath hot on your face. Drawn to it, you step forward and touch your nose with its own. It makes an odd grunting noise and pulls back, as if surprised. After a moment it turns and sniffs at a nearby plant. With one last look at you it trots off, crushing the plant beneath its hooves. A familiar smell reaches your nose and you go to investigate. Vervain! This will be useful.

You got +1 SQ ! You got +1 Vervain!

Sniff or Attack

There's no time to waste; your pack is always in need of food, and you'd be foolish to pass up such an easy kill. You lunge, going for the horse's throat, and with a stroke of luck you take it by surprise. Taking it down is not without effort, but your quick thinking has worked in your favor. This will last a while!

You got +1 SQ ! You got +1 Horse Carcass!


This scruffy horse doesn't look like much, but you find yourself fascinated by its color. Usually horses are brown, but this one is gray, not unlike many wolves you know. You wonder how it manages to camouflage itself sticking out so much. Irritated by your presence, it turns to leave.

Attack or Follow

Your paws itch to follow, so you decide to tail the horse from a good distance away. You're far enough not to bother it, but you're able to watch and see what it does as it wanders the land. It travels with no real direction, stopping often to graze and...poop. Is this all that it does? Surely if you go a bit decide to keep following, and eventually the horse stops, inspecting something shiny on the ground. It loses interest, and after it leaves you go to see what it is. Score!

You got +1 SQ !


With a coat like the setting sun, it's hard not to notice this proud beast. The horse is stocky and seems so out of place here. As it walks, you notice it's limping heavily. Injured prey makes your job easier, but is it worth it to risk it?

Aid or Take Down

Even injured, it's far too large for you to take down on your own. You decide to help the poor creature instead, eventually convincing it to follow you. It's slow going, but eventually you manage to lead it to some water and shade. The horse seems grateful, and after a long drink it begins to paw at the soft earth on the shore. Two shiny gems are unearthed, and the horse nudges them to you with its nose. Payment for your help!

You got +2 SQ !

A large cow was crossing your path slowly. It definitely has noticed you but didn't seem to care. You weren't surprised by such an attitude because the size of this creature was truly intimidating. The cow was simply towering over you and its horns looked scary even to you.

Chase It (Only available option)

It was worth a shot. If you fail, no one would belittle your skills because of it but if you win, you will be a legend! Without analyzing too much, you run after the beast to try your best. You make sure to take a fancy trophy with you. They will remember your name for generations, there is no doubt about that!

You got +3 Whale Rib Bone!

There was a moment of hesitation but an urge to chase a creature like that was irresistible! It may be stronger but definitely not faster. You manage to scare the cow but after a short chase, it turns back and looks as if it just realized you weren't such a threat. When it moves to lower its head with those long horns, you decide it would be better to run in the opposite direction.

You got +1 SQ !

Your jump and loud bark scared the cow initially but you started to feel the excitement of victory way too soon! Suddenly, the creature turns back and charges at you, realizing that it was you who stood no chance against it. It might be a cow, but it certainly wasn't a calm, friendly herbivore! You wouldn't be surprised if it had fangs. You manage to escape - but not without a scratch.

You got +1 SQ ! You lost -2 HP!


You see a dark streak of grey in in the distance, running spectacularly across the landscape. It eventually comes to a stop with a snort, prancing in place and on high alert. At first you think it's noticed you, but then you realize it's distracted by something in the other direction.

Hunt or Follow

You decide to follow the horse and see what it is that has it so spooked. It trots tensely for a long while, looking back in the direction it had come from. It swishes its tall angrily, as if trying to swat a fly, and you watch as something flies out from the tail hair. The horse spooks and bolts away, fear making it run blindly in the opposite direction. Curious, you pad up to the object. It still had some horse hair on it, like it had been tangled up in the tail. Neat!

You got +1 Wealden Amber!

Hunt or Follow

What a stroke of luck! If you can manage to sneak up on it, you may be able to take it by surprise and take it down. You begin to stalk it, keeping low and quiet and out of its sight. The wind is blowing into you, allowing you to creep up unnoticed. You wait until it lowers its head to graze and, quick as a flash, you hook onto its neck and pull it to the ground. Victory!

You got +1 Horse Carcass!


A curious pony appears to be completely devoid of fear. What's more, it's even approaching you and lowering its head in an attempt to sniff you.

Invite to Play or Chase

You had a nice plan but your impatience and rapid movements gave away your intentions. The pony realizes the danger and rushes to flee. You didn't intend to give up but you couldn't disguise the fact that you were either too slow or too far away. There's something interesting in the ground in front of your paws, so at least you aren't leaving the place without a small reward.

You got +1 SQ !

Invite to Play or Chase

The elegant movements and calm aura surrounding the pony encourages you to come closer and interact. You try your best to invite the pony to play without scaring it away and it works immediately, as if it was just waiting for you to join it. You spend some time playfully chasing each other, taking care to allow each other to be caught eventually. Even though you spent this time running, you somehow feel refreshed!

You got +1 SQ ! You got +3% energy!


A boar-like creature appears in front of you with visible pain in its eyes. The things you mistook for weird spikes at first, turned out to be arrows sunken deeply in its back. You could see that each step was a struggle and each breath could be its last one.

Offer Healing Salve* or Finish It! (*Only appears if a Healing Salve is in your hoard)

Even from a distance, you could feel the great amount of suffering and it touched you to the core. You remove the arrows somehow, and share one of your medicines with the creature. Shallow, short breaths become deeper and more regular after a while and you know that the worst was over now. Now it's you who needx a short break to gather your thoughts and energy. The creature is still too weak to speak but it encourages you to take a small gift in return for your kindness.

You got +1 SQ ! You got +8% energy!

๐ŸŒˆ[Kim] Frying Pan๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ

Posted 2022-11-01 06:28:55 (edited)
Found a few as well, sadly I have no clue how to get only the pic of the animal

A shiny black stallion struts in front of you, its thick neck flexed and tail swinging agitatedly. Is it angry? Or simply showing off? You back up a few paces, unsure of its intent. Does it have a harem somewhere that it's looking to protect? It paws at the ground, and you brace yourself.

Lunge or Back Away
You take action before you have the chance to get trampled. You lunge, baring your teeth and snarling. The stallion charges, but only briefly; a last-ditch attempt to make you leave. When you don't back down, it spins around and is out of your sight faster than you've ever seen any horse move. It hadn't been some illusion, had it? You sniff around, coming across a pile of poop, and determine that the black horse had in fact been real. Something shiny peeks out from the stinky pile, and with a grimace you pluck it out.

A curious pony appears to be completely devoid of fear. What's more, it's even approaching you and lowering its head in an attempt to sniff you.

Invite to Play or Chase
The elegant movements and calm aura surrounding the pony encourages you to come closer and interact. You try your best to invite the pony to play without scaring it away and it works immediately, as if it was just waiting for you to join it. You spend some time playfully chasing each other, taking care to allow each other to be caught eventually. Even though you spent this time running, you somehow feel refreshed!

You got +1SQ and 3% energy
A curious young horse crosses your path, snorting in surprise at your appearance but they don't run in fear. It seems stockier than the horses you've seen and it doesn't seem to know it needs to be afraid of you. An oppotunity, perhaps.

Sniff or Attack
The thought of the meal this horse would make is tempting...but as it stands there looking at you with no fear, you find yourself wondering if it would be fair. It stretches its neck out and sniffs at you, its breath hot on your face. Drawn to it, you step forward and touch your nose with its own. It makes an odd grunting noise and pulls back, as if surprised. After a moment it turns and sniffs at a nearby plant. With one last look at you it trotts off, crushing the plant beneath its hooves. A familiar smell reaches your nose and you go to investigate. Vervain! This will be useful.

You got +1SQ

Posted 2022-11-01 09:58:53 (edited)
Adding onto this previously submitted entry as I also experienced energy loss:
The shortest, fattest little horse you've ever seen is finding different patches of dirt to roll in. Is it some sort of juvenile? It looks much different than the young you've seen alongside adult horses before. Completely ignorant of your presence, you watch as its little legs flail in the air wildly while it rolls. It finally gets to its feet and shakes out its excessively shaggy coat, fixing you with a hard stare
>Chase: (or Scare Away)
This little thing doesn't look so tough! You leap forward and begin to chase it, certain you can take it down without issue. You get no farther than a few strides into your run when it kicks up its heels and pulls away from you much faster than it had any right to. How was it this fast, yet so stumpy? It boggles your mind. It stays just out of your reach, making sharp turns and easily outmaneuvering you. Eventually you have to stop, gasping for breath. The little horse lets out a high pitched whinny and kicks something at you for your troubles.
You got +2 SQ ! You lost -8% energy!

You notice an unfamilar animal among the bushes.
Who are you? or Kill it
As you come closer, you realise that this creature is not completely alien to you but its pattern is different to others you have seen. The creature looks at you, puzzled, and your expression is probably similar. You've seen badgers many times before - perhaps this was a new mutation? The creature in front of you is somewhat similar but larger, darker, more fluffy, and supposedly friendly. Almost cute. The badgers you know are snarling, hostile balls of ruffled fur. After a while, he leaves you with your doubts. You notice a small object on the ground. It probably belonged to the creature but you take it to inspect it later.
You got +1 SQ !

A dainty, small brown horse is foraging in a patch of herbs nearby. It doesn't seem to notice you, and continues attempting to paw up the herbs and yank them up by the roots. You watch, fascinated. What would a horse need with herbs? It moves on after a short time, and you just know there's something left to find!
Forage or Dig
The dirt has already been churned up, so digging around is quite easy. Had the horse buried something here? The more you dig, the more distracted you become. What started out as looking for treasure has turned into digging for the shear joy of it. You roll and give your pelt a good coating of dirt, too. Something pokes at your back; it seems you've unearthed something afterall!
You got +1 SQ !


Posted 2022-11-01 13:14:15
Thanks everyone :D All of the new encounters we've found so far should be added to the Encounter List now
Mel ๐Ÿœ๏ธ

Posted 2022-11-05 18:58:45

New alternative result for this encounter!

The closer you get, the harder it is to hold your instincts at bay. Almost as if it can read your mind, the sheep bolts away, letting out a deep, confusing bleat that only annoys you and makes you hungrier. You notice something on the ground between its hoofprints in the soft dirt.

You got +1 SQ !

๐ŸŒˆ[Kim] Frying Pan๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ

Posted 2022-11-07 04:00:39 (edited)
Some of the new explore encounters have had their text updated, this is what I've come across so far:

Dun cow/large cow encounter:
A large cow crosses your path, ambling along slowly. It notices you, but doesn't seem to care. You aren't surprised by its nonchalant attitude because the size of this creature is truly intimidating. The cow towers over you and its horns look like they could do significant damage. It has no reason to fear a little thing like you.

Chase It
You jump forward with a loud bark, startling the cow and causing it to run off. Your pelt prickles with excitement as you sense that victory is at hand and prepare to launch yourself after it. Suddenly, the creature turns back and charges at you, remembering that it's much bigger than you are. You should have known better than to mess with an herbivore; when they're cornered, there's no stopping them. You manage to escape, but not without a scratch. [+1 SQ, -2 HP]

Chase It
It's worth a shot. If you fail, no one is here to belittle your skills but if you succeed, you will be a legend! Without analyzing too much, you run after the beast and successfully manage to chase it off. You make sure to take a fancy trophy with you that the beast unearthed with its hooves. They will remember your name for generations, there is no doubt about that! [+3 Whale Rib Bone]

Nutcracker encounter:

At first, you can't identify the strange sound above your head, but then you notice an interesting bird occupied with feasting on an acorn. It's a nutcracker, focused on its meal so strongly that it doesn't notice you.

Let's Chat!
Barking isn't enough; you have to jump up towards the branch to make the bird look at you. As expected, it isn't happy at first but it cheers up as soon as you start a friendly chat. When the bird's acorn falls down from the branch, you wait for it to fly away so you can snatch the prize. You genuinely enjoyed the talk, but the acorn is much more useful in the end. [+1 SQ, +1 Acorn]

Fallow deer (non-melanistic) encounter:
A lone fallow deer notices you from afar but instead of running away, it stares at you with genuine curiosity. It must be very young or ignorant of the danger you present.

Offer Acorn
You did not expect such a brave attitude from a deer. It must be hungry to the point of losing its natural fear. You decide to do something kind and share an acorn with it. The deer seems grateful, and gives you something in return! [+2 SQ, +1 Acorn]

Come Closer
Surprised by its bravery, you move closer to check and see if there's something unusual about this creature. No normal deer stays this calm in front of a wolf. You're nearly about to sniff its fur when suddenly, the deer panicks and jumps to the side as it takes off, almost kicking you. You let out a low growl but the deer is already too far away to hear you. You find something left behind in its wake. [+1 SQ, +1 Woad]

Melanistic fallow deer encounter
A strange, dark deer walks passively in front of you, looking like some sort of unearthly majestic being. You can't seem to pull your gaze away.

Offer Acorn
This particular deer has an unusual vibe and you feel driven to show kindness towards it. You share one of your acorns, and in return the deer gives you a Healing Salve. Choosing kindness paid off! [+2 SQ, +1 Healing Salve]

The deer immediately notices you, giving you little time to react. Your instincts take over and you don't hesitate as you leap toward it and easily take it down. It never stood a chance! When you look down, you notice something shiny on the ground next to the deer's leg. [+1 SQ, +1 Gnawing Hoof, +2 HP]

Large feline encounter
A big, graceful feline inspects the area carefully, looking reserved and a bit lost. Its tail is swaying in an elegant manner, as if its pondering something. Either it's not from around here, or has landed itself in some kind of trouble.

The creature is clearly looking for a place to stay, but this is your territory! You bare your teeth and approach it slowly, raising your tail in a warning. The feline is large enough to pose competition for the prey in the area. It's better to chase it off now before it becomes too comfortable here. After you successfully chase it off, you mark the spot with your scent and relax nearby. It's a well-deserved break. [+1 SQ, +6% Energy]

Beast of Dean (boar) encounter
A boar-like creature appears in front of you with visible pain in its eyes. The things protruding from its back that you mistook for weird spikes initially turn out to be arrows as you look more closely. You can see that each step is a struggle and each breath could be its last one.

Offer Healing Salve
Even from a distance, you can feel the great amount of suffering that the creature is experiencing and it touches you to the core. You remove the arrows gently with your teeth, and share one of your medicines. Shallow, short breaths change into deeper and more regular ones after a while, and you know that the worst is over. Now it's you who needs a short break before moving on, and you sit with it for a while. The creature is still too weak to speak but it encourages you to take a small gift in return for your kindness. [+1 SQ, +8% Energy]

Hooded crow encounter
A playful hooded crow lands nearby, holding something in its beak. It hops around playfully, trying to get your attention with its little treasure.


You observe the bird for a while, but as time passes you find its presence increasingly annoying. You snap your jaws at the crow without any warning when it hops closer and kill it with one bite. You don't feel any remorse. Serves it right for approaching a hungry wolf so carelessly. [+1 SQ, +1 Crow Skull]

You are in the mood for a break from your travels, so you decide to pause for a bit and play with the bird. The crow jumps here and there on the branch, allowing you to look at the shiny object it holds, but not for too long. Your curiosity is growing while your patience runs thin, and you pokeย the crow gently, letting out an excited whine. Suddenly you feel something being placed on the top of your head. It apparently considers you cute and has left you a gift. The crow flies away in a flurry of feathers before you have the chance to thank it. [+1 SQ]


Posted 2022-11-09 22:39:30

Hunt or Follow (Apparently just a new alternate result)

You decide to follow the horse and see what it is that has it so spooked. It trots tensely for a long while, looking back in the direction it had come from. Suddenly it shies to the side, looking in fear at something on the ground. With a snort it hesitantly sniffs at it, then wheels away with its tail flagging out behind it and breathing heavily. You watch it disappear, then investigate what it saw. Teeth stick eerily out of the ground with a gem tucked between them. Creepy.

You got +1 SQ ! You got +1 Odd Teeth!

๐ŸŒˆ[Kim] Frying Pan๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ

Posted 2022-11-10 20:37:19
I've been trying and trying the puzzle but it's just not lighting up. I made it look like the images in the thread, does anyone know why?

Posted 2022-11-11 22:37:12
Oblivious.Rain Try Switching the bottom 2 and rotating them to fit again. They are near identical :)


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