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Make some new marks / combos NOT available via RMA

Make some new marks / combos NOT available via RMA
Posted 2021-10-29 16:27:58
Currently, (to my knowledge, and please correct me if I am wrong) every single available marking can be applied with an RMA and a stroke of luck. Having every special mark available this way is detrimental to the game longterm. When a new mark is released, please consider making them available ONLY from some other source, and NOT able to be applied with an RMA. Examples of this could be NBWs, or breed deviation shapes (like shepherd heavy), or combo colors.

I understand making rare marks available on RMAs is necessary to keep some things rare and desirable. The only way for people to get them is to buy RMAs with GC, which helps keep the site running. However, allowing every mark to be applied this way devalues longterm breeding plans and benefits only the "whales" of the game, who can drop immense amounts of GC on their special wolves.

I can speak from experience because my lead is one such wolf. He has all rare marks. I RMA'd all of them. It took 836 GC. Although I did earn all of that by trading in-game, it took a lot of time that most people with actual lives lol don't have. It's also beside the point. The point is, that is a huge amount of GC - something out of reach for new players. Regular people can't get desirable things through work and planning, and there's not much reason to breed when anything new and shiny and fancy can be magicked on to any G1 wolf.

I can't even be excited for any of the raffle stud breedings or invest in any of the pups, because I know someone could just RMA the mark I have been trying to breed, make them a cheap stud, and immediately devalue all of the time and effort spent.

I implore a new marking tier be created - new shapes or colors that are NOT an option for RMAs at all, so people could have an enduring breeding goal for markings.


Posted 2021-10-29 16:35:48 (edited)
I agree! Right now there's literally nothing that can't be obtained on a G1 wolf except mutations. Every single mark, base and eyes can end up on a NBW. I'll be honest, I've lost a ton of motivation to breed anything because with every generation, a wolf loses significant value. The chased system is also partially to blame for this, but I think RMA's containing every mark has played a significant role in this. It's very telling that the most valuable wolves are chased NBW's. I'd love it if there was some motivator to breed certain markings onto wolves.


Posted 2021-10-29 18:49:38 (edited)
I support for the reasons stated by both Websteak and Naike, but I feel like the central problem is the playerbase's aversion to long-line wolves and studs, and I'm not entirely sure that's fixable through dev incentives (like making marks unavailable in RMAs). Suppose that devs removed a bunch of marks from RMAs, and someone did a breeding project and got a gorgeous G7 with a breed-only base, auburn wings, and other raffle and rare marks. I feel like players would still avoid that stud (even if he were unrelated to any of their current wolves!) which strikes me as sad and unfortunate but also not something within the devs' power to correct.

edit: @Food: That's good to hear! Also your boy is super pretty.


Posted 2021-10-29 19:01:07
I will agree that there should maybe be some markings that aren't possible to get through RMAs. It would definitely add some more incentive to breeding. However, I will disagree with Lionel that players would avoid that stud, since there are players on here who just want pretty wolves and thus don't care about heritage (they're just not super vocal).

I say this because of my own stud (not sure if I can link but just go to my page and you'll see him), who happens to have a very long lineage AND is also inbred. I made his studding refunded for Raise and Chase peeps, but I actually get more requests from non R&C people. So far I've had an average of 10 requests a week, which is significant because none of my other studs have been quite as popular (including the ones that have been G1). I figure its because he is pretty and he's got some really good markings, as well as rare eyes.

But to be fair, I'm sure a portion of the playerbase would avoid my boy at all costs. I just want to get across that a stud with all the things you mentioned would probably get some requests. But I could see it being less than a G1 stud with all the same things, so again, I support there being some markings that are not available in RMAs


Posted 2022-02-04 04:55:14
I have to agree!

Markings that aren't available via Rma or TS would be great.
I also had a long line stud that was still used a lot because of his raffle eyes, and his marking combination that has not been here before.

My next stud will be another color project wolf from long lines and I expect similar interest in raffle eyes and interesting markings.

I think the raffle eyes are actually a good example. The only way to get them is through breeding or R&C, therefore people are very willing to accept long heritages and or low stats!

Posted 2022-05-01 01:59:32
I'd love to see some breed only markings that are truly breed only and cannot be RMAd, and that wolves with those markings are not let into the chased pool.
Right now breeding projects on WD feels kinda pointless, since every base and marking can be found on a chased wolf and/or applied via RMA.

Posted 2022-05-15 13:03:15
This, please!!
While there's some small joy in being able to get something "unique" with RMA (I had the very first wolf with Sepia Lupos because of RMA luck, and another didn't pop up until one of his children. I haven't looked, but idk if any Sepia Lupos wolves exist who didn't get it through an RMA originally.), there's also something almost discouraging about EVERY mark being possible through RMA.
It rewards gambling more than any sort of projects.

I would LOVE if there were markings that were available ONLY by breeding two certain marks together (color or shape or otherwise) or markings that eventually pop up from a hybrid or other type (event, raffle, NBW) wolf that could only be obtained by breeding that wolf.
I think it would also potentially improve the WD economy by making certain pups and studs more valuable BECAUSE someone put in the work for a breeding project and not just a ton of GC spent on RMAs that anyone could potentially replicate or outdo in an instant with even more GC.


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