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A list of Big Names

Posted 2021-07-17 13:04:41 (edited)

I don’t believe a list like this should be made public. If a user is curious enough about the lineage of a wolf they plan to breed to, or something similar, the user can go digging themselves. Common or not, these studs can still have wolves of high value.

A mela carrier stud with 1,000+ puppies can still produce a second gen mela, which in itself is still valuable. The same goes for tier 3s. I believe that permission should be granted by the stud owners for something like this. And if they refuse, that is their right. These are their wolves that you are listing, without permission, and you are publicly debating their worth. I find this generally unsavory and something that should be stopped.

I own a now deceased stud who, at his pinnacle, had 879 puppies. He has 9 pages of living descendants. He is seen in teardrop lines and selene lines. Others would argue he is a common name. But he still had worth as a NBW selene.

At the least, you should be seeking permission from these wolves owners to add them to your thread. You should be respectful of it they decline or not. This is not a stud advertisement thread, this is a “list of wolves to avoid”. It’s a game. Have respect for others and seek permission.

If this is truly a “consumer’s choice” debate, then you should let the consumer themselves decide based on the material that is presented before them on the wolf’s profile. They can gauge the amount of puppies that wolf has had and their lines for themselves. 


Posted 2021-07-17 13:09:06

Hi, to add on to what pikachu said, from every thread I've seen even positive stud lists require that the stud's owner gives permission first. I'm not sure whether this goes against Wolvden's rules, but regardless I believe it should be courtesy!


Posted 2021-07-17 15:10:09

@pikachu: I didn't say they were not valuable. I said Big Names were "popular studs, usually due to their exceptionally high stats, rare bases, mutations or pretty markings". I also don't believe people will stop breeding to T3 studs because of this list, because as you said, T3s are exceptionally valuable (big names in general, as I said, possess one or several characteristics that make them exceptionally valuable or they wouldn't have had a lot of pups).

@pikachu, @kaz: I checked, and all of the wolves I linked to are either dead or from inactive accounts, except for one, who is no longer available for studding.

Fal - semi hiatus

Posted 2021-07-17 15:17:25 (edited)

possibly general big (since hes related to many big studs as well) and albinism big names? i figure my baby boy ursa counts, here’s his dynasty :) Ursa

this is a very cool and helpful list, as someone who enjoys having low gen rare lines in my pack ill prob come back here! (as a personal challenge/goal, i want to have a generally isolated pack) too bad there’s controversy, as long as it follows wd rules i think its a neat list to have. having big names isnt bad at all and i think its nice to see how some prominent studs affected the gene pool

lots of love for all the wolves who made it big enough to be remembered. as ursas (prev) owner i do not mind if people avoid him, as i understand why people might want to do that. i think of this list more as a memorial rather than a “blacklist”

oh i agree a bit that consent should be given to list a name? you have mine in this case.

☘️ [Slow] Kaziah (Kaz)

Posted 2021-07-17 15:34:23

I’ve been subscribed to this list since it was first posted, and frankly, I found it helpful. I’m trying to avoid in breeding personally and kind of find the family trees confusing if a wolf is high gen and you have to cick through trying to find common names. As a new player, it felt like everyone talked about The Big Names™️ but you would never know if you weren’t In The Know, basically (or I guess if you haven’t been around awhile). Like, sure, I would see some names and think, “Didn’t I see that name before?” but with so many studs it felt impossible to ever really know what everyone apparently was trying to avoid if they didn’t want to inbreed. People that inbreed (and/or have studs with lots of children and allow inbreeding to their studs) know that others avoid doing so. People also know that inbreeding may reduce the price they can sell their inbred wolves for as it seems that not inbreeding is more common than otherwise. So, thanks for posting this so I can at least keep an eye out for these names just in case.


Posted 2021-07-18 02:49:36

I just wanted to say that I really do appreciate the desire to be helpful by creating a list of names. I think it’s great when folks want to help others especially when they’re new. As people spend real money on the game it’s would be such a disappointment to use GC to buy a pup and then find out that maybe you’d made a mistake. 

I was wondering though, whether instead of having a list of actual names, this helpful advice could be written giving principles rather than names? So a new player could be invited to explore things like a payoff between high stats which probably means mating to a non-NBW stud, or building up your own set of BO marks rather than getting them from an external stud. You could explain why there are some studs with a lot of offspring, rather than name them or even saying ‘more than X number is a lot’ by explaining how new things get introduced into the game which causes a lot of offspring all related to one breed line. You could explain how this gives a positive challenge of hunting down lines you haven’t bred with before, if you value not entangling your breed lines, or conversely the challenge of keeping a mark or a coat colour going over several generations within your own pack.

I’m sure that this could be done without any value-judgement and without making a list of names. You could even encourage people to make their own, private, list of names if they wanted to, which could be expressed as the fun of research. Then they’d have their own list they can quickly refer to.


Posted 2021-07-18 14:58:14

As there seems to be some confusion regarding if this post is in violation of the rules, we would like to clarify Wolvden's stance.

As long as this topic is being used purely for informational purposes, this topic will be allowed to continue. It should not encourage nor discourage players to use the studs listed, and it should remain unbiased without showing favoritism. The information the topic creator is using as a guideline for the list in this topic (number of pups, pages of living pups, etc) is considered public information that any player would be capable of looking up on their own.  

That having been said, we do feel that any player who does not wish their stud to be listed in this topic should have the option of having their stud removed from the topic. Players who do not want their studs listed in this topic should reach out to the topic creator to ask them to remove their stud from the list.  In the event that a player runs into an issue with having their own stud removed, we ask that you contact the Modbox for assistance.

This member is a Moderator. This is a moderator post.

This member is a Moderator. Moderator
Posted 2021-07-18 15:05:39

Thanks mods


Posted 2021-07-19 11:33:07

OMG!!!???? KYLIAN!!!!!!!


His legacy shall live on 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Posted 2021-07-23 11:36:05

I've noticed a lot of pups I've picked up recently have MICHEAL SKARN ☕ Son of Michael Scott ♛ as a Grand Father and/or Great Grand Father.

I wish I'd know they were such a common line before finding out more then half of my pack was second cousins.

I'm going to bookmark this thread for future pup shopping.


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