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Post-apocalyptic Strays - Caffeinated & WolfClaw [RP]

Posted 2021-03-23 16:34:52

"There!" CJ barked, bearing left and sprinting towards a dumpster. He spung off of his hind legs and leaped onto it. Conveniently, there was a window above it that had been broken. He turned to Maggie and helped her up by taking her scruff. "Watch for the glass," he said, then helping Violet up if she so desired and received it. After Maggie jumped again and cleared the broken window, CJ waited for Violet so he would be the last one in. He looked out and saw movements, like ants coming out of an ant hill. What were these and where did they all come from?


Posted 2021-03-23 17:47:14

violet got past the window and stood beside Maggie. " Im so sorry about your sister, Maggie.. I..tried to stop them, but I guess I didnt make it in time." she then eyed CJ looking at the ground " Hey, CJ what you got there?" she asked with a tilted head. She wanted to come over to him, but decided against it and waited for him " Did you find something ?" she put her nose in the air, but didnt smell anything out of the ordinary... yet.

π•¨π• π•π•—π•žπ• π•ž || Chatmom

Posted 2021-03-23 17:55:36

CJ jumped into the apartment behind Violet. Maggie looked around and simply flicked an ear at Violet's apology.

"Nothing would have been able to save her," she said, "those were not humans, they were hungryΒ animals. She was too naive, she wouldn't have survived on her own." Maggie kept her gaze averted from Violet. She wouldn't admit it, but she understood why Georgia would have approached the boy. He reminded her of their own. Her body trembled under her skin.

CJ looked up as Violet spoke to him then. "Oh, nothing, I was just looking at those things," he answered before walking forward. "Come on, we'll be safer at the top floor." He began towards the stairwell of the building, sniffing a bit to make sure the coast was clear before they began their ascent. Fortunately there were only six stories and they entered on the second. "Pick a room, any room."


Posted 2021-03-23 18:00:37

Ill take the fourth and fifth floor. You guys take the rest. " Vi said walking off to the fourth floor. what would she find on those floors.. she didnt know. But it wouldnt be good. " ill see you guys in a bit" she then walked off. She put her head to the ground as she climbed the stairs. She smelledΒ Β freshΒ Β blood, but it wasnt the same as the blood from when CJ and herself foundΒ  previously. this was real human blood. " Oh no" she thought to her self as she came to the forth floor.Β 

π•¨π• π•π•—π•žπ• π•ž || Chatmom

Posted 2021-03-23 18:19:04

CJ's shoulders dropped, disappointed that Violet didn't want to stay with them. He nodded to her, not in the mood to argue. He and Maggie walked down the hallway and turned left into the last apartment room on the sixth floor. It was cold and ransacked, but it had a couple bedrooms and a view.

"Home sweet home Mags," he said to the toller, who just looked at him with sadness and grief on her face. She went to be alone in one of the rooms and layed on the bed and looked out the window. CJ did the same in the living room. The sun was setting. He sighed.


Posted 2021-03-23 18:29:05

Violet was already fast asleep on the forth floor. She was a sound sleeper so she wouldnt be able to hear a single thing unless she was attacked. She didnt want to leave CJ or Maggie unprotected but she had to do some thinking on her own on what to do when they came across those " humans" again

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Posted 2021-03-23 18:49:38

The next morning, CJ woke up with Maggie snuggled in next to him. He didn't mind, it was actually comforting. He glanced around hoping to see Violet near by, but he didn't. Heaving another sigh, he looked out the window. He was hungry, and honestly barely got any sleep, as he dreamed of Jason. Though, he didn't move for Maggie. She was a tough cookie, but she had lost her sister the day before, it was a lot for her even if she didn't show it.Β 


Posted 2021-03-23 18:56:39

violet felt sunrays on her body when she began to wake up that morning. She got up with hungry knawing at her stomach. She went down the stairs to the floor where CJ and Maggie were and noticed they they were awake " Ok.. made it through another day.. You guys hungry?" she walked up to CJ and sat beside him " how's she doing CJ?" she said noticing that Maggie was still asleep.

π•¨π• π•π•—π•žπ• π•ž || Chatmom

Posted 2021-03-23 21:58:58

CJ rested his head on his friend's back, enjoying the view from sixty feet up. It was probably nothing compared to the top floor of the tallest building in New York. He was at peace in that moment, he didn't know how or why. His ears suddenly flicked and perked and he looked, expecting to see Georgia enter the room, but alas it was Violet. Oh, that's why. It felt like a dream. He felt the pain of reality hit him yet again. He hummedΒ looking down to make sure Maggie stayed asleep as Violet came in.

"I can only imagine what she is feeling right now," he answered in a whisper.


Posted 2021-03-24 05:54:12

" I tried to stop them CJ.. I just wasn't there in time. " Violet said looking at Maggie. " She must have meant alot to Maggie, huh?" She then just stayed quiet for the remainder of the sweet moment in that room. She Just hoped no one else would have to die.. any time soon.

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