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Posted 2020-11-24 15:56:23

i saw the puppy saving thing too lol! the dog was very cute (and so was the lil alligator ngl). quality content. that man was very very brave. i would have probably been like     :0

back on topic im planning on making cranberry duff for thanksgiving so idk i'll let yall know how it goes. wish me luck lol.


Posted 2020-11-24 15:59:04 (edited)

Oh yeah, the whole not-dropping-his-cigar thing was pretty freakin’ rad, I’ll admit. I’d love to do that but 1. I don’t smoke lol, and 2. I’m too uncool for that XD!

and, tbh gators aren’t that spooky or anything, I’m used to them showing up and being like: “where the flippin’ heck is my food, yo?” And besides, they’re really cute, actually. I’d like to pet one and own one of those things one day. (I have said this about literally every animal on this planet, mind you)

on topic; Never tried anything with cranberry before, so wishing you lots of luck XD

✨𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢✨ |:| Mutie Breeder!

Posted 2020-11-24 16:00:43

Ah a baking thread yeiss!

I just recently made my first from scratch pie and it turned out amazingly! I'm planning on making more or at least a few handpies for Thanksgiving 


Posted 2020-11-24 16:01:25


Silicon pans and stuff are a lifesaver i literally love them so much. I've never made donuts before because I was always scared of messing them up, so I can't help you there lmao. Fruit flavoured stuff is the best I love it a lot, especially orange stuff. I really wanna try my hand at making a chocolate orange cake soon!

Also four, what's cranberry duff? I've never heard of it? :O

The little tiny gators are adorable, I'll say that. I'm still spooked by the others though lol

WolfyFC | Mela Breeder

Posted 2020-11-24 16:06:20

My attempt to translate the recipe I used from Finnish (while its midnight):

200 g butter
2 dl sugar
2 tablespoons syrup
4.5 - 5 dl flour
1 tablespoon vanilla sugar
2 teaspoons baking soda

Oven: 175 Celcius || 15 - 18 minutes

- Mix room-temperature butter, sugar and syrup into loose "foam". (I used a hand mixer and didn't mix them for a long time.)
Mix other dry ingredients together before gently folding them into the butter, sugar and syrup mixture. 

- I recommend using little less flour at first and then maybe add more if needed. Or just add a little more syrup. 

- Divide the batter into (about) four pieces and make kind of bread-stick kind of shape out of them. And just make them as big as your oven sheet allows, my own oven isn't very big so I'd four bigger pieces and two smaller ones.

-They will also flatten and spread in the oven, so make sure to leave some room between them.

- The biscuits are really soft when you take them out of the oven, which is a good time to cut them in a bit of an angle and let them cool & harden a bit. 

Usually, this recipe includes one egg yolk, but it's honestly not needed. I didn't use it.


Posted 2020-11-24 16:06:40 (edited)

@💛•🌸 ✨𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢✨ 🌸•💛 #13511 haha mood. alligators are on my would-own-if-i-could list. so probably not gonna happen. they seem like they're a nice texture though. i think reptiles are super cool and will probably own some in the future, i just dont know if i want to own a massive, large mammal eating, prehistoric water lizard. like


hey there

i live in the north east of the US so i haven't ever seen a gator in the wild, despite having visited places they naturally live in. one day though.

@WolfyFC #11176 duff is kind of like if a pie and a cake had a baby. its really good imo!

and thank u for the recipe, @Kahvinporo #489. those cookies looked superb, i'll have to remember to try it ^-^

@Caspian #30537 that is awesome!!! i am still too intimidated by pies to try and make one, but one day lol.


Posted 2020-11-24 16:13:15

I really wanna make those things now. I'm dumb though and I've never used vanilla sugar before, so I gotta ask what it is lmao. Definitely gonna try and make them though!

Also same I'm too spooked to make pies, even though I wanna make an apple pie recipe my friend gave me :( That's heckin cool though!

Also i wish to try the pie and cake love child lol

WolfyFC | Mela Breeder

Posted 2020-11-24 16:17:36

@Wolfy, THEY REALLY ARE!!! peeling the donuts out of the tray was so easy and i didn't even have to grease them, just let them cool!! honestly tho donuts aren't as bad as they look to make, my first batch came out a bit wonky but you just have to keep changing little things around till you get them perfect c: a lot of the recipes i've seen make a lot of batter too so you have a little room for experimentation haha! chocolate orange cake sounds SO GOOD, it's the only time i actually really like orange flavours LOL usually i'm more inclined to berry flavours, especially strawberry and blueberry <3


Posted 2020-11-24 16:22:31

Silicon pans have saved me so many times when I've forgotten to grease a pan. I literally love them so much! I definitely wanna possibly try and make donuts then maybe? Definitely not with the fryer though lol I'd probably burn myself. I'll see about maybe getting some silicon donut molds and trying them out! I absolutely love orange flavours so much much, especially with chocolate lol. I've been wanting to make an orange chocolate cake for a while. but I just haven't gotten around to it. I absolutely love strawberry too, but I've never liked blueberry too much in stuff for some reason. I love raspberry though :D

WolfyFC | Mela Breeder

Posted 2020-11-24 16:29:39


Its surprisingly easy! Hardest part was the crust


You should try it! All else fails you gain experience and know what you can do different next time! And also pie cake?? I'm interested lol

Can we post outside links? If so I'll post the crust recipe I used it turned out so flakey and good. 

It actually was apple! I sadly didn't write down exactly what I did but I referenced like 3 pie recipes lol 

But what I do remember

I used michigan apples and ended up grating a little other then just slicing.(it made it thicken) Then sugar. Brown sugar. Cinnamon nutmeg and a dash of vanilla. So relatively basic apple. 


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