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Increase male wolf value by letting them mentor adolescents

Posted 2020-11-23 15:25:51

Potentially? It'd have to like, make sense for why a female wolf wouldn't be able to do the role, whatever it might be. There's no reason why a female wolf should be unable to teach.

I agree male value needs to be looked into, and that pups/adols could be given ways to boost stats, but I don't think the two things should be linked, I guess?


Posted 2020-11-23 15:39:18


Fair enough. I guess I just looked at it as a kill-two-birds-with-one-stone solution. Also it was the best role name I could come up with that would explain why the adols were able to gain stats with the males. If you come up with anything, I'm all ears.


Posted 2020-11-23 16:26:04 (edited)
I honestly have no problem with male only mentors, though I can understand why some would have problems with it.  But I don't see why being a mentor is somehow better than being a hunter or a scout or any other roles that females already have.  It simply gives males an edge where only females currently have one.  That's how I see it anyways.

𝔏𝔬𝔲𝔞 [on hiatus]

Posted 2020-11-23 20:07:19 (edited)

I would be fine with males having something to increase their value but mentoring should not be gender exclusive. 

Females can get pregnant and have pups exclusively because it makes no sense for a male to be able to carry pups. And it's not really exclusive seeing as you still NEED a male to perform their role in breeding. The breeding male mechanic is what is causing an issue with the game which is a male exclusive role. That is what needs tweaking in my opinion to fix the usless male issue.

It does not make sense to have females not be able to be mentors especially because they can have every other role and may even be the highest ranking scout/hunter/leader. 

I get that you're trying to kill two birds with one stone but I don't think this is the way to go about it. I do think there are solutions to both of these problems and that lumping them together is not necessary the best or only route to solve these issues.

In fact, there are mostly mentor/student and male breeding tweaks and variations flooding the GDB right now.  I personally think that this is two issues that should be resolved separately.


Posted 2020-11-23 23:58:30

@Raine thank you for the thoughtful response and not taking any of that the wrong way, i know sometimes constructive criticism can seem too blunt and im still figuring out how to phrase it ^^' i'm not necessarily concerned about hyper-realism (ex. i don't support the male-female pairings, mostly because it just seems like too much coding and limitations) because 30-wolf packs wouldn't operate the way realistic, 7-wolf packs do, but i do want at least a little bit of realism (ex. just because only the leading pair breed irl does not mean the other males cannot breed and the male lead can breed with all the other females, so it makes the most sense that females and males can breed but the other males would just breed less, and the most simple and open way to limit that would be to have them only breed in the pack and have the same cooldowns as females but no heats). I agree with @QueenofFrowns that I just think these are two suggestions that should be kept separate. i would say that if there was a male-only role that can be sourced from irl canines in some way then i would support that because it doesn't come off as quite as sexist (again, not on your part, but on the part of the devs, because after lioden's feb event stuff im on high-alert for signs of misogyny from these games just because i don't want to invest my time and money into people who are so okay with that stuff haha), but i'm not aware of a role like that feasibly existing— as far as im aware males and females play somewhat equal roles in wolf packs (which wolvden's nesting system already sort of accounts for, although i would support perhaps the idea of the longer you wait to nest, the lower your pups' survival chances are day one, which would stop people from getting around the nesting barrier by waiting until the last day) and since equality between sexes is so rare in wildlife and especially human depictions of wildlife, i wouldn't want to impose a gender restriction that doesn't even have a real-life basis. again, huge support for your creativity and if you like that nesting-survival suggestion and want to suggest that ever i would give my full support on that, as that makes sense! but i do stand firmly on my no-support for this specific suggestion as it is now, and i probably won't support anything that would lead to males being unable to breed (with the restrictions in the thread i linked earlier)

sorry for all these long responses! ^^' i really like your creativity and i appreciate you tackling these two issues in one, but i do think this is one situation in which they are best dealt with (mostly) separately, even if the affects of each solution will probably overlap


Posted 2020-11-24 05:19:35 (edited)

Adding another gender-exclusive gameplay limitation is not the solution to a gender-exclusive gameplay limitation.

It also doesn't solve the main problem with them, that non-breeding males functionally (and therefor monetarily) worthless because they cannot pass on the stats they earn via. their profession or their genes. All things like this do are force people to keep these useless wolves if they want to train up actually useful females and for no other reason.

Also consider that most people are only going to need/be able to keep so many mentors and there is no need to replace them until they die. Every account being gently coerced into keeping a few males around until death if they want to train adols isn't going to touch their overall worth because it doesn't do anything to resolve the actual problem.

This also creates even more of the issue we already have, people cannot play the game in a way that makes the most sense or feels reasonably natural for a fantasy wolf pack because of completely arbitrary gameplay limitations.

No support.

This is actually a fine idea at it's core but only for both sexes. The only way to fix males being worthless on a game who's core is a breeding sim is kinda... self-evident really. They need to be allowed to breed in some way.


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