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Fleas should give the plague

Posted 2020-11-23 21:36:18

I mostly support this so people stop using these loopholes to kill the medicine market. The wolf market is already dead. 


Posted 2021-02-19 09:34:30

No support, wolvden will get even harder.

Stefanie 🦌

Posted 2021-02-19 12:21:53

No support. It makes me really sad to see so many players gleefully trying to punish other players for having a different playstyle. I don't use the flea exploit. But I found the flea market idea hilarious and adorable. It's really sad to see people angry about "cheating" on a free to play game.

As for the medicine market? I sell herbs for cheap, and they are always gone by the end of the day. Plenty of people still need herbs/medicine. If yours aren't selling, maybe adjust your prices. Or sell the individual herbs instead of the medicine.


Posted 2021-02-20 00:30:45

Definitely support. Still don't understand how it's morally no-no to have slightly inbred wolf ten generations away but people intentionally making their wolves sick and suffer is a "good game strategy". That's just not right and I personally am not liking it at all for this aspect.

As for the game mechanics, I do think there should be some eventual consequences, being it a chance of something else developing/catching something else too or the energy regeneration slowing down after some time or something. Not saying it should get super lethal, but something that would prevent people from intentionally doing this.

And yes, sure, my wolves do get sick sometimes of other illnesses, sure, even the more lethal ones, but everyone who plays for a few should have a good amount of herbs and cures stacked and just be ready to use them when needed. Is open wound more common? Cool, I always keep two at my hoard just in case. Diarrhea? Fine, I'll keep two as well. My wolf rarely getting infected? I'll keep just one infection balm. With a casual play style, everyone should always be able to have a stash of extra herbs from exploring and foraging, there's no excuse to keep the wolves sick. 


Posted 2021-02-20 14:00:10

No support.

This post summed it up very well but another thing I would add is that the 'loophole' is not really a loophole at all. Having fleas has advances and disadvantages. While my wolves are immune to all other illnesses every rollover I burn through twice as many resources as most players and if anything that puts me at a disadvantage but I still do it despite that because I can not afford to pay 100 SC for a fleas remedy. The prices for the medicine market are inflated and without fleas, some of my pack members might have died because I could not afford to treat them.

🌿 Fern 🌿

Posted 2021-02-21 02:17:25

The "RNG" is not as cruel as it is being stated though, from some people it sounds like their wolves are getting sick every second and that's not true. Rollover sickness doesn't happen that often and scouts definitely don't bring sickness back daily, it's rather rare and when the wolf is separated from others, it doesn't spread as fast. With hunters, of course they will be getting hurt often if sent mostly only to large preys, there's the biggest chance. Medium trails may be the help with that, as the chance of success is higher, chance of injury lower and will in the end feed the pack just as good as a large one's, considering the success rate. With 10 hunts made a day, that's probably 5 herbalist rounds, which is between 5-10 herbs with the chance of additional 2-5 if you clear your energy bar twice a day (which is a question of two minutes each, if you don't fight what moves).

Most cures cost 3 herbs, with the cost being 9 herbs top if you need to swap. It's not like they cost 30 each, so with the constant stream of herbs from herbalist, yes, it may get harder if you're not so active, but definitely not "I need to have all my wolves intentionally sick" hard. There's also a lot of chatter topics giving cures for free and helping people who struggle to keep up as much. There are ways to not do that.


Posted 2021-02-21 06:16:36

I don't understand how you can discount other players personal experiences because they are not your own. Now, maybe the RNG for illnesses has been tweaked or improved but when I started playing, I had 3 to 4 wolves getting sick: Every. Other. Day. I will repeat that I never used the flea technique. But as a new casual player, it was very difficult to keep up with, especially with only one hunting team, 4 biomes, and an inexperienced herbalist. And even if it is the case that sickness rng isn't so bad, then it shouldn't matter much that certain players have decided to play in a way that prevents it entirely

Again, not my play style, but it seems weird to impugn other players' morals because they decided to do things differently. I play no-inbreeding. However, when I accidentally purchased an inbred pup, and resold it? It was snatched up in a heartbeat! Because it was otherwise a very good pup and not everyone plays that way, and that's alright.


Posted 2021-02-21 08:43:57

I didn't want to discount someone's experience, even though I really don't believe wolves these days do get sick so heavily, may be wrong though and just be very lucky. I'm sorry if it sounded that way and it wasn't my intention, I may have expressed myself in the wrong way!

I used to get open wound 3-5 times a day too when I started before the fix and some days were hard, so I do understand that. It sucked a lot, especially when this was happening in the first days of playing/right after the tutorial for herbalist started. But these days it's not as bad. And I don't say fleas should kill the wolf. That's not what should be happening. But I do think it should have some eventual consequences to keep your wolf sick on purpose for a long time, no matter what the illness is. You can also avoid a lot of illnesses by skipping encounters that give them and there are other ways to deal with it too.

With the morals, it was brought up several times about inbreeding being on the wrong side because it's not what should be done in the real life. And it's okay, it's an opinion. I have both inbred and not inbred wolves and I don't care as much and respect others who have other opinion. For me, illnesses stand in the similar moral ground and it doesn't go well with me. But again, everyone's choice what they do with their account, I don't do it and if people do, that's their thing :) 

Morals to the side, at the end of the day it's on the devs to decide what they gonna do. I see it as an exploit of the system that shouldn't be happening, some see it in a different way and that's fine. Again, I'm sorry if it did sound too harsh or came out the wrong way, definitely don't want to fight against someone's play style or experience, even though I do think there's always a way to do it things differently :)


Posted 2021-02-21 09:46:31

Alright <3 Sorry if my response seemed a bit heated. Accommodating different playstyles is a pretty big thing for me, because there was such a big fuss over whether pairbonding should be a thing or if it would ruin studding for some people. I'm very much a live and let live person. If people were being jerks to you or anyone about inbred pups, that's very rude of them. I play my way for the challenge of it, which is another reason I don't do the flea thing. I just think it's neat that slightly disadvantaged players found a way to cope with that disadvantage, and some even managed to turn a profit where SC is extremely difficult to earn. 

Overall, I do think that the admins will address the flea situation because they'll see it as people not playing the game as intended. However, I don't believe that they should. Especially not if the reasoning is that the players involved in the Flea Market are somehow bad people for such a cute and fun idea. The other No Support posters detailed the problems for the other reasons better than I did so I'll leave that Kat's post above. 


Posted 2021-03-15 07:03:18 (edited)

I support this and agree with Coal's suggestion a page back. I cant remember if I've already posted here or not lol but i just read that for the first time. Making fleas work differently and allowing them to stack with other illnesses seem like a good alternative as well.

Yall can talk about different playstyles all you want, but the flea abuse is the definition of an exploit.

edit i also did not necro this thread HAJHSHA oops i think it was bumped


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