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Apprenticeship/Mentor Feature

Apprenticeship/Mentor Feature
Posted 2020-11-03 14:43:05 (edited)

Hello, Devs!

A while back, I had an idea regarding Wolvden and frequently mentioned it to my Wolvden friends: An apprenticeship/mentor feature! 

I thought of this because I noticed that when a wolf dies, 100% of progress in certain areas is lost (herbalist/medicine, lead wolf/territories), and I realized that it may be very off-putting for many players. Not only would this feature solve that problem while still retaining a reasonable challenge (such as only a portion of progress kept depending on the training % when the pup ages up), but it gives pups more things to do than look cute!

To avoid having two herbalists, or three scouts, or anything of that sort, I think that it could either retire the mentor wolf from their role automatically, or the player could wait until the wolf dies to assign the apprentice in a similar-but-different process to choosing an heir on Lioden

In order for this feature to be implemented, the following would likely be required from the devs:

  • Coding

  • Writing

Thank you for considering this suggestion!


Posted 2020-11-03 14:47:46 (edited)

I support this.

I have a pup I wantef to be a herbalist in future but as can only have one at a time where as scouts you can have two. I would like a mentor feature to change over when your wolf is ready to retire :)

It would Liodens sub male patrol where a adolescent comes along. They would get a chance of leveling proficiency in some way or "active interest" that could be like liodens pups survival bar.


Posted 2020-11-03 14:49:15

That's actually a smart suggestion.  It'll make the game more immersive.  Since there's really nothing going on in the adolescent stage, it would be cool to mentor wolves during that stage so that there is no slot limit issue.


Posted 2020-11-03 14:56:55

I really like this idea! I recently started out and I'm in the process of rotating out my old hunting team for a new one and would love to be able to do something with the adols in my pack. It could even just be a thing where the apprentices don't give much but gain experience in the roles they're apprenticing under!

I really hope this one is looked at and possibly implemented!!

🧿 Cornix

Posted 2020-11-03 14:58:20

Yes I absolutely support this idea!


Posted 2020-11-03 15:47:34

I like this idea. It adds an immersive piece, it incentivizes people buying wolves while they're young, and it helps out with not having to start completely over once a wolf retires, gets killed by disease, or dies of old age. 

So, you're thinking that once you choose an "apprentice" wolf, it retires the old wolf immediately? Or are you thinking that you can choose an apprentice who gains proficiency as it maintains the apprentice role? I'm just not sure if I completely understand how you intend the mechanic to work. 


Posted 2020-11-03 15:57:26

I was thinking that either the apprentice would replace the mentor once aging up, rather than retiring the mentor when the pup Is chosen, OR simply having the trained wolf on standby for when the mentor dies!


Posted 2020-11-03 16:02:35
Oh okay that makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up for me Jason!

Posted 2020-11-03 16:06:46

Oh I'd adore being able to train at least my adolescents, 100% support.


Posted 2020-11-03 16:18:56

Support! I for one am not looking forward to having to rescout the entire map when my lead dies or having to relearn medicines I already have when my herbalist dies + an apprentice feature would give people something to do with adols other than staring at them


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