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February NPC Compromise #2: Shared Pool - RNG Weighing/Options Added at End

February NPC Compromise #2: Shared Pool - RNG Weighing/Options Added at End
Posted 2024-01-08 08:33:30 (edited)
As of writing this, the official poll running is whether to have all of the NPCs dateable regardless or keep their preferences. The results are neck-and-neck, so I've decided to brainstorm a few compromises. I'm splitting them into multiple topics for ease of devs seeing which are supported/not supported the most - I hope this is okay!

For this option, all of the dateable wolves would be in a shared pool, but your chances of recruiting them would differ depending on which gender you chose at the beginning. Those interested in your gender would be more common, and those not interested in your gender would be rarer.

Alternatively, NPCs not interested in your gender would not appear until you have unlocked every NPC that is attracted to your gender.

- All NPCs unlockable regardless of choice at the beginning
- Preserves there being largely a different experience if you choose different genders each year

- Partially erases NPC sexuality, as they may date a wolf they should not be interested in
- If enough NPCs are added, it could end up impossible to recruit certain NPCs, particularly with the second method
- RNG-heavy

Other options:
February NPC Compromise #1: Gender-Change Item in LB Shop

February NPC Compromise #3: Gender is a Like/Dislike


Posted 2024-01-09 17:08:38
This idea doesn't look like a compromise for those who prefer to have NPCs keep their gender preferences as this defeats its purpose and allows all NPCs to be dated just with certain order of appearing that is less random.


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