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February NPC Compromise #1: Gender-Change Item in LB Shop

February NPC Compromise #1: Gender-Change Item in LB Shop
Posted 2024-01-08 08:23:01 (edited)
As of writing this, the official poll running is whether to have all of the NPCs dateable regardless or keep their preferences. The results are neck-and-neck, so I've decided to brainstorm a few compromises. I'm splitting them into multiple topics for ease of devs seeing which are supported/not supported the most - I hope this is okay!

My first suggestion, and probably the simplest coding-wise as there's a similar feature for some events on Lioden, is for there to be a cheap item in the main event shop that allows you to change the gender choice you made at the beginning. This would allow you to recruit wolves from your new gender from that point on.

Uncertain of what would happen to the wolves you've already recruited. It could either keep them or wipe them. Not sure which way is easier coding-wise. On Lioden where there's a path-switching item, it usually completely resets your event story progress, so I don't know if that would be a hard-coded issue. I'd prefer if you can keep them if it's possible.

- Allow access to all NPCs with enough planning
- Preserves NPC sexualities for lore reasons
- Allows you to play as genderfluid

- Might break immersion if you are roleplaying as your wolf and it isn't genderfluid
- Depending on how it's implemented, it may reset event progress

Other options:
February NPC Compromise #2: Shared Pool - RNG Weighing/Options Added at End

February NPC Compromise #3: Gender is a Like/Dislike


Posted 2024-01-09 16:59:04
Alternatively, the lead change should allow to us to change the gender with no additional cost. This might avoid players being disappointed after spending GC to retire a lead just to expect gender change option.


Posted 2024-01-10 10:14:51
I like this compromise best, and even if a compromise isn't chosen I feel like it would be worth adding to the shop regardless of what option wins the poll. I also support being able to change the lead's gender when changing leads as well, because that just makes sense.


Posted 2024-02-01 05:31:27 (edited)
I think this is the best solution; just make the item cost a small amount of LB and unlock in the tier 1 shop.
Possibly reset progress and/or disable the ability to gift or date wolves that no longer have a preference for your new gender.

It is currently difficult to possibly impossible (?) (Edit: Because of the sub-quests that reward more dateables, it is possible if you are super active) to get all of the wolves unlocked and max out their affection, which is a good thing because it makes the event more interesting. However, there's currently no way to control what wolves you're going to get at all. With this solution it is possible to have some control of which dateable wolves are going to be unlocked while maintaining the NPCs' preferences.

Miso 🥣

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