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Katerpie [HiatusTilCata] #71388

Brief hiatus from 7/26 to 8/1. I'll be ROing again on 8/1 for cata, but lord do I need a break.
Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss
About Me

Hi! I'm Kat. I'm a whole ass grown up. She/her pronouns.

There isn't a ton to say about me. I am on here too often. If you need anything or have any questions about the game I am happy to answer!

As you can tell by my pack name and banners, I am pretty unserious. I am just here for a good time.

The Homies

I've got a few close homies on here that I do breeding collabs or other partnerships with! If you see one of these folks reaching out to reclaim a dog with chase proof from me that is a-okay!

Ninkasi #67111

Sangre🩸/ Mother Of Irons #13415

Macaria #85792

Shunkana #110039

Woof #139418


I'm friendly and don't mind a random DM, but I don't accept random friend requests. If we've interacted some and have a good vibe you're welcome to reach out about it though!

Dionysus by Hewie
Pagedoll done by Valdis #18079
Member Information
Name Katerpie [HiatusTilCata]
Pack Super Weenie Hut Jr.
Pack Leader Narcissus
Joined 2022-06-03
Last Active 1 hour ago