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Chantaey #46657

"We are all broken, that's how the light gets in."
— Ernest Hemingway

Name: Call me Chan ❤
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: A few decades and some change.
Birthday: March 26
Time Zone: Wolvden +1 (+2 during DST)
Friend Requests: Open
- (Please send a message stating why you're sending a friend request! I don't like ending up on the friend list of people that just want to have a long list.)
Discord: Chantaey #8536
- (message me anytime)

My Cat, Writing, Reading, Cross Stitching / Embroidery, Acoustic Guitar, Gaming

Currently Reading:
Dark Tower Series, Book 5: Song of Susannah by Stephen King

Currently Stitching:

Currently Playing:
Medieval Dynasty in Oxbow

Art Commissions

Featured Groups

code by #202

About Me

. . . just a little tidbit.

I joined Wolvden because a good friend of mine was playing and I found it to be a much needed and enjoyable distraction. My primary motivation for playing is writing lore (in which I imagine my pack is a family of wolves living out in the real world and facing real challenges). I spent several months at the end of 2021 developing "hard mode" rules inspired by Dizzy's Wolvlocke Challenge so that my pack could face obstacles that were largely beyond my control.

In addition to lore I also breed for stats (and aside from avoiding inbreeding in my own pack I really don't care if wolves are inbred or have long family trees) because I enjoy the game's combat system and trophy hunting. I try to make sure every wolf in my dens has a job so they can keep earning those tasty stats and make chonker puppies. I like to use any GC I've earned (primarily from selling NBWs back when there was a market for them 🙃) toward making my non-lore wolves look more natural. My lore pack is all monochrome and I like their colors to be naturally inherited though that may change if they start looking really hinky! I've also been experimenting with brown-tone markings on my non-lore wolves and will be gradually introducing these as potential mates to my lore pack. I also harbor a secret love for muted bases. Shhhh.


I consider myself to be pretty friendly and am open to random messages about whatever. I check in frequently throughout the day but I do get distracted by the occasional intensive project so if I show as online but haven't responded I probably just left the game running--please be patient, I'll get back to you as soon as I can.


All wolves in the Raise & Chase and Borderlands sections are for sale, even if they're not currently in a raffle or trade. I'm happy to haggle on price and am willing to accept some items instead of SC or GC (scars are like gold to me, seriously) so don't be afraid to send me a message here or on discord!

Pack Alliances

Pack alliances consist of long-term connections/friendships for the primary purpose of providing fresh blood to my pack or an ally's when needed (for me, usually when a new alpha takes over).

Personally, I look for high-stat wolves (500+ at birth) which are monochrome based with natural eye colors and markings. However, if alliance pack wolves don't quite fit, I'm willing to pay to have them changed so long as it's okay with my ally. The more markings the better. Alliance packs can be lore-oriented, or not. If there is lore I will do my best to fit it into my own. I also offer my own pack members to allies that may be looking for new blood (which wolves depend on personality and what's currently happening in lore).

In the past it has been very difficult to determine which wolf in my pack will take over as the new alpha and have a potential mate, roughly the same age, chosen and leveled. My hope is that allies can sell or trade a leveled wolf when it's time for my new alpha to find a mate (or other unique occasions). If this is something that interests you, please DM me so we can work out details!


Loopis Pack ----- ◆ -----

Alhavenlan Pack

----- ◆ ----- Nomadin Pack

----- ◆ -----

Morrow's Peak Pack

Greyfeather Pack History

Click Here for Pack Lore

Eleventh Alpha Puja with her mate Lykos and their first litter.
Young pups from left to right:

Reigned February 26, 2024 - Current
Start of Spring, Year 39 - Current

Tenth Alpha Itai with his mate Swaran and their first, second and third litters.
Young pups from left to right:

Reigned September 18, 2023 - February 25, 2024
Early Summer, Year 33 - End of Winter, Year 39

Ninth Alpha Adaline (front) with her mate Tendail (behind) and their first litter.
Young pups from left to right: Akinyi, Itai, Dakarai, Braam, Ejiro

Reigned July 9, 2023 - September 17, 2023
Mid Summer, Year 31 - Start of Summer, Year 33

Eighth Alpha Kai (left) with his mate Tariel (right) and their first litter.
Young pups from left to right: Anastasia, Bezar, Elene, Levon.

Reigned May 9, 2023 - July 8, 2023
Early Winter, Year 28 - Early Summer, Year 31

Seventh Alpha Míra (left) with her mate Hunter (right) and their first litter.
Pups from left to right: Adaline, Callan, Everett.
Young Pups from left to right: Finn, Ginger.

Reigned March 19, 2023 - May 8, 2023
Late Autumn, Year 26 - Start of Winter, Year 28

Sixth Alpha Gabriel (right) with his mate Jin (left) and their first and second litter.
Pup: Fang.
Young Pups from left to right: Kai, Ru, Jing.

Reigned November 26, 2022 - March 18, 2023
End of Winter, Year 21 - Deep Autumn, Year 26

Fifth Alpha Lena.

Reigned November 24, 2022 - November 26, 2022
Deep Winter, Year 21 - End of Winter, Year 21

Fourth Alpha Bedro (left) with his mate Kata (right) and their first, second, and third litter.
Adolescents from left to right: Bela, Alajos, Cili, Elek.
Pups from left to right: Gabriel, Feren, Hanna, Jacob.
Young Pups from left to right: Lili, Mira, Kira, Sandor.

Reigned July 28, 2022 - November 23, 2022
Late Winter, Year 16 - Mid Winter, Year 21

Third Alpha Khushi (right) with her mate Zahir (left) and their first and second litter.
Pups from left to right: Eva, Aveh, Ani, Bedro.
Young Pups from left to right: Lena, Garen, Meri.

Reigned May 30, 2022 - July 23, 2022
End of Summer, Year 14 - End of Autumn, Year 16

Second Alpha Ákiljöf (left) with his mate Kamakshi (right) and their first and second litters.
Pups from left to right: Kaveri, Indu, Darshan, Reva, Khushi.
Young Pups from left to right: Leela, Saaya, Rohan, Nikhil.

Reigned January 4, 2022 - May 29, 2022
High Summer, Year 8 - Late Summer, Year 14

First Alpha Grárfax (left) and his mate Fjaðrir (right) with their first, second, and third litters.
Adolescents from left to right: Hreinn, Fyrstur.
Pups from left to right: Miki'lorka, Visku, Virði, Myrkur.
Young Pups from left to right: Ákveðni, Sága, Ákiljöf, Signý.

Reigned July 20, 2021 - January 3, 2022
High Summer, Year 1 - Mid Summer, Year 8

Member Information
Name Chantaey
Pack Greyfeather Pack
Lead Wolf Alpha Avitas
Joined 2021-07-20
Last Active 5 minutes ago