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Increase puppy survival rate

Posted 2023-03-23 09:44:55
It's a rng game, unless you want them to remove death from puppies; which would make things too easy and those who aren't able to care for them would get too overwhelmed. As pointed out it is not that terribly difficult to get pups to 100% if you really want to. Even if your pup isn't 100%, it doesn't mean your pup ALWAYS dies like you are making it sound, and the way you say they randomly die when you do everything right, is very misleading because the roll doesn't ALWAYS fail. That CHANCE is usually slim to none when the pup is protected properly. Now I would support this if pups were still dying at 100%, which is why I support  this and this, but that isn't the same as what you are trying to say. If the pup isn't 100% there should always be the chance the pup is hurt or dies. It's part of the feature for that to be a possibility.


Posted 2023-03-23 09:56:06
The "guaranteed" term is misused here as a pup will never have guaranteed death during rollover, there's a chance to get an injury instead.

If pup survival was made easier to the point where no player would be concerned about pup dying, pup survival chance would have to be removed completely so pups never die.

However, I get your point that it can be quite disappointing when a pup with even 99% survival rate can have a chance of dying. I suggested another solution to this if you'd like to take a look.


Posted 2023-03-23 11:09:50

Been keeping an eye on this thread for a bit. I'm not going to go into ways to keep a pup alive, because you said you already know all that. I'll just say that it's easy enough to keep pups alive. I frequently have to assign 10-20 newborn pups at once and they can still stay at or close to 100%. More often than not, they're all fodder, so I neglect them. And even with dropping survival, they still usually survive. If we're talking injuries or sickness, all of my pups probably have battle scars. They're always getting hurt, I'm kind of a monster lmao.

If a pup is an important one, I assign a high-proficiency sitter to it and it's set forever. I don't even think about the valuable pups after the first day of assigning a pupsitter, honestly. That's the benefit of having 100% proficiency pupsitters; I can neglect a pup to the moon and back and they'll be fine. No risk of forgetting about caring for them.

At the end of the day, it's RNG, and a pup being at 90% still has 1/10 odds of dying. It's not completely unexpected and pups don't just die at random, there's a transparent percentage to keep track of. If that's managed well, then a player doesn't ever have to lose any pups, ever.

It's unfortunate when people lose pups they care about, it's happened to me too. When RNG smacks down, it can do so hard. But if a pup is properly protected, death isn't even on the table. I don't see the need to make a part of the game that's already fair easier.


Posted 2023-03-23 12:17:57
While I can sympathize with losing a pup that you really wanted to keep, I don't think numbers do or should work quite the way you seem to think they should.  80% survival says there is still a 1-in-5 chance to come to harm.  I wouldn't do an action with a 20% kill rate, so I would certainly never think that having a 1-in-5 chance of things going bad means they will never happen.  Even 90% is still a 1-in-10 chance.  I would never consider something "guaranteed" that had such a high chance to not work!  A 1-in-5 chance is enough to make some people do an activity on the chance of getting the result, so it's more than reasonable at those numbers to expect that it could happen when it's a negative result too.  As long as pups have a designated survival chance, injury and death should follow the actual chances given.  As players have said, there are ways to get the numbers up high, even to 100%, so suddenly making it guaranteed to work at a lower listed percentage is just kind of counterintuitive and illogical.  You could suggest, maybe, for no pup to be born under 40% survival so assigning even a brand new pupsitter to a single pup makes it totally safe, but that's not really what you seem to be proposing here.  I can't support making survival percentages meaningless over a certain threshold arbitrarily, because that's just weird.  It serves no purpose to do it that way.  There's no reason to mess up how numbers work without actually changing the numbers themselves.  It's too confusing.

Posted 2024-04-07 21:18:22
as someone who's fairly new to wolvden, I have had several pups die and I got a pup from someone today and it's at 25%. My most proficient pupsitter is minding 4 pups and it only gives her a 25% boost. I feel like I have to run around and do something [as in I'm stressing] to prevent her death but there's LITERALLY nothing I can do except give her her own personal pup sitter which I just don't feel like doing, I have like 20 wolves and 10 cubs, that's kinda ridiculous to accommodate. Also ALL of her bars are FULL. Energy, mood, hunger and HP and she's been constantly watched by a pup sitter like please tell me what would cause her to spontaneously die ?? Like I get that it's a wolf pup and there's a chance but damn.
As someone who just doesn't get why this is a thing and never having really spoken in the community so I don't know how others feel about this, I read this post like it was a best selling novel, I love your input and I agree entirely
Pyra/Pyro Red

Posted 2024-04-09 21:19:10
I've played many pet sim games, and while this is the only one that really makes any attempt to challenge players a teensy bit, it's still exceptionally easy to keep pups alive for exactly the reasons mentioned earlier in this thread. It's such a non issue that finding space is really the thing most people have trouble with. And I mean unfortunately keeping a million wolves in your pack is expensive. You have to downsize if you can't feed or house them all, that's just how it works.

So if you want a game that doesn't give any opportunity whatsoever for failure or bad outcomes? There's a million other pet sims for that. I'm not sure why you aren't already playing them.

Posted 2024-05-12 22:07:25
Hi! I know this is like a year later, but there's this pup that I absolutely love and I have huge plans for her, sadly her survival chance is 0% and I'm very worried I'm going to lose her on the next rollover after losing so many good pups. Any tips on how I could boost her survival chance?

Posted 2024-05-13 06:00:55
Give her her own pupsitter. The one you have with the highest proficiency. Buy a new wolf if you have to. Keep her/her mom fed and played with. Train her if she's old enough.

Posted 2024-05-13 07:00:55
I don't support this. I've never had a pup die. Feed the mothers and have a pupsitter. plan your breedings out.

However if a pup bought in TC has a super low survival rate I think they should get some type of buffer so the new owner has a chance to save it. But overall I think the pup survival rate is fine the way it is
Rabid Syn (I drink water)

Posted 2024-05-21 17:48:02
Oppose, 100% pupsitters are easy to make or cheap to buy. You're unlikely to use the whole 200 slot just have 20 pupsitters or rent a pupsitter traveling wolf.

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