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Warriors roleplay

Posted 2023-03-25 13:46:30
As Falconflight and Featherpaw entered the camp, everyone grew quiet, turning to see the news if they had found Smokedusk, it was clear that everyone knew they went on a search party to find him. Sleetstar was waiting for them calmly but Featherpaw didn't want to talk, she just wanted to grieve alone, Falconflight's warm presence was about the only thinking giving her a sense of comfort. He's gone....he's really gone, and I didn't even get to say goodbye to him....what will Sleetstar do with me now that Smokedusk is gone?


Posted 2023-03-25 22:37:15 (edited)
Sleetstar padded over to where Featherpaw and Falconflight were, she gave Featherpaw a calming gaze, seeing her look down at the dirt worryingly. "Sleetstar," Falconflight begin " We found Smokedusk but..." he looked away. "We will decide on a new mentor for Featherpaw soon," she replied dryly " but now, I need to send out a patrol to look for Smokedusk's body," she paused " I can't imagine how hard this must be for you Featherpaw." she mewed " River'rage!" she echoed out, "I'd like you to take a patrol to look for Smokedusk's body, Falconflight will show you where."


Posted 2023-03-26 05:00:51
"ugh," she groaned slowly getting up. Revealing the large rabbit now nearly eaten that was hidden underneath her paws.ย  She padded slowly over "Well, what are we waiting for. Lets get this over with" She rolled her eyes.

๐Ÿณโ€๐ŸŒˆMoon (NC)

Posted 2023-03-26 13:04:43
Sleetstar was calm as she sent the patrol to try and find Smokedusk's body but a sense of uncertainty prickled her pelt. Who or what had done that to Smokedusk? Why? She questioned, thoughts rushing in her mind. Could it have been a fox? Or perhaps a badger? She shuddered, Windclan didn't usually get many badgers but there was still a chance of there being one. "You must be tired and grieving, it's best if you get some rest." Falconflight told her, directing her towards the apprentice's den. She felt the cold damp of her nest, perhaps there was a hole in the roof of the den bringing dew.


Posted 2023-03-26 18:31:15
River'rage flicked her ear, she padded ahead of them her tail lashing. "How far is it?" She mewed in an annoyed tone

๐Ÿณโ€๐ŸŒˆMoon (NC)

Posted 2023-03-27 05:39:35
Falconflight looked back and rolled his eyes, "just up ahead!" he called back, River'rage was always hard to work with. They continued the track.


Posted 2023-03-27 06:19:04 (edited)
Clan: RiverClan
Name: Wolfheart
Rank: Warrior
Age (in moons): 15
Birth Gender and Pronouns: Male [He/Him]
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: He is generally very friendly and nice to talk to, tells many stories about the Twolegplace to the curious kits, and always flinches when someone mentions about his kithood or asks him about his snaking scar.
Description: A tall, long legged, serious tom with shaggy gray fur and a white belly, nose and ear tips, and sharp amber eyes. Has a jagged scar running from his left lip and slicing through his belly; no one knows where or how it appeared.
Relationships (All, whether it's family or romantic): N/A
Backstory (Optional): He was originally a kit from the Twolegplace, but his mother couldn't take care of him anymore and gave him to RiverClan, where he could perhaps have a better life than he could in the Twolegplace. RiverClan took him in and raised him, and trained him to be the mighty warrior he is now.
Extra: N/A


Posted 2023-03-27 06:26:18
Maple`Fang sat in the clearing of windclan his long fluffed tail laid over his paws, he watched everything with silent eyes. After the passing of smokeDust, it was a hard time for everycat that knew them. Poor FeatherPaw lost her mentor who was a friend and warrior to all with a strong heart.. He stretched out with a yawn showing all of his teeth, noticed by kits at the nursey opening, they ran back in mewing in fear. Maple`Fang covered his mouth under his paw trotting away to a more shaded area where he wouldn't be seen by younger eyes.

(Ima make a queen oc, who was smokedust's mate <3)
{\Razzy The Unknown/}

Posted 2023-03-27 07:19:20
Clan: Windclan
Name: Magma`Scar
Rank: Queen (Warrior)
Age (in moons): 23
Birth Gender and Pronouns: She-Cat (She/Her)
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: A calm collected She, whom is gentle and cheery. She thinks quickly on her feet, She used to be a bit ambitious but learned it was better to be cautious instead.
Description: A small calico she-cat, White under fur with light cream & orange patterns for her fluffy coat, short snout and curled ears, Icy blue eyes
Relationships (All, whether it's family or romantic): Her passed mate SmokeDust

Backstory (Optional): Magma`Scar used to be Magma`Glare and known as the strongest she-cat to be a warrior, but things changed when a fox entered the windclan territory and into camp, She defended the camp with her life as the fox was headed for the nursery. She would be the first she-cat warrior to 'Kill' a fox but not without a life long scar across her face nearly blinding her, And as a reminder to herself she asked the leader to change her name to Magma`Scar a sign for strength and bravery that sometimes you CAN push past your limits and be much greater then what you think it means to be a Warrior!

Extra: She's going to have a breakdown and shut everycat out of her mind once she hears that SmokeDust is dead, be ready for a grieving queen I mean her mate is gone before he could see his kits could see him.
{\Razzy The Unknown/}

Posted 2023-03-27 14:46:29
The search patrol had left and the clearing was decently empty, she had hoped she would be able to go hunting but she had no optimism for it now. The whole clan knew the grief she was feeling and they tried to make her feel better but she only felt numbness.


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