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Updates: The Matchmaker

Posted 2023-02-24 03:36:46 (edited)
@Abbey Thank you so much for the explanation! ^^

Would you mind clearing up the question regarding Wisp and Inve for this year as well? ^^

Edit: autocorrect made it I ve instead of Inve

Posted 2023-02-24 04:02:19 (edited)
Sorry, one more question as well. Since it says "...positioned in the same space as a wolf..." Does that mean it layers over/behind our chosen wolf, or does it completely remove/cover the original wolf image in place of its own? Or is that what the background is for, to cover the wolf up and only display the NPC?

Edit: My bad, I misread this sentence "We will also create a new item that can hide the original wolf's art, and one of these will be given for free with the decor." So that answers my question

🌵NIB Brachy Breeder🌵

Posted 2023-02-24 07:18:29 (edited)
I have a suggestion. Maybe in addition to the decor, we could get a breeding to any one (1) NPC that has a maxed-out affection meter. I was thinking the breeding could be used at any time on any of the wolves we own (the breeding would not be limited to the lead wolf in the event that the player wanted to breed to an NPC that is the same sex as their lead). I was really looking forward to the idea of breeding my wolves to the NPCs and was very disappointed to find out that isn't a thing. This is just a suggestion though so feel free to disregard the idea.

Edit: I posted it in the suggestion board

Posted 2023-02-24 09:00:35 (edited)
This sounds fun! I wasn't expecting to get a decor for maxing out relationships with the NPCs myself, but that certainly sounds like an awesome bonus.

I'm not surprised to hear that finishing the artwork is taking longer than you expected - I'll bet artwork of Wolvden quality takes a while to produce. Allowing everyone to date all NPCs regardless of what they identify as seems like a good compromise in the meantime. I actually wanted to go out of my way to say, thank you for the high quality artwork you provide for all of the events! The cryptid event artwork last year was already so impressive. It made my heart skip a beat when I saw that the dateable wolves actually change their expression based on your relationship with them. It's an amazing little detail!

Posted 2023-02-24 13:41:25
Hm, I'm kinda worried about something.
Since this was released late, I worry that some of us our on a time crunch esp since we all interact with the dateables once a day.
Having to figure out who likes what takes time and effort, some NPCs do seem to give hints when ya meet them such as asking about food or they seem flashy or liking certain things but that's not much.

Next year, I certainly hope we really will get a full month like on LD and even more so that some learned details can be recalled but then again there's the wiki (that no doubt has quite a bit to update even more since so much is still missing) ^ ^"


Posted 2023-02-24 13:45:12
@Fangx - The event is running for a full month. The event launched late, and is ending on March 13, per the bottom part of the first post of the original event news post.


Posted 2023-02-24 14:04:28
@Msasi ah thank you for pointing that part out. I couldn't remember if they stated or not ^ ^ '


Posted 2023-02-24 14:09:14
No problem! Easy to overlook since it was just the line at the bottom of the post. :D


Posted 2023-02-24 15:29:24 (edited)
Not sure if this post might influence something but I may give a try. A small request if you don't have any strong preference. Make one of new NPCs dislike cool dark bases and blue eyes, please.


Posted 2023-02-24 15:34:52
Ever since the update, I'm finding it difficult to impossible to match wolves. I have 10 in my agency right now with a variety of genders and preferences and I can't match ANY of them. Not that they aren't compatible, I literally can't send any of them on dates. I think the preferences are too strict, I know that's how it is IRL, but if we're limited to 10, I think they all need to be interested in at least 2/3 options.

I've already yeeted and recruited new ones several times, but I'm not getting any that I can send on dates. Plus I can't check in every hour, so that makes it difficult with recruitment too if the five you get for the daily quest are a bust.