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The Alhavenlan Pack // Lore & Rules

Posted 2023-04-08 20:17:10 (edited)

Autumn // Year 10
6 days of autumn left.

Current Alphas
Alpha Ella & Alpha Varogathe

Revanas, Eirlen, Irosylis, Haleira,
Nerien, Shebrasa, Eshalinev, & Rasha

Colder weather and a color change in tree leaves announce the arrival of autumn in the forest, yet the pack marches ever onward. Ella has dug a new den site closer to the primary hunting grounds to use in the spring and she has begun her search for a new den before winter comes. However, the rest of the pack eagerly takes to the colder weather as the hot summer air was rather unbearable this year.

As for the mites Ella had caught towards the end of summer, she has rid herself of the mites before it could spread to other members of the pack! Iron on the other hand is still looking a bit worse for wear and has gotten considerably weaker in the colder weather.

In other news, the hunting teams have successfully brought down multiple large prey! Team 2 has even managed to bring down their first Caribou of the season and even a moose cow later that day! Team 1 on the other hand has maintained their hunting trails in the secondary hunting grounds and have easily tracked the elk and bison herds movements as they prepare for winter.

Pack Researcher Journal

Autumn has arrived in the Taiga finally and gives the wolves a much needed break from the heat. As for the pack themselves, Ella appears to have gotten rid of her mange thanks to the colder weather and rain. No other pack members appear to show signs of the mites too so hopefully that will be the last we see of mange before winter. As for Iron, he appears to have gotten considerably worse with the onset of colder weather. The pack seems to be treating him like any other deathly ill wolf and have begun to snap at him when he gets too close to their carcass. We've even observed the poor wolf hanging further back, away from the rest of his pack. Our thoughts and prayers are with this wolf but we don't believe he'll make it through the winter.

As for the hunting teams, they both seem to be doing relatively well! We've seen Team 2 bring down their first Caribou and even a Moose Cow soon afterward! We cannot believe how well this hunting team has been doing as of late and we have high hopes for them come winter. Team 1 though continues to show off their hunting prowess in the Coniferous Forest. They've gotten so much better at tracking the elk herds and bison herds to the point where it's hardly a challenge for them to find the herds! My team and I are very impressed with both hunting teams. Especially with Team 2's progress!

In other news, we've recorded Ella digging new dens around their primary hunting grounds and she even made the trek to their secondary hunting grounds to dig a new den there as well. She is clearly preparing herself for her upcoming litter early this year as it appears she did not enjoy reusing an old coyote den for her previous litter. We'll be keeping a closer eye on Ella however as we get closer to winter and see if she has any pups early this season!

That's all for now though! There will be another update towards the end of fall most likely. Until then, Alhavenlan Pack!


Posted 2023-04-12 16:50:36

Autumn // Year 10
2 days of autumn left.

Current Alphas
Alpha Ella & Alpha Varogathe

Revanas, Eirlen, Irosylis, Haleira,
Nerien, Shebrasa, Eshalinev, & Rasha

All is well within the Alhavenlan Pack as winter gets closer. Ella has begun to prepare the pack to move to their secondary hunting grounds within the next day or so and she has made regular journeys down to the second hunting grounds to ensure her newly dug den is safe and unoccupied by other animals.

However, there had been a few close calls with illnesses this season! Elgadir had caught flees while hunting an elk but thankfully the cold snap that happened recently was enough to kill off the fleas before they could spread. As for Haleira, she had gotten quite a few ticks while out on a hunt and has yet to shake them off. Although, Iron has had no signs of improvement and remains a safe distance away from the pack with no ambition to steal from his former packmates.

As for the hunting teams, Team 2 has been doing quite well this fall! They've managed to bring down more moose and elk as of late and have started to get better at tracking the herd movements throughout the seasons. Hopefully by next spring they'll be back to normal! Team 1 on the other hand has had no issues and remain as ever present watchers of the elk herds there.

Pack Researcher Journal

Autumn is already coming to an end with winter fast approaching now. The pack looks rather healthy overall which is good news to hear before the snow arrives. However, one wolf did return to the pack with fleas but thankfully the recent snowfall was enough to kill the fleas off before they could spread to the rest of the pack. Haleira appears to have ticks though and we sincerely hope they'll fall and die off when winter comes. Iron on the other hand is hardly doing much as of late due to his illness and he will most likely get left behind when the pack moves to their secondary hunting grounds this winter.

Speaking of hunting, both teams continue to surprise us all! Team 2 has continued bringing down the occasional moose and they've gotten considerably better at tracking the elk herds as of late! My team and I hope they'll return to their former glory once spring comes. As for Team 1, these wolves have yet to falter once when it comes to hunting down elk and bison. We have no doubts this team will keep it up throughout the winter months and I honestly expect them to bring down more bison when the snow gets deeper.

A relatively small update this time around but there will be another report soon! Ella should be going into heat soon so we'll be keeping an eye on her as we approach winter. My crew and I cannot wait to see this next litter of pups, we've all got a good feeling about this one! Until then!


Posted 2023-04-14 05:02:09

Winter // Year 10
6 days of winter left.

Current Alphas
Alpha Ella & Alpha Varogathe

Revanas, Eirlen, Irosylis, Haleira,
Nerien, Shebrasa, Eshalinev, & Rasha

Winter has returned to the Taiga once more! The pack welcomes this change of pace and quickly moved to their winter location near their secondary hunting grounds. However there appears to be an excitement surrounding Ella as they approach her new den site. She was quick to announce her pregnancy and that she is expecting 5 more pups this winter. The whole pack seem excited at this early news and cannot wait to see the little ones.

As for the hunting teams, both did well for the entirety of autumn and the pack has high hopes both teams will keep it up throughout the winter months. Team 1 has become formidable trackers when it comes to the elk herds and they've even ushered the pack closer to where they last saw them to try and cut down on travel time. Team 2 on the other hand doesn't seem to be thrilled hunting in the coniferous forest this season but they're unwilling to make the trek northward repeatedly just to hunt there throughout the day now that Ella is expecting pups.

Pack Research Report
April 14th, 2023

Winter is here finally! While the winter months can be quite hard on the pack, it looks like they're welcoming the snow this year with open arms. It seems like they've also lost a bit of control within the coniferous forest but not enough to deter them from hunting there yet, we'll see if that changes at any point in the future though. I guess that explains why the pack was a bit stubborn about moving this season.

In other news, Ella is expecting more pups this winter! This is quite an early litter but she seems very happy and well prepared so this litter should be perfectly fine despite how heavy the snow's been since winter started. Additionally, it looks Haleira picked up a few ticks on a hunt and they still remain. We'll watch and see if they fall off at any point and keep the reports coming if anything else happens within the pack. Hopefully no other pack members will get sick this winter!

As for the hunting teams, Team 1 continues to do well as they have been since autumn and brings down numerous elk for the pack. We've even seen them show the herd they've been hunting and tracking as of late and encouraged the pack to remain close to it. Ella dug multiple dens down at their coniferous border so moving the location wasn't too hard. As for team 2, they've been doing alright! We have yet to see them go on a hunt as of writing this but we have high hopes for them to pick up the slack, especially with Team 1's help with locating the elk herds.

That's all for now though regarding the pack! In other news regarding my research team, construction is almost complete! We've got the necessary structures for general safety and some large areas for the wolves we take care of. I've updated the map and attached it to the report. But I'll write up another report as soon as Ella has her pups! My crew and I cannot wait to see them!


Posted 2023-04-18 17:55:22 (edited)

Winter // Year 10
2 days of winter left.

Current Alphas
Alpha Ella & Alpha Varogathe

Revanas, Eirlen, Irosylis, Haleira,
Nerien, Shebrasa, Eshalinev, Rasha,
Danyla, Ellana, Tarsynumi, Lanaya, & Sathrian

Snowstorms have started to become an uncommon sight as spring approaches. The pack is eager for the winter months to end finally and return to hunting within their own territory once more. They have all been a bit on edge when it comes to linger by their southern border yet it seems like they'll all have to remain there awhile longer until Ella's newest litter is strong enough to make the journey northward.

Ella has had a litter of 5 pups and one of the pups is considerably smaller than the rest. The pack is unsure how well this runt will do in the hunting teams later on but Ella remains confident in her offspring's strength. In other news, the yearlings from Ella's second litter has finally joined up with the hunting teams and the majority of the yearlings have been placed on Team 1 to fill the Chaser spots after Varogathe chased off quite a few outsider wolves to make space for Ella's newest litter.

Speaking of the hunting teams, Team 1 has been doing rather poorly after loosing all of their well trained chasers and are now relying on the yearlings to learn fast as Elgadir directs them to the nearby elk herds and whitetail herds. Team 2 on the other hand has remained untouched yet it is unclear if Terys, one of Team 2's chasers, will remain after seeing so many wolves get chased away from the pack. But Team 2 remains working comfortably in the Coniferous Forest and has brought down numerous elk and moose for the pack to eat while Team 1 recovers.

Pack Research Report
April 18th, 2023

This report is a day later than I expected but we've had a lot of footage and other reports to read over before I could begin compiling the main report for the end of winter. So, let us begin and brace yourselves for a long one!

To begin, I'd like to announce that Ella has has a healthy litter of 5 pups! One of the pups is considerably smaller than the rest but I'm sure with a few good meals come this spring and the pup will do just fine! Additionally, the yearlings from Ella's second litter have finally been spotted hunting on the hunting teams lately! It also looks like the majority of the hunters on Team 1 have been chased off. We're unsure why Varogathe and Ella decided to chase those wolves off right before spring arrives but we believe it was most likely to cut back on the amount of mouths to feed now that Ella has had her third (and rather large) litter.

Regarding the hunting teams, Team 1 has been doing quite poorly as of late. With no senior chaser wolves to guide the newcomers the yearlings have been left to their own devices and they will often get distracted while trying to track larger prey. They've hardly brought down anything larger than a small doe this winter. Hopefully Team 1 will get better when spring hits, otherwise these yearlings will have a learn fast.

As for Team 2, the hunters on this team remains untouched! There is a bit of tension between Varogathe and Terys but the alpha male appears to be tolerating the younger wolf for now. But for now they continue to bring down numerous elk and moose for the pack to eat while Team 1 recovers and whips the yearlings into shape.

I believe that is all of the news regarding the hunting teams. I do have a few smaller notes however as it appears that Haleira has recovered from her ticks and no other wolves appear to be sick thankfully as winter wraps up. That's all for now though! I'll attach a litter report below and expect another report once spring arrives! Until then!

View the Litter Report here!


Posted 2023-04-18 18:00:40 (edited)

The Alpha pair has had puppies!
Ella has given birth to 5 puppies. Out of the 5 pups, 4 are female and 1 is male.

The Alphas

Lvl 19 // 642 Total Stats

Lvl 19 // 707 Total Stats
The Puppies

Lvl 1 // 393 Total Stats

Lvl 1 // 396 Total Stats

Lvl 1 // 388 Total Stats

Lvl 1 // 388 Total Stats

Lvl 1 // 372 Total Stats
3rd Litter // Born in Winter // 5 Pups Total


Posted 2023-04-20 21:54:00 (edited)

Spring // Year 10
6 days of spring left.

Current Alphas
Alpha Ella & Alpha Varogathe

Revanas, Eirlen, Irosylis, Haleira,
Nerien, Shebrasa, Eshalinev, Rasha,
Danyla, Ellana, Tarsynumi, Lanaya, & Sathrian

The temperatures have slowly risen over the past few weeks and thunderstorms have become a common sight. The pack didn't seem particularly happy to trudge through the muddy forest during the trek to their primary hunting grounds but thankfully the journey wasn't terribly long despite the occasional stops to feed the young pups.

However, the pack brings news! They've formed a new hunting team and have started expeditions out into the Tundra biome to see what herds live out there in the endless plains. This new team is called Team 3 and while they're still new the pack has high hopes that they'll catch up to the other two teams in no time. Team 2 on the other hand has done well and the pack has been relying them in Team 1's recent bad luck after a bunch of yearlings was placed on the team. Team 2 continues to bring down numerous elk and moose for the pack although they've had to adjust to hunting in the Taiga once more. Hunts will most likely suffer for the first few weeks until the pack catches up to the elk herds once again.

Although, with Team 1, morale is low. Elgadir, the team's stalker, is trying his hardest to keep the team together while Eirlen teaches his younger siblings how to hunt properly with a team. The pack's nervous about their success rate even in the spring months but the team's confident that they can return to their former strength with a bit of extra hunting.

Pack Research Report
April 20th, 2023

A bit of a shaky start to this spring but overall the pack seems to be doing alright! It looks like they already made the journey to their main hunting grounds before we could even get a few rangers sent out to track them, we ended up using our trail cams to keep tabs on the pack. Once the pack settled on a location, we actually managed to tag one of the newer females within the pack and outfit her with a standard radio collar! Fen appears to hold some high status within the pack as she seems to wag her tail high whenever Ella and Varogathe are away so we have high hopes for the future!

In other news, it looks like the pack formed another hunting team! This Team 3 has been spotted going beyond the forest and just beginning to stretch their legs in the endless plains that is the Tundra. We haven't seen much of their activities as they're a bit outside our field of view but we'll get some more stations set up out there temporarily.

As for Team 1 and Team 2, they're both doing well! Team 2 continues to bring down multiple elk for the pack despite having to spend extra time tracking the herds after they returned from their wintering locations. Team 1 on the other hand appears to be a bit worse for wear. Morale and trust is low between the team members and it seems like Elgadir doesn't trust the new chasers at all. Hopefully they'll sort out their differences and straighten out some before next winter.

That's all for now though, I'll compile another report near the end of spring!


Posted 2023-04-24 16:04:32

Spring // Year 10
2 days of spring left.

Current Alphas
Alpha Ella & Alpha Varogathe

Revanas, Eirlen, Irosylis, Haleira,
Nerien, Shebrasa, Eshalinev, Rasha,
Danyla, Ellana, Tarsynumi, Lanaya, & Sathrian

The temperatures within the Taiga have slowly risen as of late which announces the arrival of summer early this year. The pack begrudgingly braces themselves for another uncomfortably warm summer within the taiga and stick close to the more denser parts of the forest.

As for the hunting teams, Team 2, have done very well this spring! They've successfully hunted numerous elk and moose throughout the season which the pack is very grateful for. Team 2 has kept the pack well fed thanks to their quick work! As for Team 1, they've slightly recovered as spring comes to a close. Eirlen has managed to finally bring down a couple of elk but the rookie chasers still let the prey escape before he can catch up. Team 3 on the other hand is still learning about the Tundra but they've managed to bring down a few rabbits and seagulls for the youngsters to snack on when waiting for a larger meal.

Pack Research Report
April 24th, 2023

Looks like this report will be a bit smaller than usual! Nonetheless, the pack is doing well as we begin to transition to summer time! All three hunting teams appear to be doing quite well despite a few of their hunters sporting some new scars and the pack seems to be excited whenever Team 2 returns to the pack with a fresh kill.

Teams 1 and 3 on the other hand have had a some spotty luck lately. Team 1 has managed to bring down a few elk but the young chasers still have the habit of getting distracted or getting bored mid hunt and give up on the chase too early for Eirlen to really catch up. Team 3 on the other hand is constantly learning about their new surroundings within the Tundra yet they managed to bring down quite a few rabbits and seagulls for Ella's young adolescents to eat while they all wait for Team 2 return.

Additionally, there were a few ear mite scares with Ella but thankfully it seems like the mites weren't able to stick around for more than a day. But, that's all for now. I'll get another report written up in the summer time.


Posted 2023-04-26 21:22:28 (edited)

Summer // Year 10
6 days of summer left.

Current Alphas
Alpha Ella & Alpha Varogathe

Revanas, Eirlen, Irosylis, Haleira,
Nerien, Shebrasa, Eshalinev, Rasha,
Danyla, Ellana, Tarsynumi, Lanaya, & Sathrian

The sweltering heat has made its return to the Taiga and the pack is none to happy about it. They all cling to the shadows and seem rather reluctant to go on hunts during the day time. Yet, they continue to work through the heat in order to keep the pack well fed and happy.

Speaking of which, all 3 teams have had a successful start to the summer months! Teams 1 and 2 have caught many elk for the pack. Especially with Team 1 finally sorting their differences out and working better as a unit now. Team 3 on the other hand is steadily growing more confident within the Tundra! They continue to bring back many snowshoe hares and gulls for the pack's growing adolescents. However, once these adolescents finally reach adulthood they will join Team 3's ranks to hopefully improve their success rate there.

Pack Research Report
April 26th, 2023

Summer is here and boy, does the pack not look happy about it! Yet, despite trying to beat the heat the pack is doing rather well this season! Morale is high and the pack is preparing for the adolescents to finally start earning their keep. We suspect that most of the adolescents will join Team 3 in hunting within the Tundra and maybe a couple will break away from the pack to try and make it on their own! We'll see though when they all reach 1 years old and I'll certainly keep the reports coming.

Speaking of the hunting teams, Teams 1 and 2 have done very well at the start of this summer! Team 2 has brought down numerous moose and elk for the pack while Team 1 has clearly sorted their differences and have begun to work more cohesively as a team to bring down elk more frequently! My team and I are very excited to see them finally returning to their former strength and it seems like Eirlen, Team 1's finisher and the older brother to the chasers, is a very good teacher! Perhaps he'll start helping Irosylis with training these adolescents in order for them to become accomplished hunters just like Team 1's chasers! As for Team 3, it's a bit harder for us to keep tabs on their movements but it's obvious that they're growing more confident within the Tundra with each passing day. They frequently bring back rabbits and gulls for the younger wolves to eat and they've been trying to head out there as often as they can. It's a bit of a long journey so they usually have to rest once they make it back to the pack.

I believe that's all of the news for now though. A bit of an uneventful start to the summer time but it's just what the pack needs after the chaos of winter and spring! But, as always I'll have another report written up here soon at the end of summer. Until then, Alhavenlan Pack!


Posted 2023-04-29 07:23:36

Summer // Year 10
3 days of summer left.

Current Alphas
Alpha Ella & Alpha Varogathe

Revanas, Eirlen, Irosylis, Haleira,
Nerien, Shebrasa, Eshalinev, Rasha,
Danyla, Ellana, Tarsynumi, Lanaya, & Sathrian

The hot summer air has slowly given away to the cool breezes of autumn. While autumn may be a few days off, the pack is clearly excited at the news that summer is coming to an end soon. In other news, the adolescents of the pack have begun tagging along on hunts and started observing the hunters during a real hunt. These youngsters are clearly excited and claim they're all ready to join in but their older siblings insist that they must watch and learn.

As for the hunting teams, Teams 1 and 2 have done relatively well this summer! Both teams have managed to bring down elk and moose for the pack continuously throughout the sweltering heat while Team 3 on the other hand is trying their hardest to locate larger prey without straying too far from the Taiga. It's proving to be a real challenge for them, especially with their new stalker, Revanas, who had only gotten a small amount of training when she was an adolescent.

Pack Research Report
April 29th, 2023

Summer is beginning to come to a close and the pack is overjoyed with the colder weather arriving. Can't say I blame them, the heat this summer has been rather unforgiving as of late. In other news though, Ella's third litter of pups have reached adolescents and have begun tagging along on hunts more often although only one pup seems uninterested which is new! Little Sathrian, the runt of the litter, is showing little to no interest in the hunts and is much more curious in the surrounding areas. Perhaps he will be the first of Ella's pups to become a scout? We'll keep a close eye on him though once he gets a bit closer to adulthood!

As for the hunting teams, both Team 1 and Team 2 have done relatively well despite the heat. The two have successfully brought down multiple elk and moose throughout the summer although both have had some bad patches of luck. Team 2 especially, had quite a few times when they'd loose track of the prey after a moose or elk dealt a strong blow to one of the hunting team members and quite a few of the wolves on all three teams are sporting new scars as of late. Team 3 on the other hand is doing well hunting their usual hares and gulls yet it's clear the hunters would love to find stronger prey to hunt. But, their stalker is clearly struggling to locate anything larger than a small critter. But, my crew and I all know that the new stalker will pick up the pace soon enough once they get a bit more confident in their role!

However, there are some smaller notes we'd like to report on! The first is that one of the hunters, Elgadir, is showing signs of fleas. It's been awhile since the pack has dealt with any sort of pest but I don't believe it's spread throughout the pack yet. Hopefully the outbreak won't be too large within the pack but I'll keep the reports coming if any other wolves start showing signs of it within the pack. Additionally, we've spotted the movement of another pack moving around the Taiga. Currently the Alhavenlan Pack seems rather unbothered from their prescense and occasionally they seem rather friendly towards these outside wolves when they do manage to spot them! This is unusual behaviour for the Alhavenlan Pack but we will certainly keep an eye on this development!

But, I do believe that is everything we needed to report on for our end of season report! Expect another report at the start of autumn as per usual though. Until then, Alhavenlan Pack, my crew and I wish you the best of luck!


Posted 2023-05-02 20:40:15 (edited)

Autumn // Year 11
6 days of autumn left.

Current Alphas
Alpha Ella & Alpha Varogathe

Revanas, Eirlen, Irosylis, Haleira,
Nerien, Shebrasa, Eshalinev, Rasha,
Danyla, Ellana, Tarsynumi, Lanaya, & Sathrian

It's now the beginning of autumn and the pack finds relief in the cooler temperatures. The adolescents from Ella's third litter are well into their hunting training now and are steadily getting better with each passing day.

As for the hunting teams, all appears to be well with the three teams despite a few injuries here and there. Teams 1 and two have done quite well during the end of summer and beginning of autumn. Both teams have continously brought down enough large and medium sized prey to keep the pack well fed going into this autumn. Meanwhile, Team 3 is still learning their way around the Tundra and appear to be struggling with locating suitable hunting grounds. The land is vast there yet the pack has high hopes that they'll locate something before the pack moves there in the future.

However, fleas have begun to bother the pack once more. So far only Adhlea has been dealing with the pests but it's only a matter of time before they begin to spread.

Pack Research Report
May 2nd, 2023

Autumn has arrived finally and the pack seems to be thriving now. The adolescents have joined the hunting teams whenever they possibly can and appear to be learning quickly as well! I have high hopes for these youngsters when they fully join a hunting team or two in the future. Speaking of which, all three hunting teams have done very well to start of this autumn! Teams 1 and 2 have been the primary providers for the pack while Team 3 continues their exploration of the Tundra. They have yet to locate a decent hunting ground but with each expedition, the pack seems more and more eager to follow. Perhaps we'll see the pack move out there in the future.

Additionally, it appears that Adhlea has gotten some fleas after a hunt. It doesn't seem to be spreading with all of this cold weather thankfully but it's only a matter of time before they infect another pack member. Hopefully we'll get some early snow to kill off these pests before it gets too out of hand for the pack.

But, that's all of the news for now! Just a small update today as there hasn't been a whole lot going on for the pack as of late which is a relief. But, we'll keep an eye on things as we near winter. Things always seem to get worse when the snow arrives after all.


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