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BlizzardOfDeath&Nellie RP

Posted 2023-01-03 13:47:46
Scouty nodded, not really knowing what to do with a dragon.
After a few moments of intense staring....
''....I'm Scouty.''

Posted 2023-01-03 13:49:55
The dragon snorted with satisfaction before retreating back into her cave. Tsunami smiled, "See, she's okay!"

Posted 2023-01-04 04:41:39
Scouty's back was still filled with blue and white ice, her pelt standing up right from where it was frozen. It didn't seem to be bothering Scouty at all; she still had a spring in her step. Although she was still limping from tripping over that egg, but that was also fine. It was fine! All was fine. She was fine.

Posted 2023-01-04 05:23:13
Tsunami trotted down the corridor, arriving at yet another cave. "You wanted to learn about fire dragons, right? There are two siblings here!" One of the dragons was orange, and the other red. It was the only thing that distinguished them, they looked identical otherwise. The two dragons were playfighting with occasional bursts of flames.

Posted 2023-01-04 08:18:13
Scouty trotted behind her, still ignoring the freezing pain in her back. She didn't think Heather would be too happy, as she never was happy with how Scouty treated her injuries, but oh well, whatever. It's not that she wanted to learn about dragons per say. It's just that she wanted to learn. Anything. And so, she sat -this time out of the way behind a wall- and peered around the corner, observing.

Posted 2023-01-04 13:59:19
Tsunami advanced to the next cave, this one devoid of dragons. Instead it was stock-piled with ridiculous amounts of meat and fish. In a corner, there were medical supplies, herbs, toys, harnesses like the ones she used with the egg, and a few pelts. She went into the corner and brought out a salve, "You can use this in the frostbite." She said.

Posted 2023-01-05 00:34:43
Scouty stepped back a little. ''Oh, no, that's fine, I'llĀ  be fine, I'm fine!'' she said. And she wagged her tail to prove it. Really, she was fine. Sure, her back felt like it was on cold fire and by the feeling of it she was pretty sure her fur had frozen over, but really, she was fine! She'd be fine, she could just bring herself to the den and get an angry Heather to curse her soul out for being so casual about her health, especially at her old age. Because she should know better.
But Scouty, in fact, did not know better and was standing there wagging her tail, ignoring the stinging, burning, cold feeling on her back as she had been the entire tour.

Posted 2023-01-05 04:24:42
Tsunami thought carefully, what would Verdance do? "To learn more about dragons, you must learn the correct way to apply a frostbite salve." She said slowly, feeling very pleased about it.

Posted 2023-01-05 04:30:04
Scouty tilted her head at that, clearly thinking. ...But then she stayed stubborn. ''Nah, I'm sure Heather can teach me that. Thank you for the tip tho!'' She said, wagging her tail. Scouty would just go to Heather and ask her as soon as she could. But it's not like she could reach her own back. Though Heather probably had tricks for that too, and she'd learned how to reach places on her own body a wolf could not reach.
One possibility was to have Sylvia do it; she was very gentle with her tiny hands. Another was to just drop the salve all over the ground, and then roll in it.

Posted 2023-01-05 04:35:45
(Only sometimes lollll)
Tsunami looked irritated for a moment before a thought occurred to her, "Heather probably doesn't have frostbite salve. Since you don't live somewhere super cold, and you don't have ice dragons. So you can only learn about this specific salve here." She said.

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