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BlizzardOfDeath&Nellie RP

Posted 2023-01-01 07:04:39
"This is the last time I keep non-siblings or non-mates together. Otherwise they'd kill each other, whether on purpose or by accident." Tsunami said cheerfully, throwing them a fish, which the dragons fell upon ravenously. She sauntered further down the corridor, stopping again. "Here are two dragons I rescued from the same nest." Inside the chamber, two blue dragons were comfortably curled up beside each other. They were older than in the previous two caves, with sparkling sapphire hides. One of them yawned, blinking at the two wolves before falling back asleep. "They just ate, so they're sleepy." Tsunami giggled.

Posted 2023-01-01 07:12:28
Scouty finally had a different expression on her face now. She gulped, looking at the hatchlings with big eyes, finding them to somehow unable to look upon them the same way than before. Uhm... okay... She watched as they attacked and devoured the fish. Well then...
Then, Scouty followed Verdance again. Wait a minute, if - never mind that. How were these dragons together tho? But Scouty kept her mouth shut. She must've misunderstood.

Dahlia and Matthew, on the other hand, were still standing near Sylvia, watching as she was still staring at the dragon and had not moved a muscle. A. Muscle.
...She was getting some cramps at the moment, but refused to budge.

Posted 2023-01-01 07:21:44
Tsunami walked further, "Now this one is grumpy, so keep your distance." She warned as they approached another cave. The resident was an icy wyvern who was pacing the length of the cave which looked much too small for him. "I've been trying to move him into a bigger cave, but he's been very annoying about it. He almost stampeded into the nursery! So for now, I'll keep him in this cave until he's calmed down enough to move maturely." She said. As if response, the glowering ice dragon blasted frost breath in their direction, which Tsunami sidestepped with ease.

Posted 2023-01-01 07:21:53
Tsunami walked further, "Now this one is grumpy, so keep your distance." She warned as they approached another cave. The resident was an icy wyvern who was pacing the length of the cave which looked much too small for him. "I've been trying to move him into a bigger cave, but he's been very annoying about it. He almost stampeded into the nursery! So for now, I'll keep him in this cave until he's calmed down enough to move maturely." She said. As if response, the glowering ice dragon blasted frost breath in their direction, which Tsunami sidestepped with ease.

Posted 2023-01-01 09:05:59
Scouty obeyed without question, sticking behind Tsunami and taking steps backwards until she could feel her tail hitting the wall of the cave. Scouty didn't say anything about the small cavern, especially as she listened to the explanation. It made sense to her. Scouty had a little more trouble sidestepping, so she went low to the ground. She'd been in plently of fights, and whilst dodging so many different enemies had made her experienced... dodging was still difficult, and the blast grazed her back. Scouty yelped, but she didn't give any other reaction as she stood up. Still, there was a streak of biting pain across the entirety of her back. But she didn't say or complain anything about it, just casually walking past the cavern to hide behind the wall this time. It was dumb of her to go out in the open like that anyways.

Posted 2023-01-01 11:09:23
Tsunami heard the yelp and looked at the dragon with a frown, "What have I told you about using your frost breath!" She growled fiercely, strangely, the wyvern shrunk away from the opening, hanging his head limply. "I'm sorry, he doesn't like outsiders." Tsunami apologized to Scouty. Meanwhile.the little emerald wyvern finally woke, yawning and gliding lazily down on translucent wings, describing a narrowing helix until it landed.

Posted 2023-01-01 11:11:47
Sylvia relaxed, and went to lay down on Matthew herself. Phew. She had not waken the dragon. Phew. That was good. Dahlia was still worried. Where was Scouty? What was taking so long?!
Scouty, on the other hand, just walked to stand behind Tsunami without a care in the world. Oh, sure, her entire back was probably frostbit, but hey, she was alive and she dodged most of it. ''It's alright, I'm fine,'' she said. ...There was not a single waver in her voice. Her fur was blue/whiteish and frozen, and she was here 'walking it off'.

Posted 2023-01-01 11:26:58
Tsunami frowned again, clearly not believing Scouty. "Okay….anyways, over here is a much less grumpy ice dragon." She led the way to a cavern, larger than the previous one, but housing a smaller dragon. The cave had a icy blue sheen, covered with strangely unmelting ice that hung in stalactites and gave off a cold aura. The dragon perked up at her arrival, poking an elegant snout over the wall to watch them curiously.

Posted 2023-01-01 11:59:42
Scouty gazed up all over the wall. That ice. Hmmm.... Interesting... she guessed. This just left her wondering -but she didn't say anything or let anything be known- why the bigger dragon was in the smaller cave and the smaller dragon was in the bigger cave. But she must not make judgements. Tsunami was a good wolf with these dragons, that was obvious by the nice reactions she got just by walking through her cave. Scouty was also really curious what'd happen to the egg. Was it hatching soon? Sylvia felt it knock. A fire dragon... warm tones, fire powers... Cool. Or... well... whatever. Scouty was just very interested in the ice cavern.

Posted 2023-01-01 12:05:39
The dragon turned her head towards Scouty, rumbling pleasantly. "Her name is Frigus." Tsunami smiled.

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