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Warriors: Outcasts [Casual, On-Site, RP has started!]

Posted 2020-10-29 06:50:48 (edited)

Nectarheart | Warrior | Female (She/Her) | Location: Herb Hunting | Mentions: Quailtooth

The she-cat hummed in agreement. "Perhaps this," She noted, walking a few steps over to a decent sized scattering of leaves. A few of them were bigger than most that they'd spotted and she nudged them towards Quailtooth in case he wanted to use any of them to carry the herbs. "It'd be easier than making multiple trips out here to gather what we've collected and they're still green."

Nectarheart looked ahead of them towards the direction they were heading. "The territory hasn't been marked and I don't feel comfortable travelling too far away from camp for herbs with just the two of us. I may know how to fight, but I can't protect us if we come across a fox or a badger." And she knew that the medicine cat most likely wouldn't be any good in a fight with either of those. If it came down to it, she'd let Quailtooth run back to camp while she diverted the creature's attention, but hopefully the medicine cat saw sense in returning now so that they wouldn't have to risk running into a fox or a badger. Even running into a rogue would be a little risky. She wasn't good in a group, but she wasn't all that great in a one on one fight with another cat.

Beeclaw | Warrior | Male (He/Him) | Location: Hunting | Mentions: Shadowheart, Pumafoot, Pebbletail

Beeclaw agreed that while the territory needed to be marked, they shouldn't stay out for too long. If anything tried to take their prey and they were too far to fend for it, they wouldn't be showing up to camp with any food. He may be just in the slightest paranoid, but sometimes a healthy dose of paranoia allowed him to make the rational, logical decisions. "We don't have enough to feed the whole clan, but we can always come back out and there are plenty of other warriors who can hunt as well." Beeclaw scanned their surroundings for a moment. The forest may go on for a long ways out from the camp and he didn't want to risk trying to explore it all in one hunting trip.

"The best thing to do would be to go back to camp and see how much of this unclaimed territory Graystar want's to make ours. Too big of a territory and we won't be able to protect it or our clan. To little and it won't be able to sustain us. We know there's prey out here so there's no way we're going to let anyone starve." Beeclaw stopped talking, not wanting to ramble. He knew he could, he was good at that. Yet he wanted to know what the other warriors had to say first.

Echis Carinatus

Posted 2020-10-29 07:01:01

Lionchaser | Warrior | Male (he/him) | Location: Warrior's den/Camp | Mentions: Brightwhisper


The golden-furred warrior curled a lip as Brightwhisper so happily indulged him in the duty of medicine cats. He twitched an ear, unamused at her attempt to buy Graystar time away from him. Really? The medicine cat needed his help to walk her around camp. "Why? Are your paws broken, incapable of walking yourself around camp? StarClan forbid we have Brightwhisper break a nail. Don't worry, I'll carry you, your priceless paws will never touch the rough and roguish earth again, miss Brightwhisper." Maybe he'd humor her for a second or two. He had the time- not like he was actually going to do any of that. 

This medicine cat sure had some list. The last thing Lionchaser planned on doing was watching some cat stick their nose in nasty herbs. He had more manly things to do- like, er, sleeping, and pestering his best friend. "I think you'll find that foxes are repelled by the mere idea of herbs. Same as I am." He slipped the last words out quickly before he slid closer to Graystar's den.

"Oh gee, I think she's calling me now! What a shame. Guess...someone else will have to help you- ok, bye!" His words seemed to all come out at once at such a great speed, before Lionchaser stumbled into Graystar's den to find his escape. 


Posted 2020-10-29 10:07:21

Shadowheart | Warrior | Male (he/him) | Location: Hunting

Shadowheart nodded at Beeclaw's suggestion. 

"Yes, we should ask Graystar first, and, even better, if she wants to come herself. Let's just try not to pester her too much. I'm sure she has a busy palate right now."

He dug up his bird he'd caught by the tail and looked back at the others before walking back in the direction they'd come. It wasn't very visible, but he could see a little gap in the earth as if a giant cat had scratched a single score there. At least he knew he was going in the right direction.

Brightwhisper | Med. Cat | Female (she/her) | Location: Camp Clearing

The young female chuckled as the large tom went off on an overreactive rant. "I only asked you to come along because you might notice something I didn't." She said in a sarcastic tone. Her real reason was just to get him more involved with the other cats in the clan, and to give Graystar a nice amount of time to think about who the next deputy would be.

As he spoke more, she noticed him scooting more up the slope. Brightwhisper didn't say anything, for she knew she didn't need to, for he was soon gone.

Well, he did ask. She told herself with a mrowr of amusement before heading back down to the flat ground. Her whiskers twitched curiously as she saw Daisypaw and her mentor standing at the entrance to the Medicine Cat den.

"Do you both need something?" Brightwhisper called out kindly, her tail in the air, as she padded in their direction. She could see Daisypaw's eyes become duller as she looked from her mentor to the medicine cat, and she shook her head firmly. If the she-cat hadn't known any better, she would've thought it was a mere 'no', but she knew that the older apprentice didn't feel kindly to her other clanmates, for she'd formed a tight bond with her mentor.

Smiling with understanding, the golden feline suggested that they might've been looking for Quailtooth or, even, found some herbs or other useful things in the gorge itself, like some sticks and cobwebs for splints, or something else...

Flicking her ears, she got on top of a sunny rock and laid down, watching as the apprentices hustled together in front of two warriors. They were probably about to go explore the territory or do some training.


Posted 2020-10-29 10:41:07

Fawnsight | Queen | Female (She/Her) | Location: Nursery

The she-cat rolled onto her side, trying to ignore the voices coming from the camp. She was an older she-cat, a moon away from having her kits and they were all in a new home. The journey had been tiring for her especially because of the kits she was carrying. At first, it hadn't been noticeable, but now she was bloated and she still had a moon to go. Her orange eyes stared out from the nursery entrance, unsure of what to do now. She was so used to being around other queens that being the only one in the nursery in was a little overwhelming. Their clan had gone through so much these past moons that she wasn't even sure if they'd be ready by the time her kits were able to arrive. The medicine cats would also be swamped with duties. Finding herbs and healing clan-mates took a lot of time. This was a new territory, they all needed time and if there were threats out there that was going to be coming their way, she didn't want them to worry about her.

But, they were medicine cats, she couldn't help it if they worried. She was worried herself. Cats don't usually have kits at this age and here she was, after a long journey, pregnant with kits. Stretching, Fawnsight was determined not to waste her time. They were in unfamiliar territory and needed all of the help they could get, even if it was from a pregnant she-cat. 

Slowly, Fawnsight left the den and made her way to an empty spot near the main body of the camp. Her legs ached when she finally sat down and she wondered if having three - now four - litters of kits were making her body older than she actually was. Grooming her fur, she tried to stay out of the way. If anyone needed her, she'd be right there. 


Posted 2020-10-29 10:52:13

Brightwhisper | Med. Cat | Female (she/her) | Location: Camp Clearing

Brightwhisper's eyes twinkled as she saw the older she-cat Fawnsight walking out of the nursery den. She did not like that it was further up the slope, for a queen or kit could slip, but it was a good source of exercise, on the arguing side.

Leaping down from her rock, she padded over to the female, her worries put aside.

"How are you doing, Fawnsight..? Any noticeable problems? I know that the kits are due very soon. I'll try to keep the apprentices and warriors busy." She smiled kindly but worried if she'd said too much.

(short but I wanted to say somethin :p)


Posted 2020-10-29 11:33:36 (edited)

Graystar | Leader | Female (she/her) | Location: Leader's den

She could hear her favorite mousebrain's voice echoing outside of her den, with Lionchaser's deep voice bringing a small smirk to her features. Go figure- he was trying to get out of doing something responsible for once in his miserable life. The day that he took up an inkling responsibility would be the day that hedgehogs began to fly. Then, Graystar would begin to grow really concerned. 

"I figured that you might need someone to be a thorn in your side." The tom shuffled into his best friend's den with a cheesy grin plastered all over his face, ruffling his fur as he glanced down at his small companion. 

"StarClan forbid anyone else try to fill that role." Graystar remarked dryly as she stretched out her white forelegs, eventually rising to stand beside the golden-hued tom. She cuffed him around the ears suddenly in a playful fashion, taking Lionchaser by surprise. "I should have Brightwhisper force feed you herbs for coming in here to bother me."

The warrior took a step back to dodge any other cuffs that might come his way from SkyClan's leader, a small huff escaping him. "You can thank me later, Grayfurball. How else are we supposed to get your lazy bones out of your den? I'm the only warrior brave enough to enter your domain- your bite's bigger than your bark. The other warriors value their heads."

"Me? 'Lazy bones'?" There was an amused gleam in the blue optics of the tabby she-cat. "Last I checked, you're the one who used me as an excuse to avoid helping out Brightwhisper. I bet you were the last one out of the warrior's den, too." She grinned. "Considering that I'm leader now...I command you to go help Brightwhisper. Go on- go play with herbs."


Posted 2020-10-29 11:57:44

| QuailTooth | MedicineCat | Male (He/Him) | Location: Returning from Herb Hunting |

QuailTooth nodded. "I agree, we should probably be getting back. A shame we only got tansy and poppies though... I would have liked to find some daisies at least." The tom mumbled wistfully. The tom examined the leaf for a moment. 

"Well, I suppose we could try it." The tom responded open-mindedly. He gently picked the leaf up and padded to where he had buried the herbs. Digging them up, he carefully placed them in the leaf. While most of them fit, a few spilled over and would not fit. These he gathered into a small bundle for the she-cat to carry.

Gently, the tom picked the herb-filled leaf up, biting both the stem and the tip of the leaf to create a sort of bowl. While it was awkward and uncomfortable, the tom had to agree that this was easier than making multiple trips to the camp and back.

"'Ould 'oo 'ind 'etting dose?" (Would you mind getting those?) The tom mumbled through the leaf, indicating the left over bundle of herbs that had not fit. The tom waited for the she-cat to comfortably pick them up.

I wish we could have stumbled across some birthwort, or narcissus flowers, The tom thought. Fawnsight is due soon. The tom couldn’t help but think of all the herbs they were missing and that were desperately needed. Poor BrightWhisper. I hope she’s found someone to help her with herbs and her other duties. We’re stretched thin with just two cats right now, with all that's going on. I would hope at least one cat would step up to help her when I can’t. The tom had a sudden surge of affection for NectarHeart, this she-cat who had willingly offered to help him.


Posted 2020-10-29 15:35:09

Fawnsight | Queen | Female (She/Her) | Location: Nursery | Mentions: Brightwhisper

Fawnsight smiled politely at the medicine cat female. "I seem to be doing alright at the moment. There's nothing noticeably different aside from my age," the tortoiseshell tried to make it seem like her older age didn't bother her, but it did. Very much. She was still young enough to be a warrior, yes, but she was also not the biggest of cats so the older it got, the riskier it became for her to have kits. "Question," She said, gazing at the medicine cat. "Do you think my kits will be okay? After everything we've been through?"

(Sorry it's short. I'll try to find time to add Larkpuddle in later on tonight or tomorrow.)


Posted 2020-10-29 16:27:17 (edited)

Graystar | Leader | Female (she/her) | Location: Leader's den

"What? No- you wouldn't do that." Lionchaser grumbled, taking the opportunity to investigate Graystar's nest. He never knew what it was like to sleep in a leader's den- he bet they got extra moss, because they were special. "I'm tired. Make an apprentice do it- that's an apprentice duty."

"Well, you have the attitude of an apprentice, so naturally you should do apprentice duties...but also as punishment for all those times that you made me take the blame for our mischief." Graystar stood near the exit of her den, peering outside to ensure that Brightwhisper hadn't left camp. She needed to send Lionchaser along with her. "I don't know what kind of catmint Batstar was on when he named you, you're much too lazy for that name. If you were made a warrior under my reign, I'd find Lionsnoozer or Lionsnore much more befitting."

The leader paused, noticing that Lionchaser had settled in her nest to test it out. "Hey!" The gray tabby darted over to try to chase him out. "Ugh, my nest's going to have the same stench as you now!" Graystar gave him another swat over the ears with a flattening of her ears. "Get out of here and go help Brightwhisper. Maybe she can help make you smell more flowery and less like...yourself."


Posted 2020-10-29 17:19:07

Brightwhisper | Med. Cat | Female (she/her) | Location: Camp Clearing

The she-cat nodded quickly. "Nothing should go wrong as long as Quailtooth and I are both here when you whelp. Don't get yourself all in a twist, Fawnsight. You are older, yes, but as long as you get a good amount of exercise every day, you should be fine!"

Brightwhisper could hear indiscernible loud words coming from up the slope, and smirked to herself, imagining Lionchaser getting all in Graystar's fur.

"However, please do take time to rest after the journey. In maybe a day or two, that's when you can start doing some exercises, like catching moss balls and walking up and down the slope." She added, the slightest hint of worry in her voice, for Fawnsight was going to be the she-cat to have the first litter of kits in the new gorge territory.

"And, when they do come, make sure to tell me whether or not they're able to nurse properly. I'll try my best to find at least a small bundle of borage leaves to get your milk flowing, if not." She sat down adjacent to the older she-cat, and she purred lightly, curling her tail around her forepaws.


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