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1x1 RP /w Athena

Posted 2022-09-05 09:32:27
The light haired negotiator wouldn't speak to any about what had happened. When asked a few times by other members of the unit, he'd completely avoid the topic by changing the subject as if they didn't even ask him in the first place. He didn't want to stress the others out with sharing the knowledge. He slowed his pace to be walking closer to the Sergeant, just ahead of him. What would the next course of action be?

Prince of Amethyst

Posted 2022-09-05 09:55:48
Aaron was speaking quietly to Doug. The two were exchanging information and talking about things. It was getting darker and no soldier wanted to be outside when it was dark. Aaron sighed, he wanted to get his soldiers back and have them rest then they can decide the next course of action.


Posted 2022-09-05 10:00:12
He was curious over what the two were discussing, shaking away his curiosity with the excuse that he wasn't in a position to intrude. Light was fading and fast, soon it would be too dark to continue travelling. It was dangerous at night, harder to see wildlife or approaching attacks.

Prince of Amethyst

Posted 2022-09-05 10:03:14
Aaron frowned knowing they might have to camp out, but that wasn't the most ideal thing to do...he sighed as he had everyone keep moving as long as they kept moving, they would get closer to the base so I'd anything did happen, they had people close to come rescue them.


Posted 2022-09-05 10:10:10
It got to the point where Valentine couldn't see his feet moving in front of him, the other soldiers were being more cautious in their steps. "Sergeant, it's dangerous to keep moving in these conditions. I advise making camp until sunrise." He suggested. He couldn't straight up tell the other what to do but as a clinical therapist his opinion would be valued. It was on him to know what was best for the soldiers mentally and physically.

Prince of Amethyst

Posted 2022-09-05 10:13:57
Aaron hesitated not liking the idea of staying out here but he nodded slowly, "Alright." He moved and let each vehicle and soldier know. The soldiers got out of their vehicles and everyone had some food and water to drink. Aaron sat a little bit away from them, still keeping most of his gear on. He was lost in thought as he ran a few ideas through his head


Posted 2022-09-05 10:22:30
Without the sun in the sky, the landscape cooled down a lot. Valentine was socialising with the rest of the unit, listening to their stories about back home or what they'd talked about with the locals from earlier that day. Food and good company went well together, as Valentine's mismatched eyes looked around the Sergeant seemed further away. Moving closer, he was right. "Penny for your thoughts?" He interjected kindly, standing next to the man with arms crossed behind his back. Isolation from a group was early warning signs for in-fight, at least in text books.

Prince of Amethyst

Posted 2022-09-05 10:29:46
Aaron blinked and looked up at Valentine, he kinda shrugged. "Just trying to think about things. Trying not figure out the best course of action." He said with a sigh, "Nothing to be concerned about." He said as he drank some water that he had been given. He sighed a little as he set his gun beside him on the ground. He leaned back slightly before he looked back down in front of him.


Posted 2022-09-05 10:37:48
"What are your ideas on it Sergeant?" He asked curiously, glancing to the gun for a moment. He had his own pistol, concealing and only two bullets loaded. It was mostly an empty threat if required.

Prince of Amethyst

Posted 2022-09-05 10:45:37
He kinda shrugged, "If they can get any information out of that guy then we might be able to pinpoint those future attacks. Maybe even help stop them before they can even happen. Buts its gonna be hard to do that.. I'm trying to think of the best option so no one is killed."


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