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Cryptid Event Item Swap!

Posted 2022-09-06 10:08:18
Also so people know what's been opened and their price, here's a screen cap of what the Merged shop looks like


Posted 2022-09-06 11:00:44
My Faction: Independent
Seeking: Claw Extensions (black or bone)
Offering: any independent items!
Additional Info: will have to grind for scales ^^;


Posted 2022-09-07 16:37:00 (edited)
My Faction: Independent

Seeking: Fluffy Mane [White] 25cs from Kin shop

Offering: 25cs worth of items from independent shop

Additional info: PM me!


Posted 2022-09-07 16:46:58 (edited)
My Faction: Independent (all tiers open)

Seeking: black wings, white wings, bone claws, rat tails, fireball, meteor strike, jackalope (both), diamond dust, red lair,  volcanic eruption, serene lair, mirthful meadow, kin base/markings, blend eyes, merged markings

Offering: Anything in Independent!!

Additional Info: trading items for items, wanting both sides to be roughly equal CS value.


Posted 2022-09-08 12:36:42 (edited)

My Faction
The Merged

Seeking From Kinfolk
Ear Extensions [Black]
Fish Fins
Cryptid Fangs
Blend Eyes

Seeking From Independent
Any Apps

PM Me, I offer pretty much anything as long as I get an item of my wishes in return.

❄ Sylvie ™ [ idlequest ] #9845
Red Lair, Lava Cave, Merged Base
Storm Base, 3000SC


Void #11236
Conflux Claws, Conflux Skin, Conflux Nose
Storm Base

🥀 Karma 🇩🇪✨

Posted 2022-09-08 23:41:03 (edited)
My Faction: kinfolk

Seeking: attached antlers, fluffy mane [dark brown], fluffy mane [gray], maybestorm base applicator, maybe cryptid eyes (if i can afford them)

Offering: anything of equal price/that adds up to about the same price

Additional Info: i dont have a TON of cryptid scales so pm me before buying anything for me to make sure i can afford what youd like!! and sorry if i dont reply immediately, i get anxious and im not on all the time


Posted 2022-09-09 00:13:54 (edited)
We are about to open Tier 3!

349124 / 350000 Cryptids Aided or Defeated until Tier 3 opens!

1:30am !

Celtic Ravens

Posted 2022-09-09 11:39:06
My Faction: The Independent
Seeking: Merged: Conflux apps
                Kinfolk: Decor and backgrounds
Offering: Independent apps (Storm base and markings, Tranquil eyes, Mud apps)
Additional Info: PM me for offers

Posted 2022-09-09 12:46:33
Third tier is open! I have enough to buy anything from Independant!

Posted 2022-09-09 12:55:48
My Faction
The Independent

Seeking From Kinfolk/Merged:

X1 Diamond Dust
X3 Kinfolk Marking app
X1 Merged Marking app


Independent Shop apps
Buck Supermoon BGs (full uses for the 4 I own)
Puffin Colony/Fields of Tansy/Winterfrat Trail BGs (full uses)
Brass Immortal Brachycephaly (Clean G5) - for multiple marking event applicators

DM me~


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