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[Grouse House Guide] Cataclysms | August Event

Posted 2022-08-22 17:44:24 (edited)
Independent Cryptid Quests

Tailypo's other quest is defeating 3 bobcats! :)

Enfield Monsters other quest is completing 2 scouting missions

One of Sidehill Gougers quests is completing 2 scouting missions

One of Silver Cats quests is defeating 2 Coyotes

One of Snow Snake's is giving 10 large branches

One of Letiche's is defeating 3 Wild Boar

One of Snow Wasset's is to catch an uncommon fish in the fishing game

One of Monster Turtles is Defeating 2 Coyote

One of Snallygaster's is defeating 2 Enraged Canada Goose

Kinfolk Cryptid Quests

Celofay- Defeat 3 Merged Cryptids

Ozark Howler- 5 Healing Salves

Dark Watchers- Defeat 3 Merged Cryptids

Knocker- Give 10 Large Rocks

Bessie- Defeat 3 Merged Cryptids

Jackalope- 6 nesting materials

Grassman- help 3 distressed animals

Shagamaw- Defeat 3 Merged Cryptids

The White Stag- 5 Healing Salves

Sasquatch- 6 Nesting Materials

Buntail- Help 3 distressed animals

Posted 2022-08-22 17:46:36 (edited)
First post has reached character limit

Explore encounters

Encountered in CF
A cougar leaps in front of you, hissing menacingly. You recoil at the smell of its hot, stinky breath and snarl in reply. It whips its tail toward you and you have to quickly duck away to avoid the odd, massive growth at the end. This is just a normal cougar, but that tail looks uncomfortable. Maybe that's why it's so angry?

Chase off OR Stand your ground

Stand your ground;
This cat doesn't look so tough; it's in your territory, anyway! You stand your ground, resolved not to let this feline intimidate you in your own home. A staring contest ensues. Eventually the cougar decides you aren't worth it and backs off, dragging the mass on its tail behind it. It looks red and swollen and you see patches of dried blood on places where it injured it in the past. You feel somewhat sorry for it as it disappears.

You got +1 CS !

Encountered in the Mountains
Even from afar, you can tell that there is something wrong with this wolf. It's not only freezing, but probably very sick as well. The wolf looks disoriented and its fur is in poor condition. It will need more than just a warm place to get better.

Give healing salve OR share food

Give healing salve doing this for all of yall lmao
You can't help more right now, but you hope that this simple treatment will give this wolf some time until the weather gets better. The wolf nods gratefully, accepting your gift but you both know that it may not be enough. Before you part your ways, the wolf asks you to accept a small gift. The look in its eyes tells you that it simply does not know if it will live long enough to use it.

You got +1 CS !

You got +1 Bearberry!
Share food;
You offer a Muskrat Carcass (4 uses left) to the wolf. Perhaps it's not much but it should give this wolf some time and energy to survive this weather. The sad look in its eyes tells you what you both know: fate is an uncertain thing, and it may not be enough. This is why the wolf has decided to share a secret with you. Before it leaves, it tells you about a hiding place nearby and allows you to take everything that you find.

You got +1 CS !

You got +1 Arnica, +1 Ibis Feather, +1 Bear Fangs, +1 Gull Feather, +1 Gull Feather!
Additional encounters provided
+1 CS and +1 Bearberry, +1 Toucan Feather, +1 Canine Claw, +1 Gull Feather, +1 Gull Feather
+1 CS. Also got +1 Goldenseal, +1 Puffin Feather, +1 Snake Skull, +1 Odd Teeth, +1 Odd Teeth
+1 CS. +1 Carrionflower, +1 Acorn, +1 Owl Feather, +1 Swan Feather, +1 Swan Feather.
+1 CS. Also got +1 Arnica, +1 Acorn, +1 Peregrine Falcon Feather, +1 Gull Feather, +1 Gull Feather.
(drops 1 herb and four random amusement items, pulling from trophy drops too?)

You enter an area destroyed by an earthquake. You have no idea when it happened, but everything looks like it was just a short time ago. Collapsed trees are everywhere on the bumpy, freshly shaken ground. You can hear a weak whine from afar. Upon closer inspection, you notice a trapped, malnourished wolf.

Try to free the wolf;
As soon as you free the wolf, you notice a change in its stare. It may still be in shock, or perhaps there are other factors causing this change in behavior. The wolf jumps at you with a growl and you prepare for a fight. Your opponent has already been weakened, so it doesn't take long to pin it to the ground and force it to surrender. It still manages to get a few hits in, and you growl in annoyance at the stinging in your side. You lost -5 HP!

Encountered in the DF
The stink of humans passes your nostrils, and you hear loud noises and brush crashing nearby. You quickly hide, and observe from a safe distance. They stand tall and are wearing all black, with devices that beep and blink ominously. They shout back and forth, taking no care to hide their presence. What are they doing here?
Wait OR Follow
The humans haven't noticed you, so you take the opportunity to follow them. They space themselves out in a horizontal line and disrupt the brush, shine lights everywhere, and hover their devices over different areas. It seems like they're looking for something, but what? They'll never find anything making all of this racket. It's interesting for a while, but eventually you tire and become bored. They don't seem harmful, and there's no more information to glean. You decide to head back.

You got +1 CS !

Encountered in the DF
A young blacktail buck struggles to keep up with his herd, trying to run in vain. He's limping heavily, likely injured from trying to outrun the danger. You doubt he will make it to safety before he's caught up in the disaster.
Kill OR Ignore
He's in pain, so killing him is a mercy anyway. He wouldn't have made it long. You hurry to take your prize back to your pack before the disaster is upon you.

You got +1 Blacktail Carcass!

Encountered in DF
A strange, faint herbal scent catches your attention and leads you to an unusual object hanging on a nearby branch. You think it resembles a human, but it could also be an ape... or maybe it was anything with four limbs. A dense and unsettling aura surrounds this place, making it both fascinating and scary at the same time.
When you look at this strange, straw doll, you think that the puppies in your den would probably love it but there is something that makes you hesitate from taking it. The closer you approach, the less confident and safe you feel, just as if someone--or something--was observing you. Better to leave it here but you can't resist one touch. When you poke the object, something falls out of it.

You got +1 Feverfew, +1 Ginger!
Unrecorded encounter rewards; got +1 Ginger, +1 Feverfew. ORĀ  lost -2% energy on Kitchi (#1844886) (Lead Wolf). Also lost -3 HP on Kitchi (#1844886) (Lead Wolf).

A large carcass sits abandoned, stiff and bloated. The creature, whatever it is, has been dead a while and is nearly unrecognizable. It's definitely some sort of hooved animal.
You scavenge around the smelly carcass and manage to find a few useful things. Not too shabby!

Bone Bone
You got +2 Bone!

Encountered in the prarie
You can't be sure at first, but the soft whine reaching your ears sounds familiar. You rush towards the sound as fast as you could and discover a group of scared wolf pups, frozen with fear. Completely exposed and vulnerable, they won't stand a chance if any predator finds them here.

Try to find their pack;
The scent of other wolves is strong enough to try and track them. You ask the puppies to wait, telling them that they will be safe soon. After following the trail for a while, you find a pack of wolves but to your surprise, they don't listen to you about the lost pups. Is it possible that it's not the right pack? What's more, the closer you get, the more hostility you're greeted with. They begin to attack you, and you manage to fend them off long enough to run away. The pups are gone when you return, and you're left exhausted and injured. You lost -3% energy! You lost -2 HP!

Encountered in the Mountains, Tundra
The pile of branches, leaves, feathers, and grass you stumble upon still has the shape of a nest but it's completely destroyed. Its size indicates that it must have been created by a very large bird but you don't see nor sense any of them around at the moment.

Check it out

Check it out;
It's hard to find anything that isn't broken beyond use. You are close to giving up when you notice something shiny tucked deeply into the nest. You got +7 SC !
While the nest is in pieces, the separate elements seem to be in good shape. There is a chance you can use some of them.
You got +1 Duck Feather, +1 Owl Feather, +1 Puffin Feather!

Nearly invisible to the naked eye, these shiny particles would look pretty if they weren't so painful when blown into your nose and eyes by the wind. It's a minor inconvenience but it's so annoying!

A dead goose lays out in the open, its feathered body ruffled and nearly unmarked. You sniff it curiously, searching for any sign that a predator is nearby. You only smell the stench of death, and there's no bite marks at all. Did it fall from the sky? You notice the neck is twisted at an odd angle, and wonder if that was the cause of its demise.

Take OR Eat
Clearly this is no one's prey, and if you don't take it, someone else will. It should make a nice meal.
You got +1 Meat Chunks [Medium]!

Found in Desert
The creature you see in front of you looks like a hare and smells like one too, but the antler-like growths on its head are really confusing. They seem to be a source of discomfort and the creature doesn't notice your presence until you are right in front of it.
No matter if these are real antlers or a disease, the rest of the body looks like an ordinary hare and that is what counts. You start chasing the creature, taking it by surprise. It didn't even pose a challenge.

You got +1 Hare Carcass!

Encountered in the Prarie
[Didn't copy beginning of encounter]
Eat OR Take
The meat is really fresh. If you wait any longer, it won't taste as good.
You got +1 CS ! You got +20% hunger!
[Copied from User log] Exploring and dragged a dead cow to your den: lost -5% energy on Kitchi (#1844886) (Lead Wolf). Also got +1 Bovine Carcass.

If the dog is here, humans are surely close enough to be a potential threat. You can't risk your own life. It's better to just move away. As you're skirting around the area, you notice a small dead animal.
You got +1 Weasel Carcass!

Without warning, you are in the midst of a stampede of wildlife of all shapes and sizes. They run in a panic, ignoring you as they bolt away from some unknown danger. You wait until they pass, and strain your eyes to see the cause of their fear. Water is rushing over the ground from the coastline and covering everything in several feet of water. Looks like everyone else had the right idea--run!

You lost -3% energy exploring.
Another but with image during earthquake;
A huge mass of snow, rocks, and debris flows down the mountain. It started quietly but is quickly growing to loud rumbling and roaring. You don't have much time until it reaches you!

You lost -2% energy exploring.
Not sure if this one is a normal one you get in the dessert or not. It happened during a heatburst so it coulda been either lmao
The heat saps your energy with each step you take, and your paw pads feel dry and cracked. You stop to rest for a moment, and watch as a tortoise passes you. It's moving faster than you are in this heat!

You lost -2% energy exploring.

Text missing
Reward +1CS and 10% hunger

image link
A pronghorn bursts from the tall grass, heading right for you! You scramble to get out of the way, and notice with a shock that it's not a pronghorn at all. It looks like one, but the back feet that sail past your head aren't hooves--they're paws! Long ears like a rabbit flick upwards as it runs, and it takes you a moment to realize that it has come to a halt, staring at you with glowing green eyes.
What was it waiting for? You leap at it and it flags its tail and darts several paces away before stopping to turn and look at you again. Did it want you to chase it? You decide to humor the creature and begin to chase after it, admiring how easily it traverses the grassy plane. After a while you fall behind, tiring more easily than it does. Phew! What a workout!
You lost -5% energy!
Image Link
A barely noticeable squeak reaches your ear. A small group of shivering mice is trying to warm up in the dry grass and hide behind the rocks. Unfortunately, it is only a temporary solution as the weather doesn't look like it's going to clear up.
Easy snack OR Chase away
Chase away;
Your low growl makes the mice shiver even more but this time in fear. You didn't do anything wrong; you got them up and moving. Besides, you were good enough not to eat them on the spot and they will warm up eventually by running away. When the rodents disappear, you notice something laying in the grass they had been sitting on.

You got +1 CS !

Hollow Howls

Posted 2022-08-22 19:18:48
celofay gave me the quest of completing 4 successful hunts!


Posted 2022-08-22 19:23:23
my snow wasset quest rn-

"You see, the surface isn't really my favourite place to be and you are definitely more accustomed to travelling long distances. I need you to check the shore. I've heard that there's a shipwreck nearby and I need some information about it. Let's make a deal. You tell me everything about it and if you find anything useful, you may take it."
Hint: try exploring in the Glacier!


Posted 2022-08-22 19:27:57
snow snake wanted 10x large branches
monster turtle wanted 2x dead fish and 1x turtle shell
my enfield monster quest wanted 10x large leaves
cadborosaurus wanted 10x large rocks
my Fresno Nightcrawler quest wanted 1x rat carcass, 1x arnica, 1x roadrunner feather, and 2x winterfat


Posted 2022-08-22 19:30:27
@hollow howls, the last few spoilers are broken
Constantly Sleep Deprived

Posted 2022-08-22 19:31:28
my Letiche quest-

The rat-creature is sitting hunched over, tail curled around its body and head bobbing back and forth. You can hear chewing sounds, and you peer around to see what on earth it's eating. A flash of white disappears into its mouth as it turns around to face you with a startled jerk. Was that a bone?

"You seem reasonable, and I'm sure you hunt more than you can ever hope to eat. You don't mind sharing, do you? Of course you don't. Would you bring me 2 x full use carcasses? I'm famished."


Posted 2022-08-22 19:31:32 (edited)

2 x Whitetail Buck in battle (Probably needs only 1 now)
x3 Hunts
x2 Agouti Carcasses

x6 Nesting material
x10 Large rocks (capped at 5 now)
x3 Full Uses Carcasses

x3 Full use carcasses
x4 Successful hunts (Now capped at 3)

Battle Note: Soft Skin
x10 Large Branches (capped at 5 now)
x3 Elk bulls in battle (Probably needs only 1 now)

x1 Delicate meat and x2 Turtle shells
x1 Deaf Fish, 1x Turtle Shell, and 1x Delicate Meat
x2 Whitetail Buck in battle (Probably needs only 1 now)
x2 Coyote
x2 Scouts

x3 full use carcasses

Defeat x3 Merged in battle
x3 Hunts succeeded

Defeated in Battle for Strength
Succeed in x3 Hunts
Provide x3 full use carcasses
Defeat x2 Akhult in battle

Defeated in battle for +1 Smarts
Encounter Blonk
x5 St. John's Wort

x3 Arnica, 1x Rabbit Carcass, and 1x Yarrow
x1 Bone, x1 Oregano, x2 Tansy, and 1x Winterfat
x3 Kinfolk Cryptids in battle

Defeated in battle for +1 Smarts, +1 Strength
x10 Large Leaf (capped at 5 now)
x1 Medicine: Hepatitis Cure, x1 Medicine: Cystitis Cure, x1 Medicine: Ringworm Salve
x2 Scouts completed

x6 Nesting Material
x10 Large Rocks (capped at 5 now)

Defeated in battle for +1 Smarts
x10 Large rocks (capped at 5 now)
x5 Healing Salves

x3 Elk Bull in Battle (Probably needs only 1 now)

Battle notes: Slow Opponent
Find the big bird (plane)

Defeated in battle to gain +1 Strength or +1 Agility
Catch one uncommon fish in the fishing game

Catch an uncommon fish from the fishing game
x6 nesting material


"As you can see, my mobility is somewhat limited. I need to reach a certain spot but finding a way to this particular location would take too long. There should be an Abandoned Train Tunnel somewhere. I've heard that more of my kind can be found on the other side. Find the tunnel and describe a way to this place so I can plan my journey."
Hint explore in the prairie
Investigate the train tunnel

Defeated in battle for +1 Strength
x6 Nesting material
Find Lava Bear Cub in Dessert
x3 Roadrunner Feathers, x1 Blue Jay Feather, x1 Skua Feather (quest specifically mentions a need for toys)


1 x Seal Pup Carcass, 1 x Caribou Calf Carcass, 1 x Hare Carcass
1 x Gull Carcass, 1 x Hare Carcass, 1 x Seal Pup Carcass

x10 large rocks (capped at 5 now)
Catch one uncommon fish from the fishing game

x2 Scouts
Catch one uncommon fish from the fishing game

Defeated in battle to gain +1 Agility
x5 Healing Salves

Defeated in battle for +1 Strength
x3 Full use carcasses
Provide x1 Acorn, x2 Blue Jay Feathers, x1 Medicine: Healing Salve, x1 St. John's Wort

Defeated in battle for +1 Speed

Defeated in battle for +1 Smarts or +1 Strength

Defeated in battle for +1 Smarts, +1 Agility, or +1 Wisdom

Defeated in battle for +1 Smarts

x1 Scout

Defeated in battle for + 1 Strength

Defeated in battle for + 1 Agility
x2 Nesting material

Defeated in battle for +1 Agility

Defeated in battle for +1 Agility

Battle notes; Prey Opponent

Catch x1 Uncommon Fish

Defeated in battle to gain +1 Wisdom
Provide x1 Large Leaf, x2 Mullein, x 1 Yarrow, x1 Buffaloberry


I believe all cryptids have chances to drop Healing salves and Meat chunks of all sizes, not sure if its a default for all opponents or not lol

Eagle with a Broken wing
Dizzy Raccoon
Trapped Raccoon
Some scared Pups
Injured Armadillo
Scared Blacktail
Distressed Doe

Screenshot provided by Gamy (#2089)

Hollow Howls

Posted 2022-08-22 19:38:24
Unidentified Beings- 3x weasel carcass
Grassman- 10x large leaves
Ozark Howler- 3x healing salves
Shagamaw- 10x large leaves

user log of quests-
-Gave Unidentified Beings: 1x Weasel Carcass (137300684), 1x Weasel Carcass (137320594), 1x Weasel Carcass (137300689) for a quest.
-Gave Grassman: 1x Large Leaf (138389126), 1x Large Leaf (137140928), 1x Large Leaf (136134708), 1x Large Leaf (134437110), 1x Large Leaf (138176191), 1x Large Leaf (136721544), 1x Large Leaf (135860294), 1x Large Leaf (137951196), 1x Large Leaf (136449772), 1x Large Leaf (135428148) for a quest.
-Gave Ozark Howler: 1x Medicine: Healing Salve (137702003), 1x Medicine: Healing Salve (133287267), 1x Medicine: Healing Salve (137218510), 1x Medicine: Healing Salve (137732460), 1x Medicine: Healing Salve (136575220) for a quest.
-Gave Shagamaw: 1x Large Branch (138111119), 1x Large Branch (137140961), 1x Large Branch (136429063), 1x Large Branch (137801054), 1x Large Branch (136951119), 1x Large Branch (136134710), 1x Large Branch (138493882), 1x Large Branch (137300729), 1x Large Branch (136736269), 1x Large Branch (135724194) for a quest.

Posted 2022-08-22 20:45:23
idk if this is relevant or been posted, but some advice for achieving the battle X event opponents: you get an achievement reminding you of which area you discovered all the cryptids there. cryptid hunting there is your best bet ^w^

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