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[Grouse House Guide] Cataclysms | August Event

Posted 2022-09-22 17:52:37
i didn't catch the dialogue as it happened earlier today (before i knew about this thread), but the bloated deer encounter in explore gave me two bone marrows rather than two bone amusement items

Posted 2023-01-09 11:24:18
You are a life saver Maddie. Love you

Posted 2023-02-22 09:34:41
I am willing to get the Fluffy Mane [White]
I will reserve this information for the future! *bookmark*

Posted 2023-08-01 05:44:16 (edited)
KinfolkGolden Bear (Kinfolk Faction) (Tundra)
First Encounter Text (Explore): "The floppy ears and large eyes of this creature create a good, almost kind impression, but your experience tells you to be careful, no matter how harmless the creature's appearance may seem."
First Encounter (Cryptid Den): "... It is quite unusual to feel at ease around bears, but you don't experience any fear or tension as you approach. The bear towers over you, and its thick fur makes it look even bigger, but there's something calm about it that lets you trust it.

"If you care about this land, please help me. You won't regret it.""
Goofus Bird (Kinfolk Faction) (Taiga)
First Encounter Text (Explore): "Birds come in all sizes and shapes, so there is nothing weird about this one at first. However, when it starts to move, there is definitely something different about this creature."

First Encounter (Cryptid Den): "...You need a while to understand the movement of this peculiar bird. It seems to fly only backward and is generally uninterested in reaching any particular destination. When the bird notices you, it stops for a while to take a closer look.

"Hi there! I know I'm interesting, but instead of just standing there, you could come closer and engage in something useful. Do we have a deal?""
Hoop Snake (Kinfolk Faction) (Desert)
First Encounter Text (Explore): "You wouldn't believe it if you hadn't seen it with your own eyes. This snake is biting its tail with its jaws to roll forward!"

First Encounter (Cryptid Den): "... The creature notices you and releases its tail from its mouth, appearing much more familiar as it moves around like any other snake. Even without its strange movement, there is still something extraordinary about this being. You can definitely feel it.

"I wasn't expecting anyone, but since you're here, you can do something good for us both.""
Missouri Monster (Kinfolk Faction) (Grasslands)
First Encounter Text (Explore): "A pile of shaggy, dark fur in front of you stands up and reveals its ape-like shape. Its smell and appearance create a living nightmare."

First Encounter (Cryptid Den): "... A pair of bright, glowing eyes stare at you, but to your surprise, you feel no hostility. At first, it's hard to see the face of the creature in its unkempt fur, but the body language and movement are calm enough to encourage you to approach.

"You can come closer. I'm not interested in eating you or any of your kind. You can help me with a few tasks if you feel so inclined.""
Walgren Lake Monster (Kinfolk Faction) (Prairie)
First Encounter Text (Explore): "Though you've never seen it before, this creature looks oddly familiar. It cocks its head and looks at you with a curious expression."
First Encounter (Cryptid Den): "... Large flies swarm around its head, and it reaches up to swat at them with large scaly paws. It manages to catch some and licks the smushed bugs happily off of its palm. Yuck!

"I don't think we've met before, but you sure look familiar. Maybe there's just too many wolves around here for me to keep track. No matter, I still need help.""
Hugag (Independent Faction) (Deciduous Forest)
First Encounter Text (Explore): "At first, you nearly mistake this creature for a moose; but this is no ordinary mammal. The jointless legs appear to limit the creature's movements, and its unusual muzzle looks like it would be hard to eat anything with."
First Encounter (Cryptid Den): "... The stiff movements of the creature make you realize what an easy target it would be for any hungry wolf here. It must possess some hidden power that keeps potential danger away. Its long lip moves slightly, but you don't know if it's an attempt to smile or a grimace of dislike.

"Do not disturb me and go back to where you came from. Unless... unless you agree to help me, then you may stay.""
Loveland Frog (Independent Faction) (Grasslands)
First Encounter Text (Explore): "Big, bulging eyes look back at you from the shadows, and striding out on two legs is...a frog."
First Encounter (Cryptid Den): "... The frog lets out a big stretch and lowers into a hunched position as it examines you. How is it walking on two legs? Its tongue flicks out and licks an eyeball and it tilts its head. Well, it may walk like a human, but it's definitely a frog.

"Lose your way, did you? Well, since you just so conveniently happen to be passing through, I could use your paws, if you're willing...""
Manipogo (Independent Faction) (Tundra)
First Encounter Text (Explore): "The floppy ears and large eyes of this creature create a good, almost kind impression, but your experience tells you to be careful, no matter how harmless the creature's appearance may seem."
First Encounter (Cryptid Den): "... The most familiar shape you could think of is that of a seal, but there is also something canine about this creature. It notices your presence, observing you in silence. You have a feeling that you disturbed its plans.

"Are you bored or something? You look like you could be, so come here and listen to me. I have lots of things to do, and you seem to have none. Can you help me?""
Milton Lizard (Independent Faction) (Prairie)
First Encounter Text (Explore): "An imposing lizard that looks similar to a monitor lizard blocks your way. It's larger than any lizard you've seen before, and could eat you whole."
First Encounter (Cryptid Den): "... Lumbering around without a care in the world, the lizard flattens the grass wherever it goes, causing small prey to flee. It pays them no mind, instead opting to trample the grass in random patterns and smush anthills purely for fun.

"Ho there, small fry. Stick around and help me, would you? You'll get things done much faster than me.""
Swamp Stalker (Independent Faction) (Swamp)
First Encounter Text (Explore): "A large, shadowy silhouette emerges suddenly in front of you. The creature stands tall on two legs, covered in matted, dark fur that clings to its muscular body."
First Encounter (Cryptid Den): "... The shape of the creature is rather familiar, resembling a large ape, but much more intimidating. Its movements are smooth and even graceful, which is definitely different and unexpected.

"Are you lost, pup? I might help you find the way but only if you help me first.""
White Lady (Independent Faction) (Glacier)
First Encounter Text (Explore): "You're quite surprised to see a human female in this unfriendly environment. Upon closer inspection, you notice that her skin is ghostly pale and an otherworldly vibe surrounds her, making you feel uneasy."
First Encounter (Cryptid Den): "... The ghostly woman stares at you in silence. Her ethereal and luminous gown appears to be moving even without any wind. There is something very sad and melancholic about her expression. She nods slightly, allowing you to come closer.

"If you're here, you must feel the disturbances in this world too. I need your help to bring it back to what it was.""
White River Monster (Independent Faction) (Riparian Woodland)
First Encounter Text (Explore): "With a gaping jaw of sharp teeth that could easily swallow you head first, this giant fish-like creature commands attention with its presence."
First Encounter (Cryptid Den): "... The White River Monster uses its large jaws to scoop through the river and catches everything in its path–rocks, plants, fish, even some branches! It crunches down and allows the debris to filter through, revealing a wiggling fish. That's certainly one way to do it!

"Come to help? Good, I know just what to do with you. No refusing, or I'll eat that pretty head of yours.""
the Merged
Beaman (the Merged Faction) (Prairie)
First Encounter Text (Explore): "The monster before you is unlike any you've seen before. It sort of resembles a wolf...and yet, its malevolent eyes speak of its true nature."
First Encounter (Cryptid Den): "... Beaman moves around as if its tracking prey, but you can't smell anything near by. It seems quite intent, and you're left puzzled. Is it just paranoid?

"You're so puny, how on earth do you survive? Luck? Whatever it is, I have need of it.""

Quest Flavor Text + Quest: "Without you around, Beaman has disappeared. Or has it? You cast your eyes around and lock in on a shadowy patch under a bush. Two blinking red eyes stare at you hungrily, and you feel your fur rise on your pelt as it steps from the shadows.

"Time to do something about those nasty Kinfolk. Go and 3 x Kinfolk cryptids of them.""
Evil Cadejo (the Merged Faction) (Rainforest)
First Encounter Text (Explore): "The huge shadowy creature in front of you resembles a dog, but as you look closer, you notice its distorted features and unkempt, messy fur. This is no ordinary dog."
(Image is here, currently broken)
First Encounter (Cryptid Den): "... The eyes of the creature are glowing with fiery, malevolent light like the last two stars in a dark sky. While the monster looks canine, you notice that it has hooves instead of paws. It shows you its mouth full of sharp, jagged teeth in a twisted smile.

"I believe you are smart enough to know that coming here means that you will serve me. Let's get on with it, shall we?""
Quest Flavor Text + Quest: "The creature awaits you in silence, focused on your movement as if it's ready to kill you on the spot. Even now, when you're more familiar with its appearance, your fur prickles with tension and anxiety.

"My life here is far from peaceful, and honestly, I enjoy this chaos around. However, constant fighting means there's a chance of getting wounded. Bring me 2 x healing salves so I can restock my supplies.""
Gallinipper (the Merged Faction) (Coniferous Forest)
First Encounter Text (Explore): "The largest mosquito you have ever laid eyes on buzzes in front of you. If it weren't for the intelligence behind its bloodthirsty eyes, you would have been long gone."
(Like the last one, image is here, just broken currently)
First Encounter (Cryptid Den): "... Gallinipper flies around the clearing, peering into tree holes as if on the hunt for a tasty meal. It stops to listen occasionally, jabbing its long beak into the holes as it attempts to snag a catch. The prey are lucky and it is unsuccessful...for now.

"Hey there blood-bag, not afraid of me, are you? You do smell good, I must admit...but still you're more useful alive. For now that is. Time to get to work.'"
Quest Flavor Text + Quest: "You've always wondered how mosquitoes sleep, and at least in this case, it appears to rest like any other bug with its wings folded and body low to the ground. It's too big to fit in any of the trees, so it simply rests on the bed of pine needles. A beady eye flicks open as you approach.

"Large Leaves are hard to find around here, so you get to find some for me. 5 x large leaves will be enough. For now.""
Hidebehind (the Merged Faction) (Mountains)
First Encounter Text (Explore): "You feel an ominous presence around you but your senses are unable to fully catch the shape of the dark being. One thing is certain: you are being observed."
First Encounter (Cryptid Den): "... The heavy feeling doesn't fade with time. You have a sense that the creature, wherever it may be, can either perfectly blend with the environment or perhaps even change shape. If darkness were to take a physical form, it would be this being.

"Your fear and confusion are amusing but I have a better use for you.""
Quest Flavor Text + Quest: "Even now, when you know what to expect, you still feel uneasy when approaching the creature. You've seen a shadow in the corner of your eye once or twice, but you're not sure if it's your mind tricking you. The one thing you wouldn't mistake for anything else is the voice of the dark being: a hoarse whisper fading into the mountain wind.

"I was starting to have a good time here until these kinfolk vermin started appearing everywhere, trying to mess with my plans. Defeat 3 x Kinfolk cryptids and make sure to have witnesses. If they want a war, they will get it.""
Old Scratch (the Merged Faction) (Glacier)
First Encounter Text (Explore): "You have to look twice to believe your eyes. At first you thought this creature is a human, but the red skin and horns leave no room for imagination"
(May have to bugbox the missing period at the end of "imagination", but all seems well otherwise)

First Encounter Text (Cryptid Den) (continuation of above): "... Yellow eyes stare at you intensely, and a soft smirk appears on the devil's face. While elegant and well-mannered, he has the vibe of a natural predator. You can't deny that he is both unsettling and fascinating.

"What perfect timing! You have a fantastic opportunity to show your worth by completing a few simple tasks. It will be beneficial for both of us and you won't regret it. Unless you refuse."
Quest Flavor Text + Quest: "The devil greets you in a way only a good, old friend would do but you know that behind the pleasant voice and graceful movements, there is a real threat that you would face in case of poor performance.

"You may have the sharpest teeth and the fastest legs but are you really skilled? Prove your worth and complete 3 hunts. If you succeed, I will admit that you are indeed a good choice to change the world with me."

Currently: 0/3 hunts succeeded"
Rawhead (the Merged Faction) (Tundra)
First Encounter Text (Explore): "This horrifying creature has a skull with no skin. Unease prickles at your pelt as it observes you with hungry eyes."
First Encounter (Cryptid Den): "... Rawhead prowls around the cold landscape as if searching for its next victim. And odd sound like rattling bones comes from its mouth and fills you with fear. Did it do that to attract its prey or scare it?

"Have you been a good wolf? If you say no, that's a lie–all wolves like you are naughty. I'll consider not eating you if you do as I say.""

🌈[Kim] Frying Pan🏳️‍🌈

Posted 2023-08-01 16:47:04 (edited)
If I find any more that aren't included above or below, I'll edit them in.

(Note to self) Only ones left are:
2 Desert (Independent and Merged)
1 Glacier (Kinfolk)
2 Rainforest (Kinfolk and Independent)

Kinfolk:Dewey Lake Monster (Kinfolk - Riparian Woodland)
Shaggy hair flops in front of glowing eyes, and a large ape-like creature rises to its feet in front of you. The eyes are kind, and you sense no malice from the creature.

Cryptid Den
... Moving from tree to tree, the creature seems to be inspecting the health of each. Gently touching leaves, sniffing the bark, and feeling the soil around the roots. The care it shows to the land is admirable.

"Hello there, fellow traveler. If you aren't too busy looking after your pack, would you help me? The situation in the world is grave."
Tuttle Bottoms Monster (Kinfolk - Swamp)
This large, bipedal creature resembles an ape but has a head with a characteristic, elongated mouth that reminds you of anteaters. It hasn't looked at you yet, but you have a feeling that it's aware of your presence.

Cryptid Den
... The shaggy, thick fur of the creature is covered with tiny, dried leaves and pieces of tree bark. It uses its mouth just like an anteater, looking for insects and eating them with its long tongue. It appears as though nothing could ruin its dedication, and it is completely absorbed.

"Greetings! I wasn't expecting anyone here, but I'm glad to see you. There are some things that need to be done, and I won't be able to do everything myself. The condition of this world is worsening. We must work together."

Independent: Gumberoo (Independent - Mountains)
A bear looms before you, fearsome and intimidating. In the place of fur, its hide is like thick leather–you doubt anything can pierce it.

Cryptid Den
... Despite its thick skin, it was still a bear. The Gumberoo leans against a tree, scratching its leathery hide on the sharpest bark it can find. When it steps away, a large gaping hole yawns in the tree. So strong!

"You there! What are you staring at me for? If you're going to be rude, make yourself useful at least."
The Gumberoo hunches over, licking its claws. They are stained with blood, and prey scent lingers. You smell wolf, too...surely it hadn't eaten your kind? They blow a downy feather away and with a sigh of relief you realize it had only eaten a bird.

"You're a skilled hunter, so put those skills to use. Bring me 3 x full use carcasses. I'm not picky about the type."

Currently: 0/3 carcasses given
Completed Quest
"You're surprisingly durable, even with that thin skin. Very well, you did good. Come back later and I'll have more for you to do."
Snipe (Independent - Taiga)
You approach this creature warily, wondering if your eyes are playing tricks on you. Is it even real?

Cryptid Den
... The creature doesn't seem to move...and yet, you find it sitting in different spots. First its sitting by a rock, then near a scrub bush, then blinking at you from the frosty plane…is it messing with your head?

"You can see me, can you? Fascinating! You must have a good imagination. I'm only visible to intelligent beings, you know. Perfect timing, too–I could use your help."

Merged: Sewer Alligator (Merged - Grasslands)
Large and stinking like sewage, an alligator glares at you and lets out a hiss when you don't back down.

Cryptid Den
Info missing
Completed Quest
"Want to be told you're a good dog? Fine, you're an adequate dog. Come back later."
Dungavenhooter (Merged - Swamp)
You don't notice anything strange about this creature at first. In fact, it looks like a normal alligator before you see that its jaws are completely shut closed by skin.

Cryptid Den
... The creature notices you as soon as you lay your eyes on it. Even without a visible mouth, it appears as if it is smiling. You can hear its nightmarish voice directly in your head. Normally an alligator would not pose much threat as long as you stayed far away, but this one is truly unsettling.

"Let's make a deal. Work for me for a while, and I won't cause any problems during your journey. Sound like a deal?"
Thetis Lake Monster (Merged - Taiga)
With a gleeful malice in its eyes, a scaled human-like creature with fins grins at you with sharpened teeth.

Cryptid Den
... Picking a sharpened scale from its spiky head, the monster begins to pick its teeth. Tiny foreign objects flick out, and you struggle to watch as you wonder what on earth the creature could have eaten.

"What have we here? A sniveling pup come to worship me? Very well, complete some tasks for me and I'll consider myself sufficiently worshiped."
Beast of Bray Road (Merged - Deciduous Forest)
Hideous and twisted, the wolf-like form in front of you only resembles a wolf in passing. Its gleaming red eyes and sharp teeth as it hunches over on two paws fill you with dread.

Cryptid Den
... The Beast slinks around the clearing, its long, hunched strides making you think of a predator stalking prey. Something catches its attention and it lowers itself on all fours, sniffing the ground. It can move both ways? Yikes!

"A mortal! I used to be one, once. Dreadful and boring. Care to cure some of that boredom and help me with a few things?"


Posted 2023-08-01 18:43:41 (edited)
Ran out of space on the first one and decided to just make a new one for any that I couldn't fit

KinfolkAxehandle Hound (Kinfolk Faction) (Coniferous Forest)
First Encounter Text (Explore): "This creature looks more or less like a regular canine to you, but its body has so many strange angles and you're quite certain it's no ordinary hound."
First Encounter (Cryptid Den): "... The movements of the creature are too smooth and natural for it to be ill, so its body shape does not appear to be the result of any kind of mutation. You approach closer, feeling a sense of familiarity after the surprising first impression.

"Do you have some time to spare? I think I need some help. Nothing too difficult, I promise.""
Gillygaloo (Kinfolk Faction) (Mountains)
First Encounter Text (Explore): "To your surprise, a rather normal-looking bird peers at you from a low hanging branch. It lands with a squawk and observes you with a keen eye."
First Encounter (Cryptid Den): "... The Gillygoo is sitting rather painfully over a freshly dug hole. It looks to be in great distress, and lets out a horrifying screech–followed by joy. An egg lays in the hole, but it's unlike any egg you've ever seen. Instead of being round, it's square! After a quick once over, the bird fixes you with a stare.

"Well met, wolf. Your kind are all over this place. The more paws the better. Are you willing to assist me?""
IndependentBloody Mary (Independent Faction) (Coniferous Forest)
First Encounter Text (Explore): "A blood-spattered figure steps out of a ghostly mirror. Where did the mirror come from?"
First Encounter (Cryptid Den): "... Bloody Mary looks at herself in the mirror, admiring her appearance. Or was she seeing visions? You move closer, but she turns and blocks your gaze from the mirror.

"The future spoke to me and told me you were coming. I've prepared some special tasks just for you.""
the MergedAltamaha-ha (the Merged Faction) (Riparian Woodland)
First Encounter Text (Explore): "Large and reptilian-like, this fearsome creature glares down at you with eyes full of malice. A hiss comes from its mouth and you hesitate for a moment."
First Encounter (Cryptid Den): "... The creature sprawls in the river, blocking the flow of the water and quite clearly not giving a damn. Fish frantically try to find a way around, and with an evil grin they are snatched up and swallowed whole.

Oh look, another land-dweller comes to beg for mercy. Well I won't give it if your performance is anything but perfect. Either agree or be eaten, hmm?""
Quest Flavor Text + Quest: Altamaha-ha sits very still on the shore, tail raised as if to strike. Suddenly its tail smacks the water harshly and you see a fish float to the surface, unsure if it's dead or just stunned. Either way Altamaha-ha lifts its tail and watches the fish float down river.

"Is the hunting around here decent? Complete 2 hunts succeeded and report back to me where prey is located; tracking is a dreadfully boring business, so you can do it for me."

Currently: 0/2 hunts succeeded

🌈[Kim] Frying Pan🏳️‍🌈

Posted 2023-08-02 01:27:08
None of the images are broken as far as I can see, there are just a couple of them which are spelled differently in the links than what their actual names are in encounters or the den.


Posted 2023-08-02 05:37:25
New Kinfolk from the Deciduous Forest


Posted 2023-08-02 08:39:25
Quest from bloody mary. But I don't understand what to do.


Posted 2023-08-02 08:47:07
I found this one.


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