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[Grouse House Guide] Cataclysms | August Event

Posted 2022-08-22 13:12:22 (edited)
Snow Snake - Independent - Tundra

It is quite unusual to see a reptile thriving in such a cold area. Its blindingly bright white scales make the creature look ghostly unreal and somewhat fascinating as well.

The snake approaches you so fast that you don't have a chance to think about making an escape. When it slithers, it's hard to focus your sight on it. While the creature doesn't look much different than other snakes, there is something supernatural about it. When it focuses its gaze on you, you start to feel anxious.

"What a surprise, a guest. Are you here to bother me or to help?"

Possible quest:
"As you can see, it's not so easy to find something to eat here. I don't need a lot but since you're offering to help me, bring 1 x Caribou Calf Carcass, 2 x Stoat Carcass to me. I can stash them and keep them for later in this cold climate."


Alaskan Tiger - Kinfolk - Tundra

A majestic, large feline stares at you calmly as if he was expecting you. Elongated canines can be seen even when the cat's mouth is closed.

You hesitate before taking the first step. The snow-white fur is deceivingly beautiful. Everything about this creature looks deadly and sharp. You could be killed within seconds, but the tiger doesn't seem to be hostile. A strange expression crosses its face, and it appears to be trying to smile.

"The world will be beyond repair if we don't act quickly. Will you help me?"


Bogeyman - the Merged - Tundra

A fur-less, upright being that's closer to a skeleton than a man shrieks at you and reveals a maw of razor sharp teeth. A long finger gestures at you to come closer.

The monster paces around with an uneven, hunched gait with a shadowy substance pouring off of it. It has no smell and seems to dissipate into the air, but your stomach lurches uneasily. It turns and stares you down with its mouth gaping wide and gnashing as if it would like to eat you for lunch.

"Who're you, furry? You're mortals move so easily. Help me or I'll decide that you're a nice, tasty snack."


Shadow Being - the Merged - Tundra

A black, thick shadow emerges out of nowhere, forming a terrifying shape straight from nightmares. You struggle to focus on it; it fools your senses when you try.

You don't dare stray too close, and even from this distance, you can say that any attempt to touch the creature would surely fail. The skull-like, creepy smile is the only clear feature of its face. You can't see its eyes but you feel like the shadow is observing you carefully and if it wanted to haunt you, it would be able to do so whenever it wanted. Its voice is sharp and hissing like the winter wind.

"Don't hesitate, come closer. You wouldn't be able to escape anyway so you might as well listen to my offer. If you manage to complete a few tasks, I will let you go. Maybe."


Posted 2022-08-22 14:19:10
All cryptids reported so far have been added. :)
Any missing information is represented by placeholders, so everyone can tell what we still need to find.

Will work on explore encounters soon!
Mel 🏜️

Posted 2022-08-22 14:22:22
Beast of Busco asked me to fish an uncommon fish earlier.

🦊Skulk, Leash & Earth🦊

Posted 2022-08-22 14:22:58
Also Creepy Black Hound asked me for 5 healing salves.

🦊Skulk, Leash & Earth🦊

Posted 2022-08-22 14:26:05 (edited)
I can offer up the missing Prairie Kinfolk - Grassman!

Kind eyes in a round, shaggy face meet yours, and you feel instantly at ease. The creature raises a human-like hand in greeting.

It has a familiar presence, almost as if you've seen it before. Such a big, hulking beast would be hard to miss, but you're certain that you've never laid eyes on it before. Perhaps the fact that it seems so welcoming has tricked your brain. It sits peacefully in a nest in the grass and offers you a grub wriggling between its fingers.

"Hello there! Would you like a grub? I just found some. Oh, but you probably don't like them...not many do. While you're here, would you like to help me with something?"

EDIT 1: Missing Prairie Merged- Belled Buzzard

Can't see its default flavor text right now as I'm questing for it- it wanted 2 scouting missions completed!

And Missing Taiga Merged- Ghostly Black Dog
A mysterious, elusive shape surrounded by a thick, smoke-like substance walks slowly a short distance away. It looks like a dog, but with such a ghostly nature, it could be anything.

Because of this strange smoke, you expect a half-transparent, barely materialized being. However, the muscular body of the dark dog appears surprisingly solid. It rushes at you with a beastly growl but you decide to stand your ground.

"This is my territory now. Get out of my sight if you're not willing to follow my rules."

EDIT 2: Missing Deciduous Forest Independent- Wampus Cat
At first glance, the creature doesn't differ much from any other wild cat you've encountered so far. That is until you spot it has an additional pair of limbs, apparently fully functional.

While the extra pair of legs is shorter, the creature uses them naturally and you start to wonder if such a thing could make you better at hunting. The cat's glowing eyes meet yours when it catches you staring at its additional limbs. The sight of its sharp claws suggest that it's probably best to be careful not to anger it.

"Are you here to stare at me like that or will you do something useful for a change?"

Thistle ⭐ [He/Him]

Posted 2022-08-22 14:30:03 (edited)
A few of the missing Swamp cryptids:

Rougarou - the Merged

Your pelt prickles with fear as a wolf-like creature that stands on two legs emerges from the swamp fog. It throws back its head and howls.

How this wolf walks upright like a human is a mystery to you. It's unnatural, and as it starts to walk toward you it has a sort of swaying gait and is hunched over. Saliva drips from its muzzle and the glowing red eyes look wild and crazed. Something is off about this creature.

"You! Pip squeak! Don't you run from me. You're going to do as I say or I'll snap your scrawny neck."


Letiche - Independent

A large-toothed shaggy creature with large, round ears judges you with its beady eyes. It resembles a large rat, and you've caught its attention.

Possible quest:
Catch one uncommon fish

EDIT: Found the last missing swamp Independent cryptid!

Monster Turtle - Independent

A rather tall turtle stands before you sliding its long, spiked tail back and forth. It tilts its head sideways and peers at you curiously.

Turtles usually walk low to the ground, standing for brief periods only. Not this one, however; it stands upright with ease. The rounded head and sharp beak reminds you of a bird's, while its long neck is as agile as a snake. It could easily strike at you if given the chance, and you remain wary.

"You're new around here. Or maybe I'm just too old? Either way, lend me a paw and I'll make it worth your while."


Posted 2022-08-22 14:45:40 (edited)
from the Glacier with no disasters present.


Snow Wasset.

The creature resting in front of you looks like a fur-covered snake with a muzzle similar to the one of a stoat or a marten. It doesn't look very intimidating, and it's even kind of cute, but it's best to be careful.

-after taking quest-

The creature sticks its head out from its burrow hidden under the snow. You can already tell that it spends most of its time underground as a way to adapt to this unfriendly environment. While you would never win against the Wasset below ground, it clearly needs you for its business on the surface.

"You see, the surface isn't really my favourite place to be and you are definitely more accustomed to travelling long distances. I need you to check the shore. I've heard that there's a shipwreck nearby and I need some information about it. Let's make a deal. You tell me everything about it and if you find anything useful, you may take it."

Hint: try exploring in the Glacier!


A creepy-looking gap in the side of a nearby rocky hill piques your interest enough that you find your paws leading you closer. You reach the entrance and the sound of the wind whistles through the gap, oddly amplified. It makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, and the moldy, damp air makes you wonder just what could be in there.

[Explore] or [Back away]

-after exploring-

You decide to be brave, and hesitantly take a few steps into the cave. It's eerily quiet, and your movements echo off of the muddy walls. You snuffle around for a bit, managing to unearth a reddish black scale. You begin to relax when suddenly pebbles shower on your head and bounce off of the hardened floor. Without a second thought you turn tail and run, not stopping until you're well away from the structure. That was close!

You got +1 CS !


You smell the hot, stinky air before you even see the geyser. You've seen geysers before, and this one seems wrong. The water coming out of it is a funny color, and the misty air around it is suffocating. Your lungs burn and your eyes run; the air feels toxic.

[Run away]

-after running away-

You can't stand being near it a moment longer and run away as fast as you can in the other direction.


You see a form stumbling around, going to and fro, with no real destination. Upon closer inspection, you see it's a raccoon. It's acting odd, though: it tries to walk in a straight line, but then tips to the side, stumbles, and turns to go the other direction. Was it mad?

[Push] or [Kill]

-after pushing-

You push the creature and it falls forward, landing heavily on the ground. It doesn't move, although you can see it's still breathing, so at least it's still alive. Oops? You hurry away before the creature wakes up, and find something on the path ahead.

You got +1 CS !


You enter an area destroyed by an earthquake. You have no idea when it happened, but everything looks like it was just a short time ago. Collapsed trees are everywhere on the bumpy, freshly shaken ground. You can hear a weak whine from afar. Upon closer inspection, you notice a trapped, malnourished wolf.

[Try to free the wolf]

-after trying-

As soon as you free the wolf, you notice a change in its stare. It may still be in shock, or perhaps there are other factors causing this change in behavior. The wolf jumps at you with a growl and you prepare for a fight. Your opponent has already been weakened, so it doesn't take long to pin it to the ground and force it to surrender. It still manages to get a few hits in, and you growl in annoyance at the stinging in your side. You lost -5 HP!


Disasters and the recent changes to the land has made the ocean reveal its hidden and long forgotten treasures. The old, wrecked ship that sits before you is both scary and tempting. It's covered with all sorts of marine life forms and many different smells. Who knows when there will be another opportunity to investigate something like this?

[Investigate for Snow Wasset]

-after investigating-

This structure is definitely a work of human hands, made for reaching faraway lands. It's destroyed and only a shade of its former glory, yet you still feel respect and even a bit anxious as you cross over the threshold. Complete stillness and silence encourages your paw steps as you sniff carefully around. You try to remember everything to report back to Snow Wasset. You have no idea why it needs this information but you don't plan to ask.

You have completed Snow Wasset's quest!


Posted 2022-08-22 15:00:41
Here's the Mothwolf's quest!

The Mothwolf is sitting upright, its wolf legs sprawled in front and its wings folded back. It's using its segmented legs to groom its face, starting from behind its ears to the front of its muzzle. Such a sight would not normally be odd...but the way this creature is doing it makes you uneasy for some reason. It feels...unnatural. As if sensing you watching, the Mothwolf meets your gaze unflinchingly.

"Quit pestering me and make your paws useful, inferior as they may be. Those Kinfolk are dreadful, and must be killed off before I can enjoy myself. Defeat 3 x Kinfolk cryptids. Maybe they'll even do me a favor and kill you off, if you're weak enough..."


Posted 2022-08-22 15:18:29 (edited)
This is all the quest information I've experience, my friend experienced, and from my info thread.

The ones with many items, not sure if those items are randomized or set. Might need more data

CRYPTID - (Quest 1), (Quest 2), (etc)

Kipsy - (5 healing salves)
Champ - (2 Acorn, 1 Blue Jay Feather, 1 Dandelion, 1x St Johns Wart)
Hodag - (2 Carcasses), (Kill 3X Kinfolk)
Dark Watcher - (1 Bone, 2 Charcoal, 1 Garlic, 1 Owl Feather)
Dover Demon - (2 Carcasses)
Goat Sucker - (5 Healing Salves)
Celofay - (4 Successful Hunts), (3 Carcasses)
Beast of Bladenboro - (2 Scouts)
Wampus Cat - (1 Uncommon fish caught)
Lick Monster - (Submit 1 wolf skull)
Knocker - (5 Healing Salves)
Michigan Dogman - (Help x3 Distressed Animals)
Buntail - (5 Healing Salves)
Sasquatch - (5 Healing Salves)
White Stag - (5 Healing Salves)
Snow Wasset - (Search the Glacier for ???)
Creepy Black Hound - (5 Healing Salves)
Belled Buzzard - (2 Scouts)
Akhlut - (5 Healing Salves)
Cadborosaurus - (1 Uncommon fish caught)
Mothman - (3 Hunts)
Ozark Howler - (1 Uncommon fish caught)

**fish quests have to be turned in


Posted 2022-08-22 16:32:19
All listed cryptids I'm providing the flavor text for:


The gangly creature before you is shaggy and green and looks like a monkey. Multiple red eyes like a bug stare into your soul.

Gripped tightly in its fists are two rather large chunks of a tree branch. It slams them on the ground as if tenderising them, then takes a large chunk out of one with its sharp teeth. Was it eating wood?

"Need something? No? Well I do, so you're going to help me."

Mogollan Monster

You nearly trip over a large rock, before realising it's not a rock at all! It stirs, and two shining blue eyes blink up at you.

The monster sits upright, its long, shaggy fur covered in dusty sand. It doesn't seem to mind, and brushes grime away from its eyes. Had it been napping? It heaves itself up to stand and shakes all over quite like you would to dry yourself. Appearing satisfied, it sits back down against a rock formation and looks at you expectantly.

"Well isn't this convenient? I need a partner, and here you are! I'll reward you for helping me. What do you say?"


This creature would resemble a bear if not for the antlers sprouting from its head and hooves on the hind legs. Its eyes shine with an unsettling yellow glow.

If the creature is aggressive, you'll be in trouble, but it seems rather calm. Moss-covered fur makes great camouflage in this deep forest. Now you realise that you've seen pawprints and hoofprints together a lot but you'd never guess that they could belong to one animal. Following this being would probably give you a headache. Its whole appearance seems designed to fool and mislead wolves.

" found me. If it was your intention, it proves that you have some useful skills. Will you help me?"


A sorry-looking lump of wrinkly skin with warts and moles meets your gaze. Its eyes are sad, and tears stream silently down its face.

The creature is staring at the ground, ears drooping and looking like its mere existence is weighing it down. It's making small mewling noises as tears run down its face. It's crying so much that the ground at its feet is damp, and everytime it moves it leaves an easy trail to follow. Maybe you can try to cheer it up somehow?

"Oh, seem nice. Will me? I'm too sad to do much on my own."

The White Stag

The magnificent stag in front of you resembles an ancient forest god with its splendid, huge antlers and perfectly clean, almost shining white fur. It looks beautifully unreal.

You don't feel any kind of fear. It may be your gut feeling or the creature's vibe, but there is something royal and proud about it. The stag nods slowly, inviting you to come closer.

"Did you lose your path? Or maybe you came here to help?"

Unidentified Beings

You've seen many unexplained things in your life, but the sight in front of your eyes is beyond your comprehension. A bipedal creature, despite having a familiar body frame, makes your body stiff with anxiety and all your senses seem fogged...

The more you focus on the being, the more details you can spot. Their natural body armour reminds you of an insect but they're far from that. Even when you get used to how they look, their presence still makes you feel anxious and uneasy. This creature doesn't feel right and something about them is alien to the core. Your instinct tells you to run away but an oddly calming voice speaks to you by your name directly in your head. You don't even truly hear feel it.

"Fear not! We need your cooperation in order to cease this madness. This world's natural balance is in danger. Will you assist us?"

🌈[Kim] Frying Pan🏳️‍🌈

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