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Community Update #48

Posted 2022-07-01 19:32:57 (edited)
I mean, the site has the same issue with Refunded breedings right now. Because it's a promised-based transaction, it's not guaranteed to ever get your refunded breeding. You could pay, and they could just refuse to send it. I actually did have this happen to me once and the moderators told me nothing could be done.

When fox came out, a LOT of people promised refunded breedings for fox parts. Like hundreds of breedings worth. I'm not sure if the amount was even possible to refund.

But the real hard part is that if you do a refunded breeding through a raffle, and you scam someone, that is not allowed. You promised to give someone a refunded breeding when they won that item, and you are expected to honor it. But all the other refunded breedings - and promise transactions - aren't backed up.

I do think an overhaul needs to happen a bit on promise transactions. Like if you have an agreement about them in private messages, it should be stuck to. I'm not sure how this would help if they chase your wolf, as it's erased from the system forever, but I feel for the traveling wolf community. I really do :(

Proof of the raffle thing: link

"(Updated on Sep 28, 2021) Regarding "Placeholder" Raffles: Players are permitted to raffle off artwork, breedings to wolves, and wolves themselves using currency or item prizes as "placeholders".  Any players that host raffles using placeholders that do not follow through with promised prizes can be reported and our staff members will handle the situations accordingly."


Posted 2022-07-01 19:35:21
The reminder makes it more clear to me why I don't participate in traveling wolves and avoid promised transactions like they're the plague. (Like refunded breedings, for example.) I understand the point that, once something's out of your hands, it's no longer yours, but at the same time, I hate how scammers can do what they do and nothing's really done about it.

Reminds me of around PA, when gifting wasn't implemented yet. People would mess up a "refunded" trade they created, setting it to public instead of private. So what did some players do with what was clearly an accident? They actively jumped on the opportunity and stole the trade meant for someone else. I don't know if the stolen trades were ever given back in that situation or any sort of repercussions were given to the thieves. All I know is that no one could call out who was doing it, so all anyone could do was ask for the gifting feature before more were scammed by those problematic players. Once gifting was implemented, the problem dropped and I haven't heard of that happening since. Because players had a different, safer way to go about it, it's not really an issue anymore.

(Note: If I'm incorrect about the old gifting situation, please let me know so I can remove mention of it. I have such a garbage memory that remembering that far back is difficult, it's kinda hazy. :v)

Yes, there's a certain level of responsibility that a player needs to take if they do promise-based transactions, but I think that there should be some protection for scammed players. It's a tad upsetting that we can't even warn each other and we have to sit knowing unaware players may walk right into scams that they may not get any support for.


Posted 2022-07-01 19:35:56
I agree, Slothie, but your wolf being chased still has a (small) chance of being in befriend!

Lucia (Xhe/Xher)

Posted 2022-07-01 19:39:12
To all annoyed about the traveling business:
Wolvden and the Mods cannot help with stolen travelers here's why

According to the WD Code Of Conduct under Accounts and Trading section 2.6

(A)  Do not trade any game currency or virtual items outside the trading functionality provided in the Trading Centre.
We do not offer any support to "promise transactions". This is a type of transaction that doesn't take advantage of the implemented game's trading system or studding system to conduct a trade, studding, "reverse studding", or other action which involves an exchange of game assets.

(B)  We STRONGLY advise that you do not transfer anything to other members on the promise that they will do something in return, e.g. breed your wolf and send her back, reserve future-bred pups for you, etc. If you do partake in a "promise transaction" then it is completely at your own risk.

(C)  If you get burned by not getting your game assets back, we will not intervene.

(D)  "Promise transactions" include refusal to use the trading center, in-game breeding system (trading studdings for items, for example) or any other method of secure transaction on Wolvden.

The mods are just doing there jobs. I say good job wiggle worms!


Posted 2022-07-01 19:41:07 (edited)
I also don't search out Promise based transactions because of the lack of protection, but sometimes if I'm already gonna breed with that wolf, and it's offered for the GC option, I'll just be like "Cool, I get some bonus refunded breedings too!!"

Anything else I will not risk. Since day 1 of the game, I've refused to do any traditional breeding, whether sending or receiving wolves. I don't feel comfortable doing so, and I don't want other people to have to worry about me holding onto their wolves. I understand these types of breedings are risky, because the admin already gives 30 breedings a week. It's people who are desperate for that stud - and studs who want the income - that are taking that risk at the unprotected transaction.

I've only ever taken a traveling wolf once. It sat in my den for a few days before I sent it off, so I don't have much to say. But it must be sad to breed a wolf, love them, try to do something fun, and watch them be gone :(

Edit: We understand that the TOS/COC currently does not protect promise based transactions. But it's a problem that should be addressed in the future. They've addressed problems before


Posted 2022-07-01 21:19:54 (edited)
Nvm I was half asleep haha

A badger base?!?! That's gonna be 1 lucky winner

MoscoMoon {Lethan} ❄️

Posted 2022-07-01 22:08:08
People should join the two traveling wolf clans for safe groups of people to send their wolves to! They are there for the very reason of keeping wolves safe from being kept or chased by going through randoms in main.

Scouting for Booty

Posted 2022-07-01 22:45:58 (edited)
@NazulWitchKing rules can be amended and changed, in addition to that they are already policing promised art and refunded breedings for raffles but not policing trades that promise refunded breedings which makes no sense

not having something to protect such players even a little bit alienates the players in the affected group, making them less keen to interact with the community and making wolvdens community a less friendly and trusting place

giving things for scammers to abuse is not good universally, its why im fairly weary about participating in raffles because theres nothing stopping the raffle owner from asking a friend to tip the odds in their favour by piling on large sums of tickets last moment and then paying that friend back,


Posted 2022-07-02 00:58:17 (edited)
I didn't know I needed a Chipmunk Stripes marking in my life, but now it's all I've ever wanted. I hope it wins the poll!

Posted 2022-07-02 05:29:23 (edited)
I had some fun with a traveller wolf: I spent as much guarana as I could sending the wolf on scouting missions, gave a background and a bunch of decors, some cool story and pawed over. The wolf ended up being deleted after a month or two by somewolf else. I don't regret anything spent on this wolf, I would do the same thing again, it was quite different to other participants though.

While I understand that there's no ToS/CoC rule violation for somewolf who just claims a wolf and doesn't paw over somewolf else after some time, what if there was an agreement set every time a traveller wolf is transferred? If players start being asked to agree on proposed rules before being given traveller wolves and they don't follow the agreement, will they fall under CoC 1.26a and get sanctioned for scamming? I get that it won't guarantee the wolves will be given back but at least some measures against players breaking agreements can be taken.
