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1x1 Rp w/ Wolf_Runner12 (Round 6!) (FINISHED)

Posted 2022-07-15 15:56:28
Oof- ))

Karlie almost flinched when James shouted back at him, but he refused. "You think I'm not trying?! I put up with the goddamn teachers every single day, the pressure from other students, the catcalls from the douchebags at our school, the creepy fucking guys who lurk outside your classes! I bend over backwards to make sure they leave you the fuck alone, and then I come home and deal with your shit too! Do you even know how many fights I've gotten in over you?!" He demanded, feeling the pounding in his head growing worse by the minute.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-07-15 15:59:17
"I don't need you to protect me! I can take care of myself!!" He snapped at him. "I have taken care of myself for the past 10 years alone! I don't need you coming in and trying to take care of me!" He hissed with a huff. He glared before he looked away, "So just fuck off and act like you don't know me and I'll do the same for you. I can do whatever I want and you can do whatever you want."


Posted 2022-07-15 16:12:02 (edited)
"Oh really?! You were a wreck before I started doing this! You didn't sleep, you didn't eat, and you hardly ever went to class!" He growled, not caring that he could feel James' wrist being crushed under his hand. "That wasn't taking care of yourself, James! That was postponing your goddamn death! I'm not gonna fuck off, and I'm not gonna leave you alone! Because if you do, I'm terrified you're gonna try to fucking kill yourself!" He screamed, not looking away from the other.

Sorry- Viv's sister and her kiddos are here! :3 ))

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-07-15 20:25:26
I'm so sorry! I'm back now!))

"I'm tired of living! You don't get to make the decision whether I live or not! I do! Its my goddamn life!" He shouted, feeling true pain in his wrist. It felt like Karlie was breaking his hand from the tight grip he had on it. He felt tears in his eyes and he didn't know if they were from pain or sadness. "My mama wanted me to go to college, so here I am! So once I finish college, i'm gonna join her whether you like it or not!" He shouted


Posted 2022-07-15 21:10:17
Don't worry about it, love! ))

Karlie slammed him back against the wall again, unable to control his temper. "You're right! It's your life, so don't fucking waste it! Your mother didn't want you to go to college just for show, James! She wanted you to HAVE a life! We've talked about this so many goddamn times, and I'm starting to think your skull is just too thick to get the information through!" Karlie grabbed James' other wrist, bringing it up above his head with the other one. His grip didn't let up any. In fact, it seemed to get worse as time went on. "Jesus, your mother must've been mental! How stupid was she to actually believe in you?!" He screamed, ignoring the strands of hair that were falling in front of his eyes.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-07-15 21:14:04
Alrighty! :3))

James's whole face fell the moment Karlie said the last sentence. Though soon he started kicking at him, "Don't ever say that about her!!" He screamed, tears falling down his face. The pain and sadness he felt was overwhelming and he could feel himself panicking. He needed to get out, he needed to run. "Let go of me!!" He shouted and begged, his breathing picking up and soon he was in a full blown panic.


Posted 2022-07-15 21:19:04
What was the best part of your day today? ^w^ ))

Karlie was already dizzy, and James kicking at him was making it worse. He finally registered what he'd been doing, and let go of James' wrists immediately. He quickly realised, though, that James was having a full-blown panic attack. Against his better judgement, Karlie stepped forward and wrapped his arms loosely around James, making it clear that he wasn't trapped. He slowly lowered them to the ground, rubbing the other's back in an attempt to calm him down. You did this. You hurt him AGAIN.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-07-15 21:24:15
Hmm, well I hung out with my friend and I saw my aunt and uncle))
What about urs?))

James had his head buried into his knees. He had his knees pulled closely to his chest and his breathing was still bad. He was to the point of hyperventilating and he was still panicking. His whole body was shaking, and his face was stained with tears. He knew only two words at the moment 'Get out'. It ran through his head over and over and he was quickly panicking too get away from Karlie. He kept saying, "Let me go. Let me go. Let me go." Over and over. Even though he could have pulled away easier, his panicked state didn't help him realize that.


Posted 2022-07-15 21:29:53
Viv's sister came over today, and I got to hang out with the babies! ^v^ ))
Viv calls me a 'grown baby' sometimes =_= ))

Karlie continued running his hand up and down the other's back while he panicked, hardly even touching him at this point. "James, look." He spoke softly, trying to get his attention without freaking him out. "You can leave, okay? You aren't trapped, and I'm not doing anything. . alright? Please, just try to breathe." He pleaded, pressing his forehead to James' without thinking. It was just something he'd gotten used to, but now clearly wasn't the time for that. He pulled away hesitantly, realising he probably shouldn't have invaded his space again.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-07-15 21:33:11
😂 my friend was doing a babysitting job while I was there lol. The baby wouldn't stop crying. We have four little kids there at once, and three hyper dogs))

James shook his head as Karlie spoke, "D-don't talk to me." He stammered out as he quickly pushed himself up. His breathing still bad as he took off for the front door. He didn't look back as he jerked opened the door and ran out of it. He left the door wide open as he ran for the exit


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