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Read User Logs Like a Nerd

Read User Logs Like a Nerd
Posted 2022-02-24 13:24:13 (edited)
Some basic stuff

Filtering user logs should be easy. You want to filter charcoal and there you go - logs sweet logs!

You see everything done to your charcoal - found, bought, sold, used, etc. You can filter more! Want to know only about foraged coal? Let's pick another word from foraging logs, e.g. charcoal sent and there you go - you get only logs about foraged charcoal!

Congratz! You know basics how to filter! One more thing to know: filtering is not case sensitive, so you get the same logs when you type in cHaRcOaL sENT.

Basic but not this basic

You want to see bought out trades in logs. Buy out or bought out? Let's use the common word: out and see what we see.

Wait, did you get anything about scouting? How? Is there out in the logs?

Yes, there is! Filtered keywords don't have to appear as the whole words - if any log contains part of a word from the filtered keyword - you'll see it. (Want to see only as the whole word? See: Symbolic magic) At least it applies to any keyword at least 3 characters long. 1- and 2-character long keywords always filter as the whole word so typing in sc you'll only see logs that have word SC disregarding scouting words. Just see the difference: scout, scout out, scout sc - only scout and scout out have the same logs!

Symbolic magic

While filtering, bear in mind special chars are ignored and are treated as spaces - only letters and digits are filtered. So whether you type in 1 or +1 - same logs, you see all the 1s, +1s, +1%s and -1%s.

Special characters are used to manipulate words. Their purposes are the following:
  • Quotation marks "" filter for phrases: putting multiple keywords between quotation marks will filter for these words placed sequentially. Example: "2 strength". Beware: filtering too long phrases will load the page significantly longer, eventually you might be unable to load the page.
  • Asterisks * are like blanks in scrabble but for words: used in phrases will search for any word between searched keywords in sequence - as many any words as there are asterisks. Example: "played with * uses of a * * boosted". Beware: filtering for multiple phrases using an asterisk may result in no logs. To fix this, use asterisk between phrases. Example: "gained * exp" "proficiency point", "gained * exp" * "proficiency point"
  • Using minus - or exclamation mark ! before a word or phrase will negate the word/phrase, excluding logs containing it. Example: hunt -party Filtering only negated words/phrases will show no logs.
  • Using equation mark = before a word will filter for the whole word. Example: =out. 1- and 2-character words have this function applied automatically.
  • Vertical bar | put between words or phrases will search for either: if one of the words/phrases is included in the log, the log will be shown regardless of the other word/phrase. Example: strength | speed | agility | wisdom | smarts.
HTML prank

Great! Having read this far you're supposed to know everything about filtering, right? Let's see. Filtering word befriend you may see something like this:

Let's see what happens when I put in filter "=befriended a new wolf". You see no logs? You've never befriended a wolf then. Have you? Ah, so the problem lies elsewhere.

Logs are filtered for their HTML code. Plain text can be filtered as easily as you see but new lines, URL links, bold words, etc. have their HTML code that should be put as keywords if you want correct inputs. To see the HTML code, examine their source code.

According to the fancy code and the fact that special characters must be ignored, my filter should look like this "=befriended a a href wolf * new wolf" (asterisk for any wolf ID).

If you still fail to filter logs even though you know their HTML code - it could be because there's more HTML included that is displayed when the log is generated such as hunting or foraging results. See this:

Part of the HTML code:

But when I input "a href wolf 3778033 * a gained * EXP and 1 * proficiency" (you can generally try "a href wolf * * a gained * EXP and 1 * proficiency" but if this link doesn't load, replace wolf ID with one of your hunters), there are no logs.

After I finished this hunt, I got this message popped up:

And examining the HTML code from there we see this:

After inputting "a href wolf 3778033 class alert link * a gained * EXP and 1 * proficiency" (if "a href wolf * class alert link * a gained * EXP and 1 * proficiency" loads too much, input your hunter's wolf ID), this filter appears to be correct!

Counting pages

When you filter, each page contains 25 logs except for the last page and there can be max 200 pages. If you don't get 25 logs on the 200th page, you have less than 5000 logs filtered. Now you can calculate logs.

For example, if you want to see how many trophies you've gained throughout the battles, you can input battle trophy. Let's say you see 7 pages, on 7th page there are 3 logs. It means there are 25 logs on the first 6 pages each and 3 logs on the last page which means you've gained 153 trophies.

Some practical stuff

Without further baiting, I think this is all I could say about logs. This topic might've taught you how to extract mysterious logs you had never expected to read again. You can find out how many Christmas gifts you have sent or review the history of your breedings.

You can filter 345 to see all interactions with user ID 345 and trade ID 120345 and item ID 33913452... or "profile 345" to see all interactions with user ID 345 and user ID 3455 and user ID 19345... or input "profile =345" to see interactions only with user ID 345 - did you use to find logs with EA players who change their names problematic? Not anymore!

Counting bonus stats on hunters? No problem. To see how many bonus stats your chaser with wolf ID 1234567 and one-worded name has gained, input "a href wolf 1234567 class alert link * a gained * EXP and 1 chasing proficiency point new total * 1" and count how many +1 stats your hunter has gained, then input "a href wolf 1234567 class alert link * a gained * EXP and 1 chasing proficiency point new total * 2" to count +2 stats then add the results.

If you have any questions regarding the user log mechanic or how to extract certain logs, ask below!


Posted 2022-07-04 04:52:54
Wow, there's lots of information I did not know, thanks a lot for this guide, it's very useful!

Fal - semi hiatus

Posted 2022-08-21 12:29:40
ngl i could not read any of this-



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