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NIB (aka "Clean") Breeding?

Posted 2020-09-28 03:51:56

I'm going to do only clean because I want to include birth family in lore and that means Clean >:(


Posted 2020-09-28 13:01:13

I don't plan on NIB on here. Mutations and inbreeding will have relation with each other once more mutations start coming out (inbreeding will increase mutie chances last I was told). I could easily go the NIB route, but it's just really frustrating to constantly have to check bloodlines for years on end.

Pretty much I'm not going to breed sibling to sibling or parent to child. I don't care so much if it's a 2nd cousin twice removed, lol. Just don't see the need in NIB if that isn't something most people don't even do with their real breeding animals.


Posted 2020-09-28 14:10:37

Considering what everyone is saying, yeah I'll probably be more likely to inbred here. I'm just going to limit myself to no breeding offspring and parents, or like offspring and great grand parents. A few lines removed would be nice. 


Posted 2020-09-28 18:31:14

to each their own, if its something you want to do simply for the challenge sure. I've even debated it myself. However, it is just a game, i don't think theres anything wrong with 'inbreeding' virtual coding as ive seen a couple people complain about. And im just a stickler for having fun more then I am doing difficult challenges. It's definitely something id reconsider if there was a actual game mechanic built around it, but otherwise its just a players preference! 


Posted 2020-09-29 18:22:14

I like the idea of it, but I wonder how the logistics of this will look 1-2 years. For now it will be easy to keep it clean. But what happens when people want new kings? You can't pass on your wolfs 'looks' like you can in lioden. 

I think people will have a harder time choosing between clean or very pretty looking wolves, and stats too which is supposedly way more important in this game.


Posted 2020-09-29 20:56:30

While I don't care about inbreeding when I'm buying lions or breeding them with dirty studs, I still try to avoid inbreeding within my own Pride. I've recently begun breeding my male with some very distantly related females in my pride, so distant that their cubs don't even show as dirty. 


Posted 2020-09-30 04:45:03

Im going with clean breeding 

Was inbreeding on lioden and then switched on lioden to clean breeding for the chsllenge cause i was getting bored of it and I liked it a lot more so I'm gonna keep at clean breeding here just to have fun with it

Doesnt mean i may or may not dedicste 1 cave to inbreeding if theres something specific I can only get through that though


Posted 2020-09-30 13:01:04

While I particularly play dirty on Lioden, I think on here, I will choose to play the game clean. May as well since there are various options to choose from right now. 


Posted 2020-09-30 13:17:02

Inbreeding on WD won't cause mutations. Carriers bred to other Mutations or Carriers can result in mutations. But you can achieve this without Inbreeding. It doesn't increase your chances at all. 


Posted 2020-10-01 08:55:18 (edited)

@Kiri but in theory (at least real life genetics) it increases the chances of getting a mutation based this way. You are right that it can't cause mutations, but if 2 siblings carry a gene for a mutation (but it is recessive so they don't display it) and breed with each other, there is a much higher chance that their pups will get both sets of "mutation genes". In comparison when breeding outwards (especially if in their lineage there is no presence of mutations) the chance that both wolves carry the "mutation gene" and pass it on is less likely. Inbreeding can't create new genes, but can aggregate them.


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